Practicing and exploring

Test your knowledge and understanding by answering some questions, get some hands-on practice, and explore with deeper research into topics of this chapter.

Exercise 4.1 - test your knowledge

Use the Web to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the maximum number of characters that can be stored in a string?
  2. When and why should you use a SecureString?
  3. When is it appropriate to use a StringBuilder?
  4. When should you use a LinkedList?
  5. When should you use a SortedDictionary class rather than a SortedList class?
  6. What is the ISO culture code for Welsh?
  7. What is the difference between localization, globalization, and internationalization?
  8. In a regular expression, what does $ mean?
  9. In a regular expression, how could you represent digits?
  10. Why should you not use the official standard for e-mail addresses to create a regular expression to validate a user's e-mail address?

Exercise 4.2 - practice regular expressions

Create a console application named Ch04_Exercise02 that prompts the user to enter a regular expression, and then prompts the user to enter some input and compare the two for a match until the user presses Esc :

The default regular expression checks for at least one digit.
Enter a regular expression (or press ENTER to use the default): ^[a- z]+$
Enter some input: apples
apples matches ^[a-z]+$? True
Press ESC to end or any key to try again.
Enter a regular expression (or press ENTER to use the default): ^[a- z]+$

Enter some input: abc123xyz
abc123xyz matches ^[a-z]+$? False
ESC to end or any key to try again.

Exercise 4.3 - explore topics

Use the following links to read in more detail the topics covered in this chapter:

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