Assignment, Comparison, and a Mistake You’ll Probably Make

Don’t confuse testing the is-equal-to operator (==) with the assignment operator (=). This expression asks the musical question “Is musicians equal to 4?”:

musicians == 4    // comparison

The expression has the value true or false. This expression assigns the value 4 to musicians:

musicians = 4     // assignment

The whole expression, in this case, has the value 4 because that’s the value of the left side.

The flexible design of the for loop creates an interesting opportunity for error. If you accidentally drop an equals sign (=) from the == operator and use an assignment expression instead of a relational expression for the test part of a for loop, you still produce valid code. That’s because you can use any valid C++ expression for a for loop test condition. Remember that nonzero values test as true, and zero tests as false. An expression that assigns 4 to musicians has the value 4 and is treated as true. If you come from a language, such as Pascal or BASIC, that uses = to test for equality, you might be particularly prone to this slip.

Listing 5.10 shows a situation in which you can make this sort of error. The program attempts to examine an array of quiz scores and stops when it reaches the first score that’s not 20. It shows a loop that correctly uses comparison and then one that mistakenly uses assignment in the test condition. The program also has another egregious design error that you’ll see how to fix later. (You learn from your mistakes, and Listing 5.10 is happy to help in that respect.)

Listing 5.10. equal.cpp

// equal.cpp -- equality vs assignment
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    int quizscores[10] =
        { 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 19, 20, 18, 20, 20};

    cout << "Doing it right: ";
    int i;
    for (i = 0; quizscores[i] == 20; i++)
        cout << "quiz " << i << " is a 20 ";
// Warning: you may prefer reading about this program
// to actually running it.
    cout << "Doing it dangerously wrong: ";
    for (i = 0; quizscores[i] = 20; i++)
        cout << "quiz " << i << " is a 20 ";

    return 0;

Because the program in Listing 5.10 has a serious problem, you might prefer reading about it to actually running it. Here is some sample output from the program:

Doing it right:
quiz 0 is a 20
quiz 1 is a 20
quiz 2 is a 20
quiz 3 is a 20
quiz 4 is a 20
Doing it dangerously wrong:
quiz 0 is a 20
quiz 1 is a 20
quiz 2 is a 20
quiz 3 is a 20
quiz 4 is a 20
quiz 5 is a 20
quiz 6 is a 20
quiz 7 is a 20
quiz 8 is a 20
quiz 9 is a 20
quiz 10 is a 20
quiz 11 is a 20
quiz 12 is a 20
quiz 13 is a 20

The first loop correctly halts after displaying the first five quiz scores. But the second starts by displaying the whole array. Worse than that, it says every value is 20. And worse still, it doesn’t stop at the end of the array! And worst of all, the program can (although not necessarily) freeze other applications running at the time and require a computer reboot.

Where things go wrong, of course, is with the following test expression:

quizscores[i] = 20

First, simply because it assigns a nonzero value to the array element, the expression is always nonzero, hence always true. Second, because the expression assigns values to the array elements, it actually changes the data. Third, because the test expression remains true, the program continues changing data beyond the end of the array. It just keeps putting more and more 20s into memory! This is not good.

The difficulty with this kind of error is that the code is syntactically correct, so the compiler won’t tag it as an error. (However, years and years of C and C++ programmers making this error has eventually led many compilers to issue a warning, asking if that’s what you really meant to do.)


Don’t use = to compare for equality; use ==.

Like C, C++ grants you more freedom than most programming languages. This comes at the cost of requiring greater responsibility on your part. Nothing but your own good planning prevents a program from going beyond the bounds of a standard C++ array. However, with C++ classes, you can design a protected array type that prevents this sort of nonsense. Chapter 13, “Class Inheritance,” provides an example. For now, you should build the protection into your programs when you need it. For example, the loop in Listing 5.10 should include a test that keeps it from going past the last member. That’s true even for the “good” loop. If all the scores were 20s, the “good” loop, too, would exceed the array bounds. In short, the loop needs to test the values of the array and the array index. Chapter 6 shows how to use logical operators to combine two such tests into a single condition.

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