Practicing and exploring

Test your knowledge and understanding by answering some questions, get some hands-on practice, and explore this chapter's topics with deeper research.

Exercise 8.1 - test your knowledge

Answer the following questions:

  1. Which .NET data provider would you use to work with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express Edition?
  2. When defining a DbContext class, what type would you use for the property that represents a table, for example, the Products property of a Category entity?
  3. What is the EF convention for primary keys?
  4. When would you use an annotation attribute in an entity class?
  5. Why might you choose the Fluent API in preference to annotation attributes?

Exercise 8.2 - explore the EF Core documentation

Go to the following website and read the official Entity Framework Core documentation. Follow the tutorials to create Windows desktop, and web applications and services. If you have a macOS or a Linux virtual machine, follow the tutorials to use EF Core on those alternative platforms.

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