Test your knowledge

  1. By default, nose2 looks for modules whose names start with the following prefix:
    1. test
    2. run
    3. unittest

  2. By default, nose2 loads tests from all the subclasses of the following class:
    1. unittest.Test
    2. unittest.TestCase
    3. unittest.RunTest

  3. The setUp method in a subclass of unittest.TestCase:
    1. Is executed before each test method runs.
    2. Is executed only once before all the tests start their execution.
    3. Is executed only once after all the tests finish their execution.

  4. The tearDown method in a subclass of unittest.TestCase:
    1. Is executed after each test method runs.
    2. Is executed before each test method runs.
    3. Is executed after a test method only when it fails.

  5. If we declare a get_accept_content_type_headers method within a subclass of unittest.TestCase, by default, nose2:
    1. Will load this method as a test.
    2. Will load this method as the setUp method for each test.
    3. Won't load this method as a test.

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