Using Objects as Exceptions

Typically, functions that throw exceptions throw objects. One important advantage of this is that you can use different exception types to distinguish among different functions and situations that produce exceptions. Also an object can carry information with it, and you can use this information to help identify the conditions that caused the exception to be thrown. Also in principle a catch block could use that information to decide which course of action to pursue. Here, for example, is one possible design for an exception to be thrown by the hmean() function:

class bad_hmean
    double v1;
    double v2;
    bad_hmean(int a = 0, int b = 0) : v1(a), v2(b){}
    void mesg();

inline void bad_hmean::mesg()

    std::cout << "hmean(" << v1 << ", " << v2 <<"): "
              << "invalid arguments: a = -b ";

A bad_hmean object can be initialized to the values passed to hmean(), and the mesg() method can be used to report the problem, including the values. The hmean() function can use code like this:

if (a == -b)
    throw bad_hmean(a,b);

This calls the bad_hmean() constructor, initializing the object to hold the argument values.

Listings 15.10 and 15.11 add a second exception class, bad_gmean, and a second function, called gmean(), that throws a bad_gmean exception. The gmean() function calculates the geometric mean of two numbers, which is the square root of their product. This function is defined if both arguments are non-negative, so it throws an exception if it detects negative arguments. Listing 15.10 is a header file that holds the exception class definitions, and Listing 15.11 is a sample program that uses that header file. Note that the try block is followed by two consecutive catch blocks:

try {                  // start of try block
}// end of try block
catch (bad_hmean & bg)    // start of catch block
catch (bad_gmean & hg)
} // end of catch block

If, say, hmean() throws a bad_hmean exception, the first catch block catches it. If gmean() throws a bad_gmean exception, the exception falls through the first catch block and gets caught by the second.

Listing 15.10. exc_mean.h

// exc_mean.h  -- exception classes for hmean(), gmean()
#include <iostream>

class bad_hmean
    double v1;
    double v2;
    bad_hmean(double a = 0, double b = 0) : v1(a), v2(b){}
    void mesg();

inline void bad_hmean::mesg()
    std::cout << "hmean(" << v1 << ", " << v2 <<"): "
              << "invalid arguments: a = -b ";

class bad_gmean
    double v1;
    double v2;
    bad_gmean(double a = 0, double b = 0) : v1(a), v2(b){}
    const char * mesg();

inline const char * bad_gmean::mesg()
    return "gmean() arguments should be >= 0 ";

Listing 15.11. error4.cpp

//error4.cpp – using exception classes
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> // or math.h, unix users may need -lm flag
#include "exc_mean.h"
// function prototypes
double hmean(double a, double b);
double gmean(double a, double b);
int main()
    using std::cout;
    using std::cin;
    using std::endl;

    double x, y, z;

    cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
    while (cin >> x >> y)
        try {                  // start of try block
            z = hmean(x,y);
            cout << "Harmonic mean of " << x << " and " << y
                << " is " << z << endl;
            cout << "Geometric mean of " << x << " and " << y
                << " is " << gmean(x,y) << endl;
            cout << "Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: ";
        }// end of try block
        catch (bad_hmean & bg)    // start of catch block
            cout << "Try again. ";
        catch (bad_gmean & hg)
            cout << hg.mesg();
            cout << "Values used: " << hg.v1 << ", "
                 << hg.v2 << endl;
            cout << "Sorry, you don't get to play any more. ";
        } // end of catch block
    cout << "Bye! ";
    return 0;

double hmean(double a, double b)
    if (a == -b)
        throw bad_hmean(a,b);
    return 2.0 * a * b / (a + b);

double gmean(double a, double b)
    if (a < 0 || b < 0)
        throw bad_gmean(a,b);
    return std::sqrt(a * b);

Here’s a sample run of the program, one that gets terminated by bad input for the gmean() function:

Enter two numbers: 4 12
Harmonic mean of 4 and 12 is 6
Geometric mean of 4 and 12 is 6.9282
Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: 5 -5
hmean(5, -5): invalid arguments: a = -b
Try again.
5 -2
Harmonic mean of 5 and -2 is -6.66667
gmean() arguments should be >= 0
Values used: 5, -2
Sorry, you don't get to play any more.

One point to notice is that the bad_hmean handler uses a continue statement, whereas the bad_gmean handler uses a break statement. Thus, bad input to hmean() leads the program to skip the rest of the loop and start the next loop cycle. But bad input for gmean() terminates the loop. This illustrates how a program can determine which exception is thrown (by the exception type) and tailor the response to the exception.

A second point to notice is that the bad_gmean design illustrates techniques that are different from what bad_hmean uses. In particular, bad_gmean uses public data and a method that returns a C-style string.

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