Preparing the Azure Stack VHDX boot

The next step will be to prepare the CloudBuilder.vhdx to boot into it. This will be done as follows:

.PrepareBootFromVHD.ps1 -CloudBuilderDiskPath C:CloudBuilder.vhdx

Where the parameters have the following meaning:






The path to the CloudBuilder.vhdx on the PoC host.



Lets you add additional drivers for the PoC host in the VHD.



Specify this switch parameter to automate the configuration of the operating system. If specified, the user must provide the AdminPassword to configure the OS at boot (requires provided accompanying file unattend_NoKVM.xml). If you do not use this parameter, the generic unattend.xml file is used without further customization. You'll need KVM access to complete customization after it reboots.



Only used when the ApplyUnattend parameter is set, requires a minimum of six characters.



Specifies the VHD language, defaulted to en-US.


Within the next few minutes the VHDX boot of Azure Stack will be prepared and all necessary things will be done to prepare the boot and finally boot into it.

After having successfully booted into the VHDX, the next step is now to prepare the deployment itself, which is the main task of the Azure Stack setup. This is being done with the following PowerShell script: InstallAzureStackPoC.ps1. Depending on which setup you are planning, you will need to use different parameters. And finally, when you are not relying on a DHCP Server available during the deployment, you will need to run the setup with fixed IPs and static configurations for time server and DNS.

The deployment itself is running somewhere between 2½ and 4 hours, depending on the underlying hardware:

  • Setup for the Azure AD connected scenario:
  • Setup for the disconnected scenario:
      .InstallAzureStackPoC.ps1 -UseADFS  
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