Exception Cautions

From the preceding discussion of using exceptions, you might gather (and gather correctly) that exception handling should be designed into a program rather than tacked on. Doing this has some disadvantages, though. For example, using exceptions adds to the size and subtracts from the speed of a program. Exception specifications don’t work well with templates because template functions might throw different kinds of exceptions, depending on the particular specialization used. Exceptions and dynamic memory allocation don’t always work that well together.

Let’s look a little further at dynamic memory allocation and exceptions. First, consider the following function:

void test1(int n)
    string mesg("I'm trapped in an endless loop");
    if (oh_no)
        throw exception();

The string class uses dynamic memory allocation. Normally, the string destructor for mesg would be called when the function reached return and terminated. Thanks to stack unwinding, the throw statement, even though it terminates the function prematurely, still allows the destructor to be called. So in this case, memory is managed properly.

Now consider this function:

void test2(int n)
    double * ar = new double[n];
    if (oh_no)
        throw exception();
    delete [] ar;

Here there is a problem. Unwinding the stack removes the variable ar from the stack. But the premature termination of the function means that the delete [] statement at the end of the function is skipped. The pointer is gone, but the memory block it pointed to is still intact and inaccessible. In short, there is a memory leak.

The leak can be avoided. For example, you can catch the exception in the same function that throws it, put some cleanup code into the catch block, and rethrow the exception:

void test3(int n)
    double * ar = new double[n];
    try {
        if (oh_no)
            throw exception();
    catch(exception & ex)
        delete [] ar;
    delete [] ar;

However, this clearly enhances the opportunities for oversights and other errors. Another solution is to use one of the smart pointer templates discussed in Chapter 16, “The string Class and the Standard Template Library.”

In short, although exception handling is extremely important for some projects, it does have costs in terms of programming effort, program size, and program speed. On the other hand, the cost of no error checking can be much worse.

Runtime Type Identification

Runtime type identification (RTTI) is one of the more recent additions to C++, and it isn’t supported by many older implementations. Other implementations may have compiler settings for turning RTTI on and off. The intent of RTTI is to provide a standard way for a program to determine the type of object during runtime. Many class libraries have already provided ways to do so for their own class objects, but in the absence of built-in support in C++, each vendor’s mechanism is typically incompatible with those of other vendors. Creating a language standard for RTTI should allow future libraries to be compatible with each other.

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