Declaring and Defining Constructors

Now you need to build a Stock constructor. Because a Stock object has three values to be provided from the outside world, you should give the constructor three arguments. (The fourth value, the total_val member, is calculated from shares and share_val, so you don’t have to provide it to the constructor.) Possibly, you may want to provide just the company member value and set the other values to zero; you can do this by using default arguments (see Chapter 8, “Adventures in Functions.”). Thus, the prototype would look like this:

// constructor prototype with some default arguments
Stock(const string & co, long n = 0, double pr = 0.0);

The first argument is a pointer to the string that is used to initialize the company string member. The n and pr arguments provide values for the shares and share_val members. Note that there is no return type. The prototype goes in the public section of the class declaration.

Next, here’s one possible definition for the constructor:

// constructor definition
Stock::Stock(const string & co, long n, double pr)
company = co;

    if (n < 0)
        std::cerr << "Number of shares can't be negative; "
                   << company << " shares set to 0. ";
        shares = 0;
        shares = n;
    share_val = pr;

This is the same code that the acquire() function used earlier in this chapter. The difference is that in this case, a program automatically invokes the constructor when it declares an object.

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