Adding users and databases in PostgreSQL

Now, we should know how to create a new user and database. For this, we are going to use Ubuntu/Mac as the general example. We do this in a shell called the psql shell. We can see all available commands in psql using the ?  command. In order to enter into psql, first change to the postgres user. On Ubuntu, you can do that using the following command:

sudo su postgres

Now, it turns us into a user called postgres. Then, launch the psql shell using the psql command. If you type ? in there, you see the output of all available commands:


To list all available users and their privileges, you will find a command in the Informational section of shell help, that is:

du - List roles

A role is an access permission given to a user. The default role in that list is postgres:

postgres=# du

List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

The preceding command lists roles (users) with their attributes (what a role is allowed to do) and other options. For adding a new user, we just type this psql command:

CREATE ROLE naren with LOGIN PASSWORD 'passme123';

This creates a new user with the name naren and the password passme123. Now, give the permission to the user to create databases and further roles, using the following command:


In order to delete a user, just use the DROP command in the same context:

DROP ROLE naren;
Don't try to change the password for the default postgres user. It is intended to be a sudo account, and should not be kept as a normal user. Instead, create a role and give require permissions for it.

Now we know how to create a role. Let us see a few more CRUD commands, which are really SQL commands that we see in other relational databases too. Take a look at the following table:

Action SQL command
Create database
Create table
CREATE TABLE products (
    product_no integer,
    name text,
    price numeric
Insert into table
INSERT INTO products VALUES (1, 'Rice', 5.99);
Update table
UPDATE products SET price = 10 WHERE price = 5.99;
Delete from table
DELETE FROM products WHERE price = 5.99;


Now, let us see from Go how we can talk to PostgreSQL and try to do the preceding operations using a simple example. 

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