
This book was written by one person but had the contributions of thousands from the web via and Facebook. It also comes with the help of Sarah, my wife, and mental collaborators Matt, Travis, Robert, Jim, and Nick. Without these great minds around me I would never get anywhere.

Special thanks to Kevin, who has probably blogged about this already.

Special thanks to Indiana University and my advisor Ted Castronova, for understanding that I need to make money doing “other” projects. To John Dailey, for letting me learn how to teach the web from a master.

Thanks to Tim Berners-Lee for creating the web and for Richard Stallman for being the father of open source, and to all the open source developers who put in millions of hours so that we all can share amazing free software.

Thanks to my high school computer teachers, Mrs. Todd and Mr. Cooper, who let me run wild in a digital playground.

To my mother, brothers, sisters, and all their families.

Most special thanks to my friends and family, who are patient with my writing schedule.

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