Practicing and exploring

Test your knowledge and understanding by answering some questions, get some hands-on practice, and explore with deeper research into the topics covered in this chapter.

Exercise 9.1 - test your knowledge

Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the two required parts of LINQ?
  2. Which LINQ extension method would you use to return a subset of properties from a type?
  3. Which LINQ extension method would you use to filter a sequence?
  4. List five LINQ extension methods that perform aggregation.
  5. What is the difference between the Select and SelectMany extension methods?

Exercise 9.2 - practice querying with LINQ

Create a console application, named Ch09_Exercise02, that prompts the user for a city and then lists the company names for Northwind customers in that city:

Enter the name of a city: London
There are 6 customers in London:
Around the Horn
B's Beverages
Consolidated Holdings
Eastern Connection
Seven Seas Imports

Enhance the application by displaying a list of all unique cities that customers already reside in as a prompt to the user before they enter their preferred city:

Aachen, Albuquerque, Anchorage, Århus, Barcelona, Barquisimeto,
Bergamo, Berlin, Bern, Boise, Bräcke, Brandenburg, Bruxelles, Buenos
Aires, Butte, Campinas, Caracas, Charleroi, Cork, Cowes, Cunewalde,
Elgin, Eugene, Frankfurt a.M., Genève, Graz, Helsinki, I. de
Margarita, Kirkland, Kobenhavn, Köln, Lander, Leipzig, Lille, Lisboa,
London, Luleå, Lyon, Madrid, Mannheim, Marseille, México D.F.,
Montréal, München, Münster, Nantes, Oulu, Paris, Portland, Reggio
Emilia, Reims, Resende, Rio de Janeiro, Salzburg, San Cristóbal, San
Francisco, Sao Paulo, Seattle, Sevilla, Stavern, Strasbourg,
Stuttgart, Torino, Toulouse, Tsawassen, Vancouver, Versailles, Walla
Walla, Warszawa

Exercise 9.3 - explore topics

Use the following links to read more details about the topics covered in this chapter:

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