Chapter 14 - Building Web Applications Using ASP.NET Core MVC

  1. What is the difference between a web browser and a web server?
    • A web browser makes HTTP requests for resources and a web server sends HTTP responses back containing a mix of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other media formats, which the browser then displays to the end user.
  2. What is the difference between a URI, a URL, and a URN?
    • Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is the more general term instead of URL or URN. A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a type of URI that species a location of a resource. A Uniform Resource Name (URN) is intended to serve as persistent, location-independent identifier.
  3. What are the four most common HTTP methods?
    • The GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE are the most common HTTP methods.
  4. What does it mean when a web server responds with status code 302?
    • The web server is indicating a temporary redirect. This means that the web server found the resource but it is at a different location. A response header is used to tell the web browser about the new location. Note that status code 301 is similar but represents a permanent redirect.
  5. What are the responsibilities of a route?
    • At the minimum, a route must provide the name of a controller and an action. It can also provide additional parameter values defined in segments.
  6. What are the responsibilities of a controller?
    •  A controller (and one of its actions) must examine the request and decide which model needs to be passed to which view and then return the response to the client.
  7. What are the responsibilities of a model?
    • A model represents all the data required for a particular request.
  8. What are the responsibilities of a view?
    • A view converts a model into another format, typically HTML, but it could be any media type, for example, JPEG, DOCX, JSON, XML, and so on.
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