Classes in C++

A class is a C++ vehicle for translating an abstraction to a user-defined type. It combines data representation and methods for manipulating that data into one neat package. Let’s look at a class that represents stocks.

First, you have to think a bit about how to represent stocks. You could take one share of stock as the basic unit and define a class to represent a share. However, that implies that you would need 100 objects to represent 100 shares, and that’s not practical. Instead, you can represent a person’s current holdings in a particular stock as a basic unit. The number of shares owned would be part of the data representation. A realistic approach would have to maintain records of such things as initial purchase price and date of purchase for tax purposes. Also it would have to manage events such as stock splits. That seems a bit ambitious for a first effort at defining a class, so you can instead take an idealized, simplified view of matters. In particular, you can limit the operations you can perform to the following:

• Acquire stock in a company.

• Buy more shares of the same stock.

• Sell stock.

• Update the per-share value of a stock.

• Display information about the holdings.

You can use this list to define the public interface for the stock class. (And you can add additional features later if you’re interested.) To support this interface, you need to store some information. Again, you can use a simplified approach. For example, don’t worry about the U.S. practice of evaluating stocks in multiples of eighths of a dollar. (Apparently the New York Stock Exchange must have seen this simplification in a previous edition of the book because it has decided to change over to the system used here.) Here’s a list of information to store:

• Name of company

• Number of stocks owned

• Value of each share

• Total value of all shares

Next, you can define the class. Generally, a class specification has two parts:

• A class declaration, which describes the data component, in terms of data members, and the public interface, in terms of member functions, termed methods

• The class method definitions, which describe how certain class member functions are implemented

Roughly speaking, the class declaration provides a class overview, whereas the method definitions supply the details.

Developing a class and a program using it requires several steps. Rather than take them all at once, let’s break up the development into smaller stages. Typically, C++ programmers place the interface, in the form of a class definition, in a header file and place the implementation, in the form of code for the class methods, in a source code file. So let’s be typical. Listing 10.1 presents the first stage, a tentative class declaration for a class called Stock. The file uses #ifndef, and so on, as described in Chapter 9, “Memory Models and Namespaces,” to protect against multiple file inclusions.

To help identify classes, this book follows a common, but not universal, convention of capitalizing class names. You’ll notice that Listing 10.1 looks like a structure declaration with a few additional wrinkles, such as member functions and public and private sections. We’ll improve on this declaration shortly (so don’t use it as a model), but first let’s see how this definition works.

Listing 10.1. stock00.h

// stock00.h -- Stock class interface
// version 00
#ifndef STOCK00_H_
#define STOCK00_H_

#include <string>

class Stock  // class declaration
    std::string company;
    long shares;
    double share_val;
    double total_val;
    void set_tot() { total_val = shares * share_val; }
    void acquire(const std::string & co, long n, double pr);
    void buy(long num, double price);
    void sell(long num, double price);
    void update(double price);
    void show();
};    // note semicolon at the end


You’ll get a closer look at the class details later, but first let’s examine the more general features. To begin, the C++ keyword class identifies the code in Listing 10.1 as defining the design of a class. (In this context the keywords class and typename are not synonymous the way they were in template parameters; typename can’t be used here.) The syntax identifies Stock as the type name for this new class. This declaration enables you to declare variables, called objects, or instances, of the Stock type. Each individual object represents a single holding. For example, the following declarations create two Stock objects called sally and solly:

Stock sally;
Stock solly;

The sally object, for example, could represent Sally’s stock holdings in a particular company.

Next, notice that the information you decided to store appears in the form of class data members, such as company and shares. The company member of sally, for example, holds the name of the company, the share member holds the number of shares Sally owns, the share_val member holds the value of each share, and the total_val member holds the total value of all the shares. Similarly, the desired operations appear as class function members (or methods), such as sell() and update(). A member function can be defined in place—for example, set_tot()—or it can be represented by a prototype, like the other member functions in this class. The full definitions for the other member functions come later in the implementation file, but the prototypes suffice to describe the function interfaces. The binding of data and methods into a single unit is the most striking feature of the class. Because of this design, creating a Stock object automatically establishes the rules governing how that object can be used.

You’ve already seen how the istream and ostream classes have member functions, such as get() and getline(). The function prototypes in the Stock class declaration demonstrate how member functions are established. The iostream header file, for example, has a getline() prototype in the istream class declaration.

Access Control

Also new are the keywords private and public. These labels describe access control for class members. Any program that uses an object of a particular class can access the public portions directly. A program can access the private members of an object only by using the public member functions (or, as you’ll see in Chapter 11, “Working with Classes,” via a friend function). For example, the only way to alter the shares member of the Stock class is to use one of the Stock member functions. Thus, the public member functions act as go-betweens between a program and an object’s private members; they provide the interface between object and program. This insulation of data from direct access by a program is called data hiding. (C++ provides a third access-control keyword, protected, which we’ll discuss when we cover class inheritance in Chapter 13, “Class Inheritance.”) (See Figure 10.1.) Whereas data hiding may be an unscrupulous act in, say, a stock fund prospectus, it’s a good practice in computing because it preserves the integrity of the data.

Figure 10.1. The Stock class.


A class design attempts to separate the public interface from the specifics of the implementation. The public interface represents the abstraction component of the design. Gathering the implementation details together and separating them from the abstraction is called encapsulation. Data hiding (putting data into the private section of a class) is an instance of encapsulation, and so is hiding functional details of an implementation in the private section, as the Stock class does with set_tot(). Another example of encapsulation is the usual practice of placing class function definitions in a separate file from the class declaration.

Note that data hiding not only prevents you from accessing data directly, but it also absolves you (in the roll as a user of the class) from needing to know how the data is represented. For example, the show() member displays, among other things, the total value of a holding. This value can be stored as part of an object, as the code in Listing 10.1 does, or it can be calculated when needed. From the standpoint of using the class, it makes no difference which approach is used. What you do need to know is what the different member functions accomplish; that is, you need to know what kinds of arguments a member function takes and what kind of return value it has. The principle is to separate the details of the implementation from the design of the interface. If you later find a better way to implement the data representation or the details of the member functions, you can change those details without changing the program interface, and that makes programs much easier to maintain.

Member Access Control: Public or Private?

You can declare class members, whether they are data items or member functions, either in the public or the private section of a class. But because one of the main precepts of OOP is to hide the data, data items normally go into the private section. The member functions that constitute the class interface go into the public section; otherwise, you can’t call those functions from a program. As the Stock declaration shows, you can also put member functions in the private section. You can’t call such functions directly from a program, but the public methods can use them. Typically, you use private member functions to handle implementation details that don’t form part of the public interface.

You don’t have to use the keyword private in class declarations because that is the default access control for class objects:

class World
    float mass;          // private by default
    char name[20];       // private by default
    void tellall(void);

However, this book explicitly uses the private label in order to emphasize the concept of data hiding.

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