List of Listings

Chapter 1. The changing face of C# development

Listing 1.1. The Product type (C# 1)

Listing 1.2. Strongly typed collections and private setters (C# 2)

Listing 1.3. Automatically implemented properties and simpler initialization (C# 3)

Listing 1.4. Named arguments for clear initialization code (C# 4)

Listing 1.5. Sorting an ArrayList using IComparer (C# 1)

Listing 1.6. Sorting a List<Product> using IComparer<Product> (C# 2)

Listing 1.7. Sorting a List<Product> using Comparison<Product> (C# 2)

Listing 1.8. Sorting using Comparison<Product> from a lambda expression (C# 3)

Listing 1.9. Ordering a List<Product> using an extension method (C# 3)

Listing 1.10. Looping, testing, printing out (C# 1)

Listing 1.11. Separating testing from printing (C# 2)

Listing 1.12. Separating testing from printing redux (C# 2)

Listing 1.13. Testing with a lambda expression (C# 3)

Listing 1.14. Displaying products with an unknown price (C# 3)

Listing 1.15. First steps with query expressions: filtering a collection

Listing 1.16. Joining, filtering, ordering, and projecting (C# 3)

Listing 1.17. Complex processing of an XML file with LINQ to XML (C# 3)

Listing 1.18. Applying a query expression to a SQL database (C# 3)

Listing 1.19. Saving data to Excel using COM (C# 4)

Listing 1.20. Running IronPython and extracting properties dynamically (C# 4)

Chapter 2. Core foundations: building on C# 1

Listing 2.1. Using delegates in a variety of simple ways

Listing 2.2. Demonstrating a type-unsafe system with C code

Listing 2.3. Demonstration of the covariance of arrays, and execution time checking

Listing 2.4. Improvements in delegate instantiation brought in by C# 2

Listing 2.5. Lambda expressions, which are like improved anonymous methods

Listing 2.6. Demonstration of anonymous types and implicit typing

Listing 2.7. Dynamic typing in C# 4

Listing 2.8. Demonstration of a variety of nullable type features

Chapter 3. Parameterized typing with generics

Listing 3.1. Using a Dictionary<TKey,TValue> to count words in text

Listing 3.2. The List<T>.ConvertAll<TOutput> method in action

Listing 3.3. Implementing a generic method in a nongeneric type

Listing 3.4. Comparing a given value to the default in a generic way

Listing 3.5. Comparisons using == and != using reference comparisons

Listing 3.6. Generic class representing a pair of values

Listing 3.7. Using a nongeneric type with a generic method to enable type inference

Listing 3.8. Proof that different closed types have different static fields

Listing 3.9. Static constructors with nested generic types

Listing 3.10. A full generic iterator—of the numbers 0 to 9

Listing 3.11. Using the typeof operator with type parameters

Listing 3.12. Various ways of retrieving generic and constructed Type objects

Listing 3.13. Retrieving and invoking a generic method with reflection

Listing 3.14. Working around the lack of contravariance with a helper

Chapter 4. Saying nothing with nullable types

Listing 4.1. Using various members of Nullable<T>

Listing 4.2. Boxing and unboxing behavior of nullable types

Listing 4.3. The same code as listing 4.2 but using the ? modifier

Listing 4.4. Part of a Person class including calculation of age

Listing 4.5. An alternative implementation of the TryXXX pattern

Listing 4.6. Helper class for providing partial comparisons

Chapter 5. Fast-tracked delegates

Listing 5.1. Subscribing to three of a button’s events

Listing 5.2. Demonstration of method group conversions and delegate contravariance

Listing 5.3. Demonstration of covariance of return types for delegates

Listing 5.4. Demonstration of breaking change between C# 1 and C# 2

Listing 5.5. Anonymous methods used with the Action<T> delegate type

Listing 5.6. Extreme example of code compactness. Warning: unreadable code ahead!

Listing 5.7. Returning a value from an anonymous method

Listing 5.8. Using anonymous methods to sort files simply

Listing 5.9. Subscribing to events with anonymous methods that ignore parameters

Listing 5.10. Examples of different kinds of variables with respect to anonymous methods

Listing 5.11. Accessing a variable both inside and outside an anonymous method

Listing 5.12. Demonstration of a captured variable having its lifetime extended

Listing 5.13. Capturing multiple variable instantiations with multiple delegates

Listing 5.14. Capturing variables in different scopes. Warning: nasty code ahead!

Chapter 6. Implementing iterators the easy way

Listing 6.1. Code using the (as yet unimplemented) new collection type

Listing 6.2. Skeleton of the new collection type, with no iterator implementation

Listing 6.3. Nested class implementing the collection’s iterator

Listing 6.4. Iterating through the sample collection with C# 2 and yield return

Listing 6.5. Showing the sequence of calls between an iterator and its caller

Listing 6.6. Demonstration of yield break

Listing 6.7. Demonstration of yield break working with try/finally

Listing 6.8. Looping over the lines in a file using an iterator block

Listing 6.9. Implementing LINQ’s Where method using iterator blocks

Chapter 7. Concluding C# 2: the final features

Listing 7.1. Demonstration of mixing declarations of a partial type

Listing 7.2. A partial method called from a constructor

Listing 7.3. A typical C# 1 utility class

Listing 7.4. The same utility class as in listing 7.3 but converted into a C# 2 static class

Listing 7.5. Using aliases to distinguish between different Button types

Listing 7.6. Using :: to tell the compiler to use aliases

Listing 7.7. Use of the global namespace alias to specify the desired type exactly

Listing 7.8. Working with different types of the same type in different assemblies

Listing 7.9. Class containing an unused field

Listing 7.10. Disabling (and restoring) warning CS0169

Listing 7.11. Demonstration of fixed-size buffers to obtain console color information

Listing 7.12. Demonstration of friend assemblies

Chapter 8. Cutting fluff with a smart compiler

Listing 8.1. Demonstration of the awkwardness of static automatic properties

Listing 8.2. A fairly simple Person class used for further demonstrations

Listing 8.3. Building up a rich object using object and collection initializers

Listing 8.4. Creating objects of an anonymous type with Name and Age properties

Listing 8.5. Populating an array using anonymous types and then finding the total age

Listing 8.6. Transformation from Person to a name and adulthood flag

Chapter 9. Lambda expressions and expression trees

Listing 9.1. Using an anonymous method to create a delegate instance

Listing 9.2. A long-winded first lambda expression, similar to an anonymous method

Listing 9.3. A concise lambda expression

Listing 9.4. Manipulating a list of films using lambda expressions

Listing 9.5. Logging events using lambda expressions

Listing 9.6. A simple expression tree, adding 2 and 3

Listing 9.7. Compiling and executing an expression tree

Listing 9.8. Using lambda expressions to create expression trees

Listing 9.9. Demonstration of a more complicated expression tree

Listing 9.10. Building a method call expression tree in code

Listing 9.11. Example of code requiring the new type inference rules

Listing 9.12. Attempting to infer the return type of an anonymous method

Listing 9.13. Code returning an integer or an object depending on the time of day

Listing 9.14. Flexible type inference combining information from multiple arguments

Listing 9.15. Multistage type inference

Listing 9.16. Sample of overloading choice influenced by delegate return type

Chapter 10. Extension methods

Listing 10.1. A simple utility class to provide extra functionality for streams

Listing 10.2. Using StreamUtil to copy a web response stream to a file

Listing 10.3. The StreamUtil class again, but this time with extension methods

Listing 10.4. Copying a stream using an extension method

Listing 10.5. Extension method being called on a null reference

Listing 10.6. Using Enumerable.Range to print out the numbers 0 to 9

Listing 10.7. Reversing a collection with the Reverse method

Listing 10.8. Using the Where method with a lambda expression to find odd numbers

Listing 10.9. Projection using a lambda expression and an anonymous type

Listing 10.10. Ordering a sequence by two properties

Chapter 11. Query expressions and LINQ to Objects

Listing 11.1. Trivial query to print the list of users

Listing 11.2. The query expression of listing 11.1 translated into a method call

Listing 11.3. Compiler translation calling methods on a dummy LINQ implementation

Listing 11.4. Query selecting just the names of the users

Listing 11.5. Using Cast and OfType to work with weakly typed collections

Listing 11.6. Using an explicitly typed range variable to automatically call Cast

Listing 11.7. Query expression using multiple where clauses

Listing 11.8. Sorting by the severity of a defect, from high to low priority

Listing 11.9. Ordering by severity and then last modified time

Listing 11.10. Sorting by the lengths of user names without a let clause

Listing 11.11. Using a let clause to remove redundant calculations

Listing 11.12. Joining the defects and notification subscriptions based on project

Listing 11.13. Joining defects and subscriptions with a group join

Listing 11.14. Counting the number of defects raised on each day in May

Listing 11.15. Cross joining users against projects

Listing 11.16. Cross join where the right sequence depends on the left element

Listing 11.17. Grouping defects by assignee—trivial projection

Listing 11.18. Grouping defects by assignee—projection retains just the summary

Listing 11.19. Continuing a grouping with another projection

Listing 11.20. Query expression continuations from group and select

Chapter 12. LINQ beyond collections

Listing 12.1. Querying the database to find all Tim’s open defects

Listing 12.2. Using a let clause in LINQ to SQL

Listing 12.3. A simple implementation of IQueryable that logs method calls

Listing 12.4. An implementation of IQueryProvider that uses FakeQuery

Listing 12.5. A simple query expression using the fake query classes

Listing 12.6. IQueryProvider.Execute

Listing 12.7. Creating elements from the sample users

Listing 12.8. Creating elements with text nodes

Listing 12.9. Displaying the users within an XML structure

Listing 12.10. Single-threaded Mandelbrot generation query

Listing 12.11. First attempt at a multithreaded Mandelbrot generation query

Listing 12.12. Multithreaded Mandelbrot query maintaining ordering

Listing 12.13. First contact with IObservable<T>

Listing 12.14. Filtering and projecting in LINQ to Rx

Listing 12.15. Grouping numbers mod 3

Listing 12.16. SelectMany producing multiple ranges

Listing 12.17. Extension method to choose a random element from a sequence

Chapter 13. Minor changes to simplify code

Listing 13.1. Declaring a method with optional parameters and calling

Listing 13.2. Using null default values to handle nonconstant situations

Listing 13.3. Simple examples of using named arguments

Listing 13.4. Logging argument evaluation

Listing 13.5. Abusing argument evaluation order

Listing 13.6. Combining named and optional arguments

Listing 13.7. Constructing an immutable message using C# 4

Listing 13.8. Creating and saving a document in C# 3

Listing 13.9. Automating Word using normal C# 4 features

Listing 13.10. Passing arguments by value in COM methods

Listing 13.11. Displaying synonym counts using a named indexer

Listing 13.12. Building a list of general shapes from lists of circles and squares

Listing 13.13. Sorting circles using a general-purpose comparer and contravariance

Listing 13.14. Using variance with simple Func<T> and Action<T> delegates

Listing 13.15. Demonstrating covariance and contravariance with a single type

Chapter 14. Dynamic binding in a static language

Listing 14.1. Using dynamic to iterate through a list, concatenating strings

Listing 14.2. Adding integers to strings dynamically

Listing 14.3. Adding integers to integers

Listing 14.4. Adding integers to integers—but without the exception

Listing 14.5. Setting a range of values with static typing

Listing 14.6. Using implicit conversions from dynamic in Excel

Listing 14.7. Using dynamic everywhere

Listing 14.8. Printing “hello, world” twice using Python embedded in C#

Listing 14.9. Passing information between a host and a script using ScriptScope

Listing 14.10. Calling a function declared in a ScriptScope

Listing 14.11. Using dynamic type inference

Listing 14.12. Summing an arbitrary sequence of elements dynamically

Listing 14.13. Summing a list of TimeSpan elements dynamically

Listing 14.14. Accessing a Count property with duck typing

Listing 14.15. Counting different types efficiently using multiple dispatch

Listing 14.16. Experimenting with method overloading and dynamic values

Listing 14.17. The results of compiling dynamic code

Listing 14.18. Dynamic overload resolution within a single type

Listing 14.19. Dynamic overload resolution within a class hierarchy

Listing 14.20. Catching errors in dynamic calls at compile time

Listing 14.21. Generic type inference with mixed static and dynamic values

Listing 14.22. Calling extension methods with dynamic arguments

Listing 14.23. Dynamic types and lambda expressions

Listing 14.24. Querying a collection of dynamic elements

Listing 14.25. Storing and retrieving values with ExpandoObject

Listing 14.26. Faking methods on an ExpandoObject with delegates

Listing 14.27. Implementing a simplistic XML DOM conversion with ExpandoObject

Listing 14.28. Using a dynamic DOM created from expandos

Listing 14.29. Skeleton of DynamicXElement

Listing 14.30. Adding nondynamic members to DynamicXElement

Listing 14.31. Implementing a dynamic property with TryGetMember()

Listing 14.32. Testing DynamicXElement

Listing 14.33. Implementing GetDynamicMemberNames in DynamicXElement

Listing 14.34. The final aim: calling methods dynamically until we hit the right name

Listing 14.35. The Rumpelstiltskin type, without its metaobject code

Listing 14.36. The real dynamic guts of Rumpelstiltskin—its metaobject

Chapter 15. Letting your code speak more clearly with Code Contracts

Listing 15.1. Simple method with argument validation and documentation

Listing 15.2. Expressing a simple postcondition for a return value

Listing 15.3. A complicated postcondition involving a return value, old and new state

Listing 15.4. Making assumptions and assertions when rolling dice

Listing 15.5. Signalling the end of a contract block explicitly

Listing 15.6. A simple contract after binary rewriting

Listing 15.7. Contract inheritance with concrete classes

Listing 15.8. Specifying contracts for an interface

Listing 15.9. Adding preconditions at the call site

Listing 15.10. Masking a contract with Contract.ContractFailed

Listing 15.11. Experimenting with the static checker and simple contracts

Listing 15.12. Testing implicit non-null obligations

Listing 15.13. Invalid indexing due to a typo

Listing 15.14. More complex array bounds checking

Listing 15.15. An incorrect implementation of a “reverse comparer”

Listing 15.16. Applying checking selectively with [ContractVerification]

Listing 15.17. Automatically documenting method contracts with ccdocgen

Appendix B. Generic collections in .NET

Listing B.1. Demonstration of custom key comparisons in a dictionary

Listing B.2. Observing changes in a sorted set via a view

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