More Array Function Examples

When you choose to use an array to represent data, you are making a design decision. But design decisions should go beyond how data is stored; they should also involve how the data is used. Often you’ll find it profitable to write specific functions to handle specific data operations. (The profits here include increased program reliability, ease of modification, and ease of debugging.) Also when you begin integrating storage properties with operations when you think about a program, you are taking an important step toward the OOP mind-set; that, too, might prove profitable in the future.

Let’s examine a simple case. Suppose you want to use an array to keep track of the dollar values of your real estate. (If necessary, suppose you have real estate.) You have to decide what type to use. Certainly, double is less restrictive in its range than int or long, and it provides enough significant digits to represent the values precisely. Next, you have to decide on the number of array elements. (With dynamic arrays created with new, you can put off that decision, but let’s keep things simple.) Let’s say that you have no more than five properties, so you can use an array of five doubles.

Now consider the possible operations you might want to execute with the real estate array. Two very basic ones are reading values into the array and displaying the array contents. Let’s add one more operation to the list: reassessing the value of the properties. For simplicity, assume that all your properties increase or decrease in value at the same rate. (Remember, this is a book on C++, not on real estate management.) Next, fit a function to each operation and then write the code accordingly. We’ll go through the steps of creating these pieces of a program next. Afterward, we’ll fit them into a complete example.

Filling the Array

Because a function with an array name argument accesses the original array, not a copy, you can use a function call to assign values to array elements. One argument to the function will be the name of the array to be filled. In general, a program might manage more than one person’s investments, hence more than one array, so you don’t want to build the array size into the function. Instead, you pass the array size as a second argument, as in the previous example. Also it’s possible that you might want to quit reading data before filling the array, so you want to build that feature in to the function. Because you might enter fewer than the maximum number of elements, it makes sense to have the function return the actual number of values entered. These considerations suggest the following function prototype:

int fill_array(double ar[], int limit);

The function takes an array name argument and an argument specifying the maximum number of items to be read, and the function returns the actual number of items read. For example, if you use this function with an array of five elements, you pass 5 as the second argument. If you then enter only three values, the function returns 3.

You can use a loop to read successive values into the array, but how can you terminate the loop early? One way is to use a special value to indicate the end of input. Because no property should have a negative value, you can use a negative number to indicate the end of input. Also the function should do something about bad input, such as terminating further input. Given these considerations, you can code the function as follows:

int fill_array(double ar[], int limit)
    using namespace std;
    double temp;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < limit; i++)
        cout << "Enter value #" << (i + 1) << ": ";
        cin >> temp;
        if (!cin)    // bad input
            while (cin.get() != ' ')
           cout << "Bad input; input process terminated. ";
        else if (temp < 0)     // signal to terminate
        ar[i] = temp;
    return i;

Note that this code includes a prompt to the user. If the user enters a non-negative value, the value is assigned to the array. Otherwise, the loop terminates. If the user enters only valid values, the loop terminates after it reads limit values. The last thing the loop does is increment i, so after the loop terminates, i is one greater than the last array index, hence it’s equal to the number of filled elements. The function then returns that value.

Showing the Array and Protecting It with const

Building a function to display the array contents is simple. You pass the name of the array and the number of filled elements to the function, which then uses a loop to display each element. But there is another consideration—guaranteeing that the display function doesn’t alter the original array. Unless the purpose of a function is to alter data passed to it, you should safeguard it from doing so. That protection comes automatically with ordinary arguments because C++ passes them by value, and the function works with a copy. But functions that use an array work with the original. After all, that’s why the fill_array() function is able to do its job. To keep a function from accidentally altering the contents of an array argument, you can use the keyword const (discussed in Chapter 3, “Dealing with Data”) when you declare the formal argument:

void show_array(const double ar[], int n);

The declaration states that the pointer ar points to constant data. This means that you can’t use ar to change the data. That is, you can use a value such as ar[0], but you can’t change that value. Note that this doesn’t mean that the original array needs be constant; it just means that you can’t use ar in the show_array() function to change the data. Thus, show_array() treats the array as read-only data. Suppose you accidentally violate this restriction by doing something like the following in the show_array() function:

ar[0] += 10;

In this case, the compiler will put a stop to your wrongful ways. Borland C++, for example, gives an error message like this (edited slightly):

Cannot modify a const object in function
       show_array(const double *,int)

Other compilers may choose to express their displeasure in different words.

The message reminds you that C++ interprets the declaration const double ar[] to mean const double *ar. Thus, the declaration really says that ar points to a constant value. We’ll discuss this in detail when we finish with the current example. Meanwhile, here is the code for the show_array() function:

void show_array(const double ar[], int n)
    using namespace std;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         cout << "Property #" << (i + 1) << ": $";
         cout << ar[i] << endl;

Modifying the Array

The third operation for the array in this example is multiplying each element by the same revaluation factor. You need to pass three arguments to the function: the factor, the array, and the number of elements. No return value is needed, so the function can look like this:

void revalue(double r, double ar[], int n)
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            ar[i] *= r;

Because this function is supposed to alter the array values, you don’t use const when you declare ar.

Putting the Pieces Together

Now that you’ve defined a data type in terms of how it’s stored (an array) and how it’s used (three functions), you can put together a program that uses the design. Because you’ve already built all the array-handling tools, you’ve greatly simplified programming main(). The program does check to see if the user responds to the prompt for a revaluation factor with a number. In this case, rather than stopping if the user fails to comply, the program uses a loop to ask the user to do the right thing. Most of the remaining programming work consists of having main() call the functions you’ve just developed. Listing 7.7 shows the result. It places a using directive in just those functions that use the iostream facilities.

Listing 7.7. arrfun3.cpp

// arrfun3.cpp -- array functions and const
#include <iostream>
const int Max = 5;
// function prototypes
int fill_array(double ar[], int limit);
void show_array(const double ar[], int n);  // don't change data
void revalue(double r, double ar[], int n);

int main()
    using namespace std;
    double properties[Max];

    int size = fill_array(properties, Max);
    show_array(properties, size);
    if (size > 0)
        cout << "Enter revaluation factor: ";
        double factor;
        while (!(cin >> factor))    // bad input
            while (cin.get() != ' ')
           cout << "Bad input; Please enter a number: ";
        revalue(factor, properties, size);
        show_array(properties, size);
    cout << "Done. ";
    return 0;

int fill_array(double ar[], int limit)
    using namespace std;
    double temp;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < limit; i++)
        cout << "Enter value #" << (i + 1) << ": ";
        cin >> temp;
        if (!cin)    // bad input
            while (cin.get() != ' ')
           cout << "Bad input; input process terminated. ";
        else if (temp < 0)     // signal to terminate
        ar[i] = temp;
    return i;

// the following function can use, but not alter,
// the array whose address is ar
void show_array(const double ar[], int n)
    using namespace std;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cout << "Property #" << (i + 1) << ": $";
        cout << ar[i] << endl;

// multiplies each element of ar[] by r
void revalue(double r, double ar[], int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ar[i] *= r;

Here are two sample runs of the program in Listing 7.7:

Enter value #1: 100000
Enter value #2: 80000
Enter value #3: 222000
Enter value #4: 240000
Enter value #5: 118000
Property #1: $100000
Property #2: $80000
Property #3: $222000
Property #4: $240000
Property #5: $118000
Enter revaluation factor: 0.8
Property #1: $80000
Property #2: $64000
Property #3: $177600
Property #4: $192000
Property #5: $94400
Enter value #1: 200000
Enter value #2: 84000
Enter value #3: 160000
Enter value #4: -2
Property #1: $200000
Property #2: $84000
Property #3: $160000
Enter reevaluation factor: 1.20
Property #1: $240000
Property #2: $100800
Property #3: $192000

Recall that fill_array() prescribes that input should quit when the user enters five properties or enters a negative number, whichever comes first. The first output example illustrates reaching the five-property limit, and the second output example illustrates that entering a negative value terminates the input phase.

Program Notes

We’ve already discussed the important programming details related to the real estate example, so let’s reflect on the process. You began by thinking about the data type and designed appropriate functions to handle the data. Then you assembled these functions into a program. This is sometimes called bottom-up programming because the design process moves from the component parts to the whole. This approach is well suited to OOP, which concentrates on data representation and manipulation first. Traditional procedural programming, on the other hand, leans toward top-down programming, in which you develop a modular grand design first and then turn your attention to the details. Both methods are useful, and both lead to modular programs.

The Usual Array Function Idiom

Suppose you want a function to process an array, say, of type double values. If the function is intended to modify the array, the prototype might look like this:

void f_modify(double ar[], int n);

If the function preserves values, the prototype might look like this:

void _f_no_change(const double ar[], int n);

Of course, you can omit the variable names in the prototypes, and the return type might be something other than void. The main points are that ar really is a pointer to the first element of the passed array and that because the number of elements is passed as an argument, either function can be used with any size of array as long as it is an array of double:

double rewards[1000];
double faults[50];
f_modify(rewards, 1000);
f_modify(faults, 50);

This idiom (pass the array name and size as arguments) works by passing two numbers—the array address and the number of elements. As you have seen, the function loses some knowledge about the original array; for example, it can’t use sizeof to get the size and relies on you to pass the correct number of elements.

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