adjacency moves, 6163

Alexander the Great, 410, 7980

Allen, James, Profit from the Core, 57

Amazon, 59

American Airlines, 61

American Home Products, 49

Anderson, Chris, Free: The Future of a Radical Price, 7475

Apple, 53, 58, 59

back-from-the-future thinking, 40

beliefs, 101

Beyond the Core (Zook), 61, 62

Blanchard, Ken, The Power of Ethical Management, 25

blue ocean strategy, 86

brainstorming, 1920

business description and analysis, 3537

business model innovation, 2, 74

business strategy, 12

Canadian Pacific Railway, 36

Canon, 86

Carnival Cruise Lines, 88

cascading message, 94

centralization decision, 9798

checklist, 20

Churchill, Winston, 60

clarity, need for, 44

cohesive unit action, 14

comfort zone, 68

communication, 93, 103


engaging entire, 9195

reinventing, 76

repositioning, 18

competition, 86, 8790

competitive advantage, 14, 53, 87

concentration, 54, 5660, 65

concerted action, principle of, 1415, 91

conglomerate power, 59

contingency plans, 80

core market, 57

Creating and Dominating New Markets (Meyer), 8385

culture, 103

current situation, assessing, 1819

customers, 29, 3738, 42, 88

Darius of Persia, 610, 7980, 91

decisions, right or wrong, 70

differentiation, 5253, 86

distribution method, 48

divestment strategy, 6466

driving force, 4550, 101102

Drucker, Peter, 28, 44, 53

economies of scale strategy, 82

The Economist, 12

80/20 rule, 5758

employees, motivating, 93

environment, for strategic planning, 24

excluded alternative, law of, 6566

exploitation, principle of, 16

facilitator of planning process, 24

finances, 43

five-year fantasy, 3940

flexibility, 14, 7982

focus, 65

Fortunate 500, 2526

free product, 7475

Free: The Future of a Radical Price (Anderson), 7475

Freedman, Mike, 99

future, creating perfect, 19

Galunic, Charles, 9495

Gaugamela, 710, 12

General Electric, 32

goals, 1, 3839, 4344

holes, law of, 66

Hrebiniak, Lawrence G., 92, 9697

IBM, 26, 63

ideal customer, 5354

idealization, 39

IKEA, 47

Immelt, Jeffrey, 32

implementation of strategy, 102103

incentives, 93

information sharing, 93

innovation, 14

integration, 92

interdependence, 92

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hood (Vaynerchuk), 75

Jobs, Steve, 58

Kepner-Tregoe, 99

key players, 2124

Kim, W. Chan, 86

KWINK (Knowing What I Now Know) analysis, 6769

Lackner, Klaus, 8182

leadership, failure of, 2223

Levitt, Theodore, 29

Linkner, Josh, The Road to Reinvention, 7677

Lombardi, Vince, 20

Making Strategy Work (Hrebiniak), 92

managerial ego, 66

maneuver, principle of, 14, 79

market position, 38

markets, 42, 46, 52

exploiting advantage, 16

mass, principle of, 13, 56

Mauborgne, Renée, 86

McKinsey Quarterly, 98

Meyer, Peter, Creating and Dominating New Markets, 8385

mindstorming, 20

mission, 5, 3134

monitoring strategy, 103

morale, 15

natural resources, 4849

Netscape, 84

new markets, 8386

Nietzche, Friedrich, 30

Nike, 62

objective, 12

obselete business models, 2

offensive, 1213, 7378

opportunities, maximizing, 18

organizational structure, 9698

Pareto principle, 57

past, reexamining, 19

Peale, Norman Vincent, The Power of Ethical Management, 25

plan, importance of, 8

pooled interdependence, 92

Porter, Michael, 53, 87

The Power of Ethical Management (Peale, Blanchard), 25

The Power of Simplicity (Trout), 58

president, power of, 22

product/market matrix, 102

production capability, 43, 47

products, 41, 46, 84

Profit from the Core (Allen, Zook), 57

profit pools, 63

purpose, 30

qualities in mission statement, 32

quality, 7576

railroads, 36

reciprocal interdependence, 9293

Rent-A-Car, 62

repeatable formula, 62

reputation of company, 29

responsibility for strategy, 2124

return on equity, 17

return/profit, 49

The Road to Reinvention (Linkner), 7677

Rohn, John, 16

Royal Dutch Shell, 80

sales method, 48

segmentation, 5354

senior executives, 23

sequential interdependence, 92

services, 41, 46

size/growth driving force, 49

specialization, 5152

strategic intelligence gathering and analysis, 99

strategic planning, 18, 5155

questions, 1720, 68

strategic principles, 1116

strategy, 1

implementation, 23, 102103

success, quality for, 56

sunk costs, 6970, 71

surprise, principle of, 1516

target market, 54

technology, 43

technology-driven driving force, 47

thinking, 3, 7980

Tregoe, Benjamin, 45, 99

Trout, Jack, The Power of Simplicity, 58

umbrella statement, 3233

values, 2528

van Ryzin, Garrett, 8182

Vaynerchuk, Gary, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hood, 75

vision, 2830

Walmart, 61

Welch, Jack, 32, 65

zero-based thinking, 6772

Zimmerman, John, 45

Zook, Chris

Beyond the Core, 61, 62

Profit from the Core, 57

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