Virtual Member Functions and Dynamic Binding

Let’s revisit the process of invoking a method with a reference or pointer. Consider the following code:

BrassPlus ophelia;    // derived-class object
Brass * bp;           // base-class pointer
bp = &ophelia;        // Brass pointer to BrassPlus object
bp->ViewAcct();       // which version?

As discussed before, if ViewAcct() is not declared as virtual in the base class, bp->ViewAcct() goes by the pointer type (Brass *) and invokes Brass::ViewAcct(). The pointer type is known at compile time, so the compiler can bind ViewAcct() to Brass::ViewAcct() at compile time. In short, the compiler uses static binding for nonvirtual methods.

But if ViewAcct() is declared as virtual in the base class, bp->ViewAcct() goes by the object type (BrassPlus) and invokes BrassPlus::ViewAcct(). In this example, you can see that the object type is BrassPlus, but, in general, (as in Listing 13.10) the object type might only be determined when the program is running. Therefore, the compiler generates code that binds ViewAcct() to Brass::ViewAcct() or BrassPlus::ViewAcct(), depending on the object type, while the program executes. In short, the compiler uses dynamic binding for virtual methods.

In most cases, dynamic binding is a good thing because it allows a program to choose the method designed for a particular type. Given this fact, you might be wondering about the following:

• Why have two kinds of binding?

• If dynamic binding is so good, why isn’t it the default?

• How does it work?

We’ll look at answers to these questions next.

Why Two Kinds of Binding and Why Static Is the Default

If dynamic binding allows you to redefine class methods but static binding makes a partial botch of it, why have static binding at all? There are two reasons: efficiency and a conceptual model.

First, let’s consider efficiency. For a program to be able to make a runtime decision, it has to have some way to keep track of what sort of object a base-class pointer or reference refers to, and that entails some extra processing overhead. (You’ll see one method of dynamic binding later.) If, for example, you design a class that won’t be used as a base class for inheritance, you don’t need dynamic binding. Similarly, if you have a derived class, such as the RatedPlayer example, that does not redefine any methods, you don’t need dynamic binding. In these cases, it makes sense to use static binding and gain a little efficiency. The fact that static binding is more efficient is the reason it is the default choice for C++. Stroustrup says that one of the guiding principles of C++ is that you shouldn’t have to pay (in memory usage or processing time) for features you don’t use. You should therefore go to virtual functions only if the program design needs them.

Next, let’s consider the conceptual model. When you design a class, you may have member functions that you don’t want redefined in derived classes. For example, the Brass::Balance() function, which returns the account balance, seems like a function that shouldn’t be redefined. By making this function nonvirtual, you accomplish two things. First, you make it more efficient. Second, you announce that it is your intention that this function not be redefined. That suggests reserving the virtual label just for methods you expect to be redefined.


If a method in a base class will be redefined in a derived class, you should make it virtual. If the method should not be redefined, you should make it nonvirtual.

Of course, when you design a class, it’s not always obvious into which category a method falls. Like many aspects of real life, class design is not a linear process.

How Virtual Functions Work

C++ specifies how virtual functions should behave, but it leaves the implementation up to the compiler writer. You don’t need to know the implementation method to use virtual functions, but seeing how it is done may help you understand the concepts better, so let’s take a look.

The usual way compilers handle virtual functions is to add a hidden member to each object. The hidden member holds a pointer to an array of function addresses. Such an array is usually termed a virtual function table (vtbl). The vtbl holds the addresses of the virtual functions declared for objects of that class. For example, an object of a base class contains a pointer to a table of addresses of all the virtual functions for that class. An object of a derived class contains a pointer to a separate table of addresses. If the derived class provides a new definition of a virtual function, the vtbl holds the address of the new function. If the derived class doesn’t redefine the virtual function, the vtbl holds the address of the original version of the function. If the derived class defines a new function and makes it virtual, its address is added to the vtbl (see Figure 13.5). Note that whether you define 1 or 10 virtual functions for a class, you add just one address member to an object; it’s the table size that varies.

Figure 13.5. A virtual function mechanism.


When you call a virtual function, the program looks at the vtbl address stored in an object and goes to the corresponding table of function addresses. If you use the first virtual function defined in the class declaration, the program uses the first function address in the array and executes the function that has that address. If you use the third virtual function in the class declaration, the program uses the function whose address is in the third element of the array.

In short, using virtual functions has the following modest costs in memory and execution speed:

• Each object has its size increased by the amount needed to hold an address.

• For each class, the compiler creates a table (an array) of addresses of virtual functions.

• For each function call, there’s an extra step of going to a table to look up an address.

Keep in mind that although nonvirtual functions are slightly more efficient than virtual functions, they don’t provide dynamic binding.

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