About the Author

Mark Bell is a Ph.D. student at Indiana University. He studies virtual worlds and their effect on social relations. Before returning to school, Mark worked for 15 years in the software industry as a technical writer, trainer, and developer. He started his first web design company in 1993 and has been making pages and managing websites ever since. He is the father of Jackson, 6, and the husband of Sarah “Intellagirl” Robbins. Mark blogs at blog.markwbell.com. He can be found on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


To three people:

To Sarah, my wife, who because she believes in my strength and determination fuels those two things. She gives me energy, life, and love. I am damn lucky to have found her.

To my son, Jackson, who is a constant inspirational source of joy. When he created a book in his kindergarten class and showed it to me his eyes shone with intelligence and warmth. Son, I give my best to you.

To my friend, Davin, who has always stood by me and loved me no matter what. He is a true friend who has joined me in this digital journey from the very beginning with a Timex Sinclair 1000 in his living room.

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