

A/B testing, 7

ad hoc, 165


in culture at Departmental Level, 141

in culture at Individual Level, 135

in culture at Innovate Level, 161

in culture in Enterprise Level organizations, 148

in culture in Optimize Level organizations, 155

defined, 165

alignment, 165

analytical thinking

in culture at Departmental Level, 142

in culture at Individual Level, 136

in culture at Innovate Level, 162

in culture in Enterprise Level organizations, 148149

in culture in Optimize Level organizations, 156


about, 68

defined, 165

in Departmental Level, 138

in Enterprise Level organizations, 145

in Individual Level, 133

in Innovate Level, 159

in Optimize Level organizations, 152

Ariely, Dan

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions, 92


banking industry, 45

Belhouari, Adil, 116

BICC (Business Intelligence Competency Center)

See Center of Excellence (CoE)

big bang approach, compared with phased approach, 109

big data

defined, 165

in Enterprise Level organizations, 62

in Foundational Level organizations, 62

“black box” tools, 59

business analytics, 92

business experts, 165

business focus

in Departmental Level, 136

in Enterprise Level organizations, 143

in Individual Level, 131

in Innovate Level, 157

in Optimize Level organizations, 149

business insight, critical role of

about, 12, 10, 12

conventional wisdom, 35

disruptive nature of data, 23

gut instinct, 68

people, process, technology, and culture, 811

speed of data, 56

weighing risk, 68

business intelligence, 165

Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC)

See Center of Excellence (CoE)

business objectives, aligning capabilities with, 2022

business process, 166

business rule, 166

business transformation, 121126

See also specific topics

business users, 166



aligning with business objectives, 2022

assessing current, 1920, 123124

current and desired, 123124

Center of Excellence (CoE)

about, 21, 40, 64, 88, 8991

accelerating maturity, 9799

‘big picture’ of information, 9293

change agents, 93, 111112

culture in, 108109

defined, 166

functions hosted by, 99103, 100f

funding mechanisms, 109110

information processes in, 105

interpretations of structure of, 9899

key role of, 104

levels of maturity and, 9596

location in organizational chart, 99

naming, 92

organization of, 9697

people in, 104

phased versus big bang approach to starting, 109

roles and responsibilities of, 9295

securing organizational pillars with, 104109

selecting personalities for, 110

technical infrastructure in, 106108

Challenged Level organizations

about, 2627

consequences of, 46

culture, 3537, 4446

in Departmental level, 3746

in IEM, 23, 24f

in Individual level, 2737

information processes, 3233, 4041

strategy objectives for, 4647

technical infrastructure, 3335, 4144

challenges, to transforming your organization, 1518

change agents

for CoEs, 111112

defined, 166

as role of CoE, 93

change management

defined, 166

in information processes at Departmental Level, 140

in information processes at Individual Level, 134

in information processes in Enterprise Organizations, 147

in knowledge processes in Innovate Level, 160

in knowledge processes in Optimize Level organizations, 154

cloud computing, 166

CLV (customer lifetime value), 167


See Center of Excellence (CoE)


in culture in Departmental Level, 141

in culture in Enterprise Level organizations, 148

in culture in Individual Level, 135

in culture in Innovate Level, 162

in culture in Optimize Level organizations, 155

defined, 166

collaborators, 8182

competencies, current and desired, 123124


in information processes in Departmental Level, 139

in information processes in Enterprise Level organizations, 146

in information processes in Individual Level, 133134

in knowledge processes in Innovate Level, 159160

in knowledge processes in Optimize Level organizations, 153

conventional wisdom, 35

credit card fraud, 78

cross-functional peer groups, 82

CRV (Customer Risk Value), 118120

cultural driver

defined, 166

as role of CoE, 93


as an initiative to achieve objectives, 125

in Challenged Level organizations, 3537, 4446

in CoEs, 108109

defined, 166

in Departmental Level, 45, 141142

in Enterprise Level organizations, 61, 147149

in Individual Level, 36, 135136

in Innovate Level organizations, 8586, 161163

in Optimize Level organizations, 78, 155156

supporting analytics, 810

customer lifetime value (CLV), 167

Customer Risk Value (CRV), 118120

customer value, 4


“daily deal”, 29

dashboard, 167


disruptive nature of, 23

speed of, 56

data cleansing, 167

data complexity, as a challenge to organization transformation, 16

data governance

about, 9

defined, 167

as a function of CoEs, 100f, 103

data management

defined, 167

in Departmental Level, 138

in Enterprise Level organizations, 145

as a function of CoEs, 100f, 101102

in Individual Level, 133

in Innovate Level, 159

in Optimize Level organizations, 152

data mart, 167

Data Mavericks, 27, 2932, 3437, 38, 167

data modeling, 167

data quality, 168

data silos, 168

data steward, 100f, 103, 168

data value

defined, 168

in Departmental Level, 137

in Enterprise Level organizations, 143

in Individual Level, 131

in Innovate Level, 157

in Optimize Level organizations, 149150

data visualization, 168

data volume, as a challenge to organization transformation, 15

data warehouse, 168

decision making

defined, 168

in Departmental Level, 137

in Enterprise Level organizations, 143

in Individual Level, 131132

in Innovate Level, 157

in Optimize Level organizations, 150


in information processes at Departmental Level, 139

in information processes at Individual Level, 133

in information processes in Enterprise Level organizations, 146

in knowledge processes at Innovate Level, 159

in knowledge processes in Optimize Level organizations, 152153

Deming, W. Edwards, 24

Departmental Level

about, 136137

adaptability in culture at, 141

analytical thinking in culture at, 142

analytics in, 138

business focus in, 136

Challenged Level organizations at, 3746

COEs and, 95

collaboration in culture in, 141

consistency of information processes in, 139

culture in, 45, 141142

data management in, 138

data value in, 137

decision making in, 137

degree in information processes at, 139

dynamics of people at, 140

globalization in, 137

governance in information processes at, 139140

in IEM, 23, 24f

information access in, 138

information processes at, 41, 139140

infrastructure in, 137139

innovation in culture at, 141142

intelligence tools in, 137138

internal collaboration in culture at, 142

IT architecture in, 137

metrics in information processes at, 139

motivators of people at, 140

outsourcing in information processes at, 140

people in, 38, 140

rewards in culture at, 141

skills of people at, 140

social responsibility in culture at, 142

technical infrastructure in, 43

technologies, new in, 138139

dimension tension, 168

diversity, 168

domain experts, 168169


defined, 169

of people at Departmental Level, 140

of people at Individual Level, 135

of people at Innovate Level, 161

of people in Enterprise Level organizations, 147

of people in Optimize Level organizations, 154155


Enterprise Business Analytics Program, as a function of CoEs, 100f, 102103

Enterprise Level organizations

about, 34, 142143

adaptability in culture in, 148

analytical thinking in culture in, 148149

analytics in, 145

big data in, 62

business focus in, 143

COEs and, 95

collaboration in culture in, 148

consistency of information processes in, 146

culture in, 61, 147149

data management in, 145

data value in, 143

decision making in, 143

degree in information processes in, 146

dynamics of people in, 147

globalization in, 143

governance in information processes in, 146

in IEM, 23, 24f

information access in, 144145

information processes in, 58, 146147

infrastructure of, 143145

innovation in culture in, 148

intelligence tools in, 144

internal collaboration in culture in, 148

IT architecture in, 143144

metrics in information processes in, 146

motivators of people in, 147

outsourcing in, 57

outsourcing in information processes in, 146147

people in, 56, 147

rewards in culture in, 147148

skills of people in, 147

social responsibility in culture in, 149

technical infrastructure at, 60

technologies, new in, 145

ERP (enterprise resource planning), 33, 169

E.SUN Bank example, 118121

executive sponsor, 1819, 169


failure, 76

forecast, 169

Forrester, 7

Foundational Level organizations

about, 50

big data in, 62

continuous improvement requirements of, 64

Enterprise Level organizations, 5461

in IEM, 23, 24f

possibilities of, 51

risks for, 6264

strategy objectives for, 6465

value of, 5154

funding, for CoEs, 109110


Gartner, 26


defined, 169

in Departmental Level, 137

in Enterprise Level organizations, 143

in Individual Level, 132

in Innovate Level, 158

in Optimize Level organizations, 150


in information processes at Departmental Level, 139140

in information processes at Individual Level, 134

in information processes in Enterprise Level organizations, 146

in knowledge processes at Innovate Level, 160

in knowledge processes in Optimize Level organizations, 153

grid computing, 169

gut instinct, 68



See Information Evolution Model (IEM)

Individual Level

about, 131132

adaptability in culture at, 135

analytical thinking in culture at, 136

analytics in, 133

business focus in, 131

Challenged Level organizations at, 2737

collaboration in culture in, 135

consistency of information processes in, 133134

culture in, 36, 135136

data management in, 133

data value in, 131

decision making in, 131132

degree in information processes at, 133

dynamics of people at, 135

globalization in, 132

governance in information processes at, 134

in IEM, 23, 24f

information access in, 133

information processes at, 33, 133134

infrastructure, 132133

innovation in culture at, 135136

intelligence tools in, 132

internal collaboration in culture at, 136

IT architecture in, 132

metrics in information processes at, 134

motivators of people at, 135

outsourcing in information processes at, 134

people at in, 32, 134135

rewards in culture at, 135

skills of people at, 134

social responsibility in culture at, 136

technical infrastructure at, 35

technologies, new in, 133

information access

defined, 169

in Departmental Level, 138

in Enterprise Level organizations, 144145

in Individual Level, 133

in Innovate Level, 158

in Optimize Level organizations, 151

information delivery, as a function of CoEs, 100f, 102

Information Evolution Model (IEM)

about, 1012, 11f, 2224

in Challenged Level organizations, 23, 24f

defined, 169

Departmental Level, 136142

Enterprise Level organizations, 142149

Individual Level, 131136

Innovate Level, 156163

Optimize Level organizations, 149156

organizational maturity levels, 2324, 24f

information infrastructure, as an initiative to achieve objectives, 125

information management process, 169

information processes

as an initiative to achieve objectives, 125

in Challenged Level organizations, 3233, 4041

in CoEs, 105

in Departmental Level, 41, 139140

in Enterprise Level organizations, 58

in Enterprise Level Organizations, 146147

in Individual Level, 33, 133134

in Innovate Level organizations, 83

in Optimized Level organizations, 7475

information value chain, 170


in Departmental Level, 137139

in Enterprise Level organizations, 143145

in Individual Level, 132133

in Innovate Level, 158159

in Optimize Level organizations, 150152

infrastructure resources, 170

Innovate Level organizations

about, 6869, 7981, 156158

adaptability in culture at, 161

analytical thinking in culture at, 162

analytics in, 159

business focus in, 157

COEs and, 9596

collaboration in culture in, 162

collaborators, 8182

consistency of knowledge processes in, 159160

culture in, 8586, 161163

data management in, 159

data value in, 157

decision making in, 157

degree in knowledge processes in, 159

dynamics of people at, 161

globalization in, 158

governance in knowledge processes in, 160

in IEM, 23, 24f

information access in, 158

information processes in, 83

infrastructure in, 158159

innovation in culture at, 162

intelligence tools in, 158

internal collaboration in culture at, 162

IT architecture in, 158

knowledge process in, 159160

managing constant renewal, 83

metrics in knowledge processes in, 160

motivators of people at, 161

outsourcing in knowledge processes in, 160

people in, 82, 160161

rewards in culture at, 161

skills of people at, 160161

social responsibility in culture at, 163

striving to be, 8687

support network for, 8385

technical infrastructure for, 8485

technologies, new in, 159


in culture at Departmental Level, 141142

in culture at Individual Level, 135136

in culture at Innovate Level, 162

in culture in Enterprise Level organizations, 148

in culture in Optimize Level organizations, 155156

defined, 170

intelligence tools

defined, 170

in Departmental Level, 137138

in Enterprise Level organizations, 144

in Individual Level, 132

in Innovate Level, 158

in Optimize Level organizations, 151

internal collaboration

in culture at Departmental Level, 142

in culture at Individual Level, 136

in culture at Innovate Level, 162

in culture in Enterprise Level organizations, 148

in culture in Optimize Level organizations, 156

internal information processes, as a function of CoEs, 100f, 103

IT architecture

defined, 170

in Departmental Level, 137

in Enterprise Level organizations, 143144

in Individual Level, 132

in Innovate Level, 158

in Optimize Level organizations, 150151


Jobs, Steve, 18


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 5456, 170

knowledge process

in Innovate Level, 159160

in Optimize Level organizations, 152154


leadership, importance of, 128129

Lewis, Michael

Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game, 3


master data, 170

master data management, 170

maturity levels

accelerating, 9799

and CoE, 9596

organizational, 2324, 24f

maturity model, 170

metadata, 170


defined, 171

in information processes at Departmental Level, 139

in information processes at Individual Level, 134

in information processes in Enterprise Level organizations, 146

in knowledge processes at Innovate Level, 160

in knowledge processes in Optimize Level organizations, 153

model building/deployment, 1415

Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game (Lewis), 3


defined, 171

of people at Departmental Level, 140

of people at Individual Level, 135

of people at Innovate Level, 161

of people in Enterprise Level organizations, 147

of people in Optimize Level organizations, 154


New York Times, 3


Oakland Athletics, 3

operational categories, of maturity levels, 2324, 24f


about, 6971

getting the most from, 7879

Optimize Level organizations

about, 6871, 149150

adaptability in culture in, 155

analytical thinking in culture in, 156

analytics in, 152

business focus in, 149

COEs and, 9596

collaboration in culture in, 155

consistency of knowledge processes in, 153

culture in, 78, 155156

data management in, 152

data value in, 149150

decision making in, 150

degree in knowledge processes in, 152153

dynamics of people in, 154155

globalization in, 150

governance in knowledge processes in, 153

in IEM, 23, 24f

information access in, 151

information processes in, 7475

infrastructure in, 150152

innovation in culture in, 155156

intelligence tools in, 151

internal collaboration in culture in, 156

IT architecture in, 150151

knowledge process in, 152154

metrics in knowledge processes in, 153

motivators of people in, 154

outsourcing in knowledge processes in, 154

people in, 73, 154155

rewards in culture in, 155

self-improvement in, 7375

self-managing knowledge workers, 7273

skills of people in, 154

social responsibility in culture in, 156

stopping at, 8687

technical infrastructure in, 77

technologies, new in, 152

organization transformation

aligning capabilities with business objectives, 2022

approaches to, 1315

assessing current capabilities, 1920

challenges of, 1517

executive sponsorship, 1819

first steps to, 24

managing challenges of, 1718

starting the journey, 2224


defined, 171

in Enterprise Level organizations, 57

in information processes at Departmental Level, 140

in information processes at Individual Level, 134

in information processes in Enterprise Level organizations, 146147

in knowledge processes at Innovate Level, 160

in knowledge processes in Optimize Level organizations, 154



as an initiative to achieve objectives, 125

in CoEs, 104

in Departmental Level, 38, 140

in Enterprise Level organizations, 56, 147

in Individual Level, 32, 134135

in Innovate Level organizations, 82, 160161

in Optimize Level organizations, 73, 154155

supporting analytics, 810

performance management, 126, 171

phased approach, compared with big bang approach, 109

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions (Ariely), 92

predictive analytics, modeling future with, 84

processes, supporting analytics, 810

Progressive organizations, 23, 24f, 6869


renewal, managing constant, 83


in culture at Departmental Level, 141

in culture at Individual Level, 135

in culture at Innovate Level, 161

in culture in Enterprise Level organizations, 147148

in culture in Optimize Level organizations, 155

defined, 171


facing Enterprise Level organizations, 6264

weighing, 68

risk-to-innovation phenomenon, 7

Riyad Bank example, 114118, 120121


scalability, 171

self-improvement, in Optimized Level organizations, 7375

self-managing knowledge workers, 7273

service-oriented architecture (SOA), 171

shared services model, 171

Silver, Nate, 3


as an initiative to achieve objectives, 125

defined, 171

of people at Departmental Level, 140

of people at Individual Level, 134

of people at Innovate Level, 160161

of people in Enterprise Level organizations, 147

of people in Optimize Level organizations, 154

SOA (service-oriented architecture), 171

social responsibility

in culture at Departmental Level, 142

in culture at Individual Level, 136

in culture at Innovate Level, 163

in culture in Enterprise Level organizations, 149

in culture in Optimize Level organizations, 156

defined, 171

static reports, 172

“sticky buttons”, 43

strategy development

about, 113114

characteristics of, 121122

E.SUN Bank example, 118121

guiding principles of, 127128

identifying starting points for, 126127

key components of, 122126

knowing where to start, 114

leadership, 128129

Riyad Bank example, 114118, 120121

strategy objectives

approach to achieving, 124125

for Challenged Level organizations, 4647

clarity of, 122123

current and desired capabilities and competencies, 123124

for Foundational organizations, 6465

organizational initiatives to achieve, 125

performance management KPIs, 126

for Progressive organizations, 8788

support network, for Innovate Level organizations, 8385


technical infrastructure

as an initiative to achieve objectives, 125

in Challenged Level organizations, 3335, 4144

in CoEs, 106108

in Departmental Level, 43

in Enterprise Level organizations, 60

in Individual Level, 35

in Innovate Level organizations, 8485

in Optimize Level organizations, 77

technologies, new

in Departmental Level, 138139

in Enterprise Level organizations, 145

in Individual Level, 133

in Innovate Level, 159

in Optimize Level organizations, 152

technology, supporting analytics, 810

text analytics, 172

“them,” “us” versus, 4446

transparency, 172


“us,” “them” versus, 4446



See also data value

customer, 4

of Foundation organizations, 5154

value chain, 52


wariness, overcoming, 5253

Washington Post, 3

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