Returning an Object

If the object being returned is local to the called function, then it should not be returned by reference because the local object has its destructor called when the function terminates. Thus, when control returns to the calling function, there is no object left to which the reference can refer. In these circumstances, you should return an object, not a reference. Typically, overloaded arithmetic operators fall into this category. Consider this example, which uses the Vector class again:

Vector force1(50,60);
Vector force2(10,70);
Vector net;
net = force1 + force2;

The value being returned is not force1, which should be left unaltered by the process, nor force2, which should also be unaltered. Thus the return value can’t be a reference to an object that is already present in the calling function. Instead, the sum is a new, temporary object computed in Vector::operator+(), and the function shouldn’t return a reference to a temporary object either. Instead, it should return an actual vector object, not a reference:

Vector Vector::operator+(const Vector & b) const
    return Vector(x + b.x, y + b.y);

There is the added expense of calling the copy constructor to create the returned object, but that is unavoidable.

One more observation: In the Vector::operator+() example, the constructor call Vector(x + b.x, y + b.y) creates an object that is accessible to the operator+() method; the implicit call to the copy constructor produced by the return statement, however, creates an object that is accessible to the calling program.

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