How it works...

Save your code and refresh your browser. Your URL should be http://localhost:[your port number]/student/find for this to work correctly.

The HTTP request is routed to the StudentController that in turn populates and returns the Student model containing the data we need and sends it to the Find Razor view. This is the essence of what the MVC framework is all about. There is a lot more to cover when it comes to the MVC framework and ASP.NET Core, but this chapter just deals with the basic introduction to these topics.

We as developers are continually challenged to stay up to date with the latest and greatest technologies. There is a drive in us to learn more and become better at what we do. The very fact that you are reading this book is a testament to that. Regarding this chapter, however, .NET Core and the MVC framework are areas that definitely need more learning. It is not possible to cover all there is to know in a single chapter. There are various online resources available to developers. I find that one of the best (and free) resources for learning new tech is the Microsoft Virtual Academy at Free Microsoft training is delivered by experts.

Hopefully, this is enough to pique your interest and will encourage you to research the topics further.

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