Default Constructors

A default constructor is a constructor that is used to create an object when you don’t provide explicit initialization values. That is, it’s a constructor used for declarations like this:

Stock fluffy_the_cat;  // uses the default constructor

Hey, Listing 10.3 already did that! The reason this statement works is that if you fail to provide any constructors, C++ automatically supplies a default constructor. It’s an implicit version of a default constructor, and it does nothing. For the Stock class, the default constructor would look like this:

Stock::Stock() { }

The net result is that the fluffy_the_cat object is created with its members uninitialized, just as the following creates x without providing a value for x:

int x;

The fact that the default constructor has no arguments reflects the fact that no values appear in the declaration.

A curious fact about default constructors is that the compiler provides one only if you don’t define any constructors. After you define any constructor for a class, the responsibility for providing a default constructor for that class passes from the compiler to you. If you provide a nondefault constructor, such as Stock(const string & co, long n, double pr), and don’t provide your own version of a default constructor, then a declaration like this becomes an error:

Stock stock1;  // not possible with current constructor

The reason for this behavior is that you might want to make it impossible to create uninitialized objects. If, however, you wish to create objects without explicit initialization, you must define your own default constructor. This is a constructor that takes no arguments. You can define a default constructor two ways. One is to provide default values for all the arguments to the existing constructor:

Stock(const string & co = "Error", int n = 0, double pr = 0.0);

The second is to use function overloading to define a second constructor, one that has no arguments:


You can have only one default constructor, so be sure that you don’t do both. Actually, you should usually initialize objects in order to ensure that all members begin with known, reasonable values. Thus, a user-provided default constructor typically provides implicit initialization for all member values. For example, this is how you might define one for the Stock class:

Stock::Stock()        // default constructor
    company = "no name";
    shares = 0;
    share_val = 0.0;
    total_val = 0.0;


When you design a class, you should usually provide a default constructor that implicitly initializes all class members.

After you’ve used either method (no arguments or default values for all arguments) to create the default constructor, you can declare object variables without initializing them explicitly:

Stock first;                // calls default constructor implicitly
Stock first = Stock();      // calls it explicitly
Stock *prelief = new Stock; // calls it implicitly

However, you shouldn’t be misled by the implicit form of the nondefault constructor:

Stock first("Concrete Conglomerate");      // calls constructor
Stock second();                            // declares a function
Stock third;                               // calls default constructor

The first declaration here calls the nondefault constructor—that is, the one that takes arguments. The second declaration states that second() is a function that returns a Stock object. When you implicitly call the default constructor, you don’t use parentheses.

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