How to do it...

  1. To illustrate the use of a throw expression, create a method called GetNameLength() in the Chapter1 class. All it does is check to see if the length of a name is not zero. If it is, then the method will throw an exception right there in the expression.
        public int GetNameLength(string firstName, string lastName)
return (firstName.Length + lastName.Length) > 0 ?
firstName.Length + lastName.Length : throw new
Exception("First name and last name is empty");
  1. To see the throw expression in action, create an instance of the Chapter1 class and call the GetNameLength() method. Pass it two blank strings as parameters.
Chapter1 ch1 = new Chapter1();
int nameLength = ch1.GetNameLength("", "");
catch (Exception ex)
  1. Running your console application will then return the exception message as the output.
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