Public Inheritance Considerations

Naturally, adding inheritance to a program brings up a number of considerations. Let’s look at a few.

Is-a Relationship Considerations

You should be guided by the is-a relationship. If your proposed derived class is not a particular kind of the base class, you shouldn’t use public derivation. For example, you shouldn’t derive a Programmer class from a Brain class. If you want to represent the belief that a programmer has a brain, you should use a Brain class object as a member of the Programmer class.

In some cases the best approach may be to create an abstract data class with pure virtual functions and to derive other classes from it.

Remember that one expression of the is-a relationship is that a base class pointer can point to a derived-class object and that a base-class reference can refer to a derived-class object without an explicit type cast. Also remember that the reverse is not true; thus, you cannot have a derived-class pointer or reference refer to a base-class object without an explicit type cast. Depending on the class declarations, such an explicit type cast (a downcast) may or may not make sense. (You might want to review Figure 13.4.)

Figure 13.4. Upcasting and downcasting.


What’s Not Inherited

Constructors are not inherited. That is, creating a derived object requires calling a derived-class constructor. However, derived-class constructors typically use the member-initializer list syntax to call on base-class constructors to construct the base class portion of a derived object. If the derived-class constructor doesn’t explicitly call a base-class constructor by using the member-initializer list syntax, it uses the base class’s default constructor. In an inheritance chain, each class can use a member initializer list to pass back information to its immediate base class. C++11 adds a mechanism that enables the inheriting of constructors. However, the default behavior is still that constructors are not inherited.

Destructors are not inherited either. However, when an object is destroyed, the program first calls the derived destructor and then the base destructor. If there is a default base class destructor, the compiler generates a default derived class destructor. Generally speaking, if a class serves as a base class, its destructor should be virtual.

Assignment operators are not inherited. The reason is simple. An inherited method has the same function signature in a derived class as it does in the base class. However, an assignment operator has a function signature that changes from class to class because it has a formal parameter that is the class type. Assignment operators do have some interesting properties, which we’ll look at next.

Assignment Operator Considerations

If the compiler detects that a program assigns one object to another of the same class, it automatically supplies that class with an assignment operator. The default, or implicit, version of this operator uses memberwise assignment, with each member of the target object being assigned the value of the corresponding member of the source object. However, if the object belongs to a derived class, the compiler uses the base-class assignment operator to handle assignment for the base-class portion of the derived-class object. If you’ve explicitly provided an assignment operator for the base class, that operator is used. Similarly, if a class contains a member that is an object of another class, the assignment operator for that class is used for that member.

As you’ve seen several times, you need to provide an explicit assignment operator if class constructors use new to initialize pointers. Because C++ uses the base-class assignment operator for the base part of derived objects, you don’t need to redefine the assignment operator for a derived class unless it adds data members that require special care. For example, the baseDMA class defines assignment explicitly, but the derived lacksDMA class uses the implicit assignment operator generated for that class.

Suppose, however, that a derived class does use new, and you have to provide an explicit assignment operator. The operator must provide for every member of the class, not just the new members. The hasDMA class illustrates how this can be done:

hasDMA & hasDMA::operator=(const hasDMA & hs)
    if (this == &hs)
        return *this;
    baseDMA::operator=(hs);  // copy base portion
    delete [] style;         // prepare for new style
    style = new char[std::strlen( + 1];
    return *this;

What about assigning a derived-class object to a base-class object? (Note that this is not the same as initializing a base-class reference to a derived-class object.) Take a look at this example:

Brass blips;                                                  // base class
BrassPlus snips("Rafe Plosh", 91191,3993.19, 600.0, 0.12); // derived class
blips = snips;                      // assign derived object to base object

Which assignment operator is used? Remember that the assignment statement is translated into a method that is invoked by the left-hand object:


Here the left-hand object is a Brass object, so it invokes the Brass::operator=(const Brass &) function. The is-a relationship allows the Brass reference to refer to a derived-class object, such as snips. The assignment operator only deals with base-class members, so the maxLoan member and other BrassPlus members of snips are ignored in the assignment. In short, you can assign a derived object to a base object, and only the base-class members are involved.

What about the reverse? Can you assign a base-class object to a derived object? Take a look at this example:

Brass gp("Griff Hexbait", 21234, 1200);   // base class
BrassPlus temp;                           // derived class
temp = gp;   // possible?

Here the assignment statement would be translated as follows:


The left-hand object is a BrassPlus object, so it invokes the BrassPlus::operator=(const BrassPlus &) function. However, a derived-class reference cannot automatically refer to a base-class object, so this code won’t run unless there is also a conversion constructor:

BrassPlus(const Brass &);

It could be, as is the case for the BrassPlus class, that the conversion constructor is a constructor with a base-class argument plus additional arguments, provided that the additional arguments have default values:

BrassPlus(const Brass & ba, double ml = 500, double r = 0.1);

If there is a conversion constructor, the program uses this constructor to create a temporary BrassPlus object from gp, which is then used as an argument to the assignment operator.

Alternatively, you could define an assignment operator for assigning a base class to a derived class:

BrassPlus & BrassPlus ::operator=(const Brass &) {...}

Here the types match the assignment statement exactly, and no type conversions are needed.

In short, the answer to the question “Can you assign a base-class object to a derived object?” is “Maybe.” You can if the derived class has a constructor that defines the conversion of a base-class object to a derived-class object. And you can if the derived class defines an assignment operator for assigning a base-class object to a derived object. If neither of these two conditions holds, then you can’t make the assignment unless you use an explicit type cast.

Private Versus Protected Members

Remember that protected members act like public members as far as a derived class is concerned, but they act like private members for the world at large. A derived class can access protected members of a base class directly, but it can access private members only via base-class member functions. Thus, making base-class members private offers more security, whereas making them protected simplifies coding and speeds up access. Stroustrup, in his book The Design and Evolution of C++, indicates that it’s better to use private data members than protected data members but that protected methods are useful.

Virtual Method Considerations

When you design a base class, you have to decide whether to make class methods virtual. If you want a derived class to be able to redefine a method, you define the method as virtual in the base class. This enables late, or dynamic, binding. If you don’t want the method to be redefined, you don’t make it virtual. This doesn’t prevent someone from redefining the method, but it should be interpreted as meaning that you don’t want it redefined.

Note that inappropriate code can circumvent dynamic binding. Consider, for example, the following two functions:

void show(const Brass & rba)
    cout << endl;

void inadequate(Brass ba)
    cout << endl;

The first function passes an object by reference, and the second passes an object by value.

Now suppose you use each with a derived class argument:

BrassPlus buzz("Buzz Parsec", 00001111, 4300);

The show() function call results in the rba argument being a reference to the BrassPlus object buzz, so rba.ViewAcct() is interpreted as the BrassPlus version, as it should be. But in the inadequate() function, which passes an object by value, ba is a Brass object constructed by the Brass(const Brass &) constructor. (Automatic upcasting allows the constructor argument to refer to a BrassPlus object.) Thus, in inadequate(), ba.ViewAcct() is the Brass version, so only the Brass component of buzz is displayed.

Destructor Considerations

As mentioned earlier, a base class destructor should be virtual. That way, when you delete a derived object via a base-class pointer or reference to the object, the program uses the derived-class destructor followed by the base-class destructor rather than using only the base-class destructor.

Friend Considerations

Because a friend function is not actually a class member, it’s not inherited. However, you might still want a friend to a derived class to use a friend to the base class. The way to accomplish this is to type cast a derived-class reference or pointer to the base-class equivalent and to then use the type cast reference or pointer to invoke the base-class friend:

ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const hasDMA & hs)
//  type cast to match operator<<(ostream & , const baseDMA &)
    os << (const baseDMA &) hs;
    os << "Style: " << << endl;
    return os;

You can also use the dynamic_cast<> operator, discussed in Chapter 15, “Friends, Exceptions, and More,” for the type cast:

os << dynamic_cast<const baseDMA &> (hs);

For reasons discussed in Chapter 15, this would be the preferred form of type cast.

Observations on Using Base-Class Methods

Publicly derived objects can use base-class methods in many ways:

• A derived object automatically uses inherited base-class methods if the derived class hasn’t redefined the method.

• A derived-class destructor automatically invokes the base-class constructor.

• A derived-class constructor automatically invokes the base-class default constructor if you don’t specify another constructor in a member-initialization list.

• A derived-class constructor explicitly invokes the base-class constructor specified in a member-initialization list.

• Derived-class methods can use the scope-resolution operator to invoke public and protected base-class methods.

• Friends to a derived class can type cast a derived-class reference or pointer to a base-class reference or pointer and then use that reference or pointer to invoke a friend to the base class.

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