Chapter 9.  Developing RESTful APIs with Tornado

In this chapter, we will work with Tornado to create a RESTful Web API and start working with this lightweight Web framework. We will cover the following topics:

  • Designing a RESTful API to interact with slow sensors and actuators
  • Understanding the tasks performed by each HTTP method
  • Setting up a virtual environment with Tornado
  • Declaring status codes for the responses
  • Creating the classes that represent a drone
  • Writing request handlers
  • Mapping URL patterns to request handlers
  • Making HTTP requests to the Tornado API
  • Working with command-line tools - curl and HTTPie
  • Working with GUI tools - Postman and others

Designing a RESTful API to interact with slow sensors and actuators

Imagine that we have to create a RESTful API to control a drone, also known as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The drone is an IoT device that interacts with many sensors and actuators, including digital electronic speed controllers linked to engines, propellers, and servomotors.

The IoT device has limited resources, and therefore, we have to use a lightweight Web framework. Our API doesn't need to interact with a database. We don't need a heavyweight Web framework like Django, and we want to be able to process many requests without blocking the Web server. We need the Web server to provide us with good scalability while consuming limited resources. Thus, our choice is to use Tornado, the open source version of FriendFeed's Web server.

The IoT device is capable of running Python 3.5, Tornado, and other Python packages. Tornado is a Python Web framework and an asynchronous networking library that provides excellent scalability due to its non-blocking network I/O. In addition, Tornado will allow us to easily and quickly build a lightweight RESTful API.

We have chosen Tornado because it is more lightweight than Django and it makes it easy for us to create an API that takes advantage of the non-blocking network I/O. We don't need to use an ORM, and we want to start running the RESTful API on the IoT device as soon as possible to allow all the teams to interact with it.

We will interact with a library that allows us to run the slow I/O operations that interact with the sensors and actuators with an execution that happens outside the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). Thus, we will be able to take advantage of the non-blocking feature in Tornado when a request needs to execute any of these slow I/O operations. In our first version of the API, we will work with a synchronous execution, and therefore, when an HTTP request to our API requires running a slow I/O operation, we will block the request processing queue until the slow I/O operation with either a sensor or an actuator provides a response. We will execute the I/O operation with a synchronous execution and Tornado won't be able to continue processing other incoming HTTP requests until a response is sent to the HTTP request.

Then, we will create a second version of our API that will take advantage of the non-blocking features included in Tornado, in combination with asynchronous operations. In the second version, when an HTTP request to our API requires running a slow I/O operation, we won't block the request processing queue until the slow I/O operation with either a sensor or an actuator provides a response. We will execute the I/O operation with an asynchronous execution, and Tornado will be able to continue processing other incoming HTTP requests.


We will keep our example simple and we won't use a library to interact with sensors and actuators. We will just print information about the operations that will be performed by these sensors and actuators. However, in our second version of the API, we will write our code to make asynchronous calls in order to understand the advantages of the non-blocking features in Tornado. We will use a simplified set of sensors and actuators—bear in mind that drones usually have more sensors and actuators. Our goal is to learn how to work with Tornado to build a RESTful API; we don't want to become experts in building drones.

Each of the following sensors and actuators will be a resource in our RESTful API:

  • A hexacopter, that is, a 6-rotor helicopter
  • An altimeter (altitude sensor)
  • A blue LED (Light-Emitting Diode)
  • A white LED

The following table shows the HTTP verbs, the scope, and the semantics for the methods that our first version of the API must support. Each method is composed by an HTTP verb and a scope and all the methods have a well-defined meaning for all sensors and actuators. In our API, each sensor or actuator has its own unique URL:

HTTP verb





Retrieve the current hexacopter's motor speed in RPMs and its status (turned on or off)



Set the current hexacopter's motor speed in RPMs



Retrieve the brightness level for a single LED



Update the brightness level for a single LED



Retrieve the current altitude in feet

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