How it works...

Run your web application and see the basic invoice displayed on the web page. Make sure that you have set your InvoicePrint.aspx page as the start page for your web application. Click on the Print this invoice link.

You will see that the invoice is created in the output path you specified.

Click on the PDF document to open the invoice. 

DocRaptor provides a service that is really useful to developers creating web solutions. If you need to create PDF or Excel documents from your application, DocRaptor can benefit your team. The test document used in this example is free to use without it being deducted from your monthly quota (if you are on a paid plan).

In the true serverless sense of the word, DocRaptor provides functionality to you without you having to write a lot of extra code. It is super easy to implement and super easy to maintain. The preceding example is really basic, but you can pass DocRaptor a URL instead of the DocumentContent to print the page you want. From the developer's perspective, they don't care how DocRaptor does what they do. It just works. And this is the idea behind serverless computing. 

Developers can implement solutions in their applications easily, effortlessly, and in record time, using minimal code while adding a lot of value to the application they're developing. The functionality being implemented can also easily scale as demand increases. There are, however, overage charges on the professional plan. Lastly, creating a few PDF documents will probably not make much of a difference in server computing power. Consider then that DocRaptor is used by some large companies that probably generate thousands of documents each month. All those document generation requests do not get processed by the customer using DocRaptor, but by the DocRaptor servers themselves.

You are then left with being able to develop a lightweight, streamlined web application that will not place huge demand on your server as volumes increase. 

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