
We would like to thank the engineering management chain at our employers, ShopKeep Inc., particularly Joshua Vickery, Duncan Grazier, Jason Ordway, and Miriam Kerbache. They supported this endeavor by giving us the permission and space to work on it, and by giving us an enjoyable and progressive engineering environment to return to. They also gave us access to Stepan Hruda, one of the most awesome engineers we’ve worked with and a fearsome force when it comes to reviewing code as our tech editor. We also can’t forget our fellow iOS engineers in ShopKeep: Robert and Team Charlie (Kieran, Wes, Zack, and Jordan) in Belfast, as well as James and Gabe in New York City. You all make us much better developers.

Once again, we have had the utmost pleasure in working with Robyn Thomas on this book. This time, we ganged up on Robyn and tried to force the UK/US English matter, but she along with our copyeditor, Scout Festa, held firm. We sympathise greatly with them.

This time around, we had a new project editor: Connie Jeung-Mills. We’re very pleased to have had the opportunity to work with Connie and extremely grateful that she was able to wrangle us some more pages when we couldn’t stick to our page budget. Thanks also to Clifford Colby for starting the project off (twice, actually); we miss you in our weekly conference calls, though you still owe Robyn an Apple Watch.

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