The Genesis of C++

Like C, C++ began its life at Bell Labs, where Bjarne Stroustrup developed the language in the early 1980s. In Stroustrup’s own words, “C++ was designed primarily so that my friends and I would not have to program in assembler, C, or various modern high-level languages. Its main purpose was to make writing good programs easier and more pleasant for the individual programmer” (Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1997).

Stroustrup was more concerned with making C++ useful than with enforcing particular programming philosophies or styles. Real programming needs are more important than theoretical purity in determining C++ language features. Stroustrup based C++ on C because of C’s brevity, its suitability to system programming, its widespread availability, and its close ties to the Unix operating system. C++’s OOP aspect was inspired by a computer simulation language called Simula67. Stroustrup added OOP features and generic programming support to C without significantly changing the C component. Thus C++ is a superset of C, meaning that any valid C program is a valid C++ program, too. There are some minor discrepancies but nothing crucial. C++ programs can use existing C software libraries. Libraries are collections of programming modules that you can call up from a program. They provide proven solutions to many common programming problems, thus saving you much time and effort. This has helped the spread of C++.

The name C++ comes from the C increment operator ++, which adds one to the value of a variable. Therefore, the name C++ correctly suggests an augmented version of C.

A computer program translates a real-life problem into a series of actions to be taken by a computer. The OOP aspect of C++ gives the language the ability to relate to concepts involved in the problem, and the C part of C++ gives the language the ability to get close to the hardware (see Figure 1.2). This combination of abilities has enabled the spread of C++. It may also involve a mental shift of gears as you turn from one aspect of a program to another. (Indeed, some OOP purists regard adding OOP features to C as being akin to adding wings to a pig, albeit a lean, efficient pig.) Also because C++ grafts OOP onto C, you can ignore C++’s object-oriented features. But you’ll miss a lot if that’s all you do.

Figure 1.2. C++ duality.


Only after C++ achieved some success did Stroustrup add templates, enabling generic programming. And only after the template feature had been used and enhanced did it become apparent that templates were perhaps as significant an addition as OOP—or even more significant, some would argue. The fact that C++ incorporates both OOP and generic programming, as well as the more traditional procedural approach, demonstrates that C++ emphasizes the utilitarian over the ideological approach, and that is one of the reasons for the language’s success.

Portability and Standards

Say you’ve written a handy C++ program for the elderly Pentium PC computer running Windows 2000 at work, but management decides to replace the machine with a new computer using a different operating system, say Mac OS X or Linux, perhaps one with a different processor design, such as a SPARC processor. Can you run your program on the new platform? Of course you’ll have to recompile the program using a C++ compiler designed for the new platform. But will you have to make any changes to the code you wrote? If you can recompile the program without making changes and it runs without a hitch, we say the program is portable.

There are a couple obstacles to portability, the first of which is hardware. A program that is hardware specific is not likely to be portable. One that takes direct control of an IBM PC video board, for example, speaks gibberish as far as, say, a Sun is concerned. (You can minimize portability problems by localizing the hardware-dependent parts in function modules; then you just have to rewrite those specific modules.) We avoid that sort of programming in this book.

The second obstacle to portability is language divergence. Certainly, that can be a problem with spoken languages. A Yorkshireman’s description of the day’s events may not be portable to Brooklyn, even though English is said to be spoken in both areas. Computer languages, too, can develop dialects. Although most implementers would like to make their versions of C++ compatible with others, it’s difficult to do so without a published standard describing exactly how the language works. Therefore, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) created a committee in 1990 (ANSI X3J16) to develop a standard for C++. (ANSI had already developed a standard for C.) The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) soon joined the process with its own committee (ISO-WG-21), creating a joint ANSI/ISO effort to develop the standard for C++.

Several years of work eventually led to the International Standard (ISO/IEC 14882:1998), which was adopted in 1998 by the ISO, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and ANSI. This standard, often called C++98, not only refined the description of existing C++ features but also extended the language with exceptions, runtime type identification (RTTI), templates, and the Standard Template Library (STL). The year 2003 brought the publication of the second edition of the C++ standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2003); the new edition is a technical revision, meaning that it tidies up the first edition—fixing typos, reducing ambiguities, and the like—but doesn’t change the language features. This edition often is called C++03. Because C++03 didn’t change language features, we’ll follow a common usage and use C++98 to refer to C++98/C++03.

C++ continues to evolve, and the ISO committee approved a new standard August 2011 titled ISO/IEC 14882:2011 and informally dubbed C++11. Like C++98, C++11 adds many features to the language. In addition, it has the goals of removing inconsistencies and of making C++ easier to learn and use. This standard had been dubbed C++0x, with the original expectation that x would be 7 or 8, but standards work is a slow, exhaustive, and exhausting process. Fortunately, it was soon realized that 0x could be a hexadecimal integer (see Appendix A, “Number Bases”), which meant the committee had until 2015 to finish the work. So by that measure, they have finished ahead of schedule.

The ISO C++ Standard additionally draws on the ANSI C Standard because C++ is supposed to be, as far as possible, a superset of C. That means that any valid C program ideally should also be a valid C++ program. There are a few differences between ANSI C and the corresponding rules for C++, but they are minor. Indeed, ANSI C incorporates some features first introduced in C++, such as function prototyping and the const type qualifier.

Prior to the emergence of ANSI C, the C community followed a de facto standard based on the book The C Programming Language, by Kernighan and Ritchie (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, MA, 1978). This standard was often termed K&R C; with the emergence of ANSI C, the simpler K&R C is now sometimes called classic C.

The ANSI C Standard not only defines the C language, it also defines a standard C library that ANSI C implementations must support. C++ also uses that library; this book refers to it as the standard C library or the standard library. In addition, the ISO C++ standard provides a standard library of C++ classes.

The C Standard was last revised as C99, which was adopted by the ISO in 1999 and ANSI in 2000. This standard adds some features to C, such as a new integer type, that some C++ compilers support.

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