Practicing and exploring

Test your knowledge and understanding by answering some questions, get some hands-on practice, and explore this chapter's topics with deeper research.

Exercise 13.1 - test your knowledge

Answer the following questions:

  1. Which control would you choose to allow the user to easily choose their date of birth on many different types of devices?
  2. Which XAML element would you use to adapt the layout of your app to handle different device families?
  3. How can you set multiple properties on an XAML element as a single group?
  4. What is the difference between a control template and a data template?
  5. Can XAML bindings be two-ways or just one-way?

Exercise 13.2 - practice building a universal tip calculator

Create an app for UWP that calculates a tip for common percentages.

Exercise 13.3 - explore topics

Use the following links to read more about this chapter's topics.

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