Constructing a String

Let’s look at the string constructors. After all, one of the most important things to know about a class is what your options are when creating objects of that class. Listing 16.1 uses seven of the string constructors (labeled ctor, the traditional C++ abbreviation for constructor). Table 16.1 briefly describes the constructors. The table begins with the seven constructors used in Listing 16.1, in that order. It also lists a couple of C++11 additions. The constructor representations are simplified in that they conceal the fact that string really is a typedef for a template specialization basic_string<char> and that they omit an optional argument relating to memory management. (This aspect is discussed later this chapter and in Appendix F, “The string Template Class.”) The type size_type is an implementation-dependent integral type defined in the string header file. The class defines string::npos as the maximum possible length of the string. Typically, this would equal the maximum value of an unsigned int. Also the table uses the common abbreviation NBTS for null-byte-terminated string—that is, the traditional C string, which is terminated with a null character.

Table 16.1. string Class Constructors


Listing 16.1. str1.cpp

// str1.cpp -- introducing the string class
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// using string constructors

int main()
    using namespace std;
    string one("Lottery Winner!");     // ctor #1
    cout << one << endl;               // overloaded <<
    string two(20, '$'),               // ctor #2
    cout << two << endl;
    string three(one);                 // ctor #3
    cout << three << endl;
    one += " Oops!";                   // overloaded +=
    cout << one << endl;
    two = "Sorry! That was ";
    three[0] = 'P';
    string four;                       // ctor #4
    four = two + three;                // overloaded +, =
    cout << four << endl;
    char alls[] = "All's well that ends well";
    string five(alls,20);              // ctor #5
    cout << five << "! ";
    string six(alls+6, alls + 10);     // ctor #6
    cout << six  << ", ";
    string seven(&five[6], &five[10]); // ctor #6 again
    cout << seven << "... ";
    string eight(four, 7, 16);         // ctor #7
    cout << eight << " in motion!" << endl;
    return 0;

The program in Listing 16.1 also uses the overloaded += operator, which appends one string to another, the overloaded = operator for assigning one string to another, the overloaded << operator for displaying a string object, and the overloaded [] operator for accessing an individual character in a string.

Here is the output of the program in Listing 16.1:

Lottery Winner!
Lottery Winner!
Lottery Winner! Oops!
Sorry! That was Pottery Winner!
All's well that ends!
well, well...
That was Pottery in motion!

Program Notes

The start of the program in Listing 16.1 illustrates that you can initialize a string object to a regular C-style string and display it by using the overloaded << operator:

string one("Lottery Winner!");    // ctor #1
cout << one << endl;              // overloaded <<

The next constructor initializes the string object two to a string consisting of 20 $ characters:

string two(20, '$'),              // ctor #2

The copy constructor initializes the string object three to the string object one:

string three(one);                // ctor #3

The overloaded += operator appends the string " Oops!" to the string one:

one += " Oops!";                  // overloaded +=

This particular example appends a C-style string to a string object. However, the += operator is multiply overloaded so that you can also append string objects and single characters:

one += two;   // append a string object (not in program)
one += '!';   // append a type char value (not in program)

Similarly, the = operator is overloaded so that you can assign a string object to a string object, a C-style string to a string object, or a simple char value to a string object:

two = "Sorry! That was "; // assign a C-style string
two = one;                // assign a string object (not in program)
two = '?';                // assign a char value (not in program)

Overloading the [] operator, as the String example in Chapter 12 does, permits access to individual characters in a string object by using array notation:

three[0] = 'P';

A default constructor creates an empty string that can later be given a value:

string four;                      // ctor #4
four = two + three;               // overloaded +, =

The second line here uses the overloaded + operator to create a temporary string object, which is then assigned, using the overloaded = operator, to the four object. As you might expect, the + operator concatenates its two operands into a single string object. The operator is multiply overloaded, so the second operand can be a string object or a C-style string or a char value.

The fifth constructor takes a C-style string and an integer as arguments, with the integer indicating how many characters to copy:

char alls[] = "All's well that ends well";
string five(alls,20);             // ctor #5

Here, as the output shows, just the first 20 characters ("All's well that ends") are used to initialize the five object. As Table 16.1 notes, if the character count exceeds the length of the C-style string, the requested number of characters is still copied. So replacing 20 with 40 in the preceding example would result in 15 junk characters being copied at the end of five. (That is, the constructor would interpret the contents in memory following the string "All's well that ends well" as character codes.)

The sixth constructor has a template argument:

template<class Iter> string(Iter begin, Iter end);

The intent is that begin and end act like pointers pointing to two locations in memory. (In general, begin and end can be iterators, generalizations of pointers extensively used in the STL.) The constructor then uses the values between the locations pointed to by begin and end to initialize the string object it constructs. The notation [begin, end), borrowed from mathematics, means the range includes begin but doesn’t include end. That is, end points to a location one past the last value to be used. Consider the following statement:

string six(alls+6, alls + 10);    // ctor #6

Because the name of an array is a pointer, both alls + 6 and alls + 10 are type char *, so the template is used with Iter replaced by type char *. The first argument points to the first w in the alls array, and the second argument points to the space following the first well. Thus, six is initialized to the string "well". Figure 16.1 shows how the constructor works.

Figure 16.1. A string constructor using a range.


Now suppose you want to use this constructor to initialize an object to part of another string object—say, the object five. The following does not work:

string seven(five + 6, five + 10);

The reason is that the name of an object, unlike the name of an array, is not treated as the address of an object, hence five is not a pointer and five + 6 is meaningless. However, five[6] is a char value, so &five[6] is an address and can be used as an argument to the constructor:

string seven(&five[6], &five[10]);// ctor #6 again

The seventh constructor copies a portion of one string object to the constructed object:

string eight(four, 7, 16);         // ctor #7

This statement copies 16 characters from four to eight, starting at position 7 (the eighth character) in four.

C++11 Constructors

The string(string && str) noexcept constructor is similar to the copy constructor in that the new string is a copy of str. However, unlike the copy constructor, it doesn’t guarantee that str will be treated as const. This form of constructor is termed a move constructor. The compiler can use it in some situations instead of the copy constructor to optimize performance. Chapter 18, “Visiting with the New C++ Standard,” discusses this topic in the section “Move Semantics and the rvalue Reference.”

The string(initializer_list<char> il) constructor enables list-initialization for the string class. That is, it makes declarations like the following possible:

string piano_man = {'L', 'i', 's','z','t'};
string comp_lang {'L', 'i', 's', 'p'};

This may not be that useful for the string class because using C-style strings is easier, but it does satisfy the intent to make the list-initialization syntax universal. This chapter will discuss the initializer_list template further later on.

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