The Other ostream Methods

Besides the various operator<<() functions, the ostream class provides the put() method for displaying characters and the write() method for displaying strings.

Originally, the put() method had the following prototype:

ostream & put(char);

The current standard is equivalent, except it’s templated to allow for wchar_t. You invoke it by using the usual class method notation:

cout.put('W'),      // display the W character

Here cout is the invoking object and put() is the class member function. Like the << operator functions, this function returns a reference to the invoking object, so you can concatenate output with it:

cout.put('I').put('t'), // displaying It with two put() calls

The function call cout.put('I') returns cout, which then acts as the invoking object for the put('t') call.

Given the proper prototype, you can use put() with arguments of numeric types other than char, such as int, and let function prototyping automatically convert the argument to the correct type char value. For example, you could use the following:

cout.put(65);        // display the A character
cout.put(66.3);      // display the B character

The first statement converts the int value 65 to a char value and then displays the character having 65 as its ASCII code. Similarly, the second statement converts the type double value 66.3 to a type char value 66 and displays the corresponding character.

This behavior comes in handy with versions prior to Release 2.0 C++; in those versions, the language represents character constants with type int values. Thus, a statement such as the following would interpret 'W' as an int value and hence display it as the integer 87, the ASCII value for the character:

cout << 'W';

But the following statement works fine:


Because current C++ represents char constants as type char, you can now use either method.

Some compilers erroneously overload put() for three argument types: char, unsigned char, and signed char. This makes using put() with an int argument ambiguous because an int can be converted to any one of those three types.

The write() method writes an entire string and has the following template prototype:

basic_ostream<charT,traits>& write(const char_type* s, streamsize n);

The first argument to write() provides the address of the string to be displayed, and the second argument indicates how many characters to display. Using cout to invoke write() invokes the char specialization, so the return type is ostream &. Listing 17.1 shows how the write() method works.

Listing 17.1. write.cpp

// write.cpp -- using cout.write()
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>  // or else string.h

int main()
    using std::cout;
    using std::endl;
    const char * state1 = "Florida";
    const char * state2 = "Kansas";
    const char * state3 = "Euphoria";
    int len = std::strlen(state2);
    cout << "Increasing loop index: ";
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i <= len; i++)
        cout << endl;

// concatenate output
    cout << "Decreasing loop index: ";
    for (i = len; i > 0; i--)
        cout.write(state2,i) << endl;

// exceed string length
    cout << "Exceeding string length: ";
    cout.write(state2, len + 5) << endl;

    return 0;

Some compilers may observe that the program defines but doesn’t use the arrays state1 and state3. That’s okay because those two arrays are there just to provide data before and after the state2 array so that you can see what happens when the program miscodes access to state2. Here is the output of the program in Listing 17.1:

Increasing loop index:
Decreasing loop index:
Exceeding string length:
Kansas Euph

Note that the cout.write() call returns the cout object. This is because the write() method returns a reference to the object that invokes it, and in this case, the cout object invokes it. This makes it possible to concatenate output because cout.write() is replaced by its return value, cout:

cout.write(state2,i) << endl;

Also, note that the write() method doesn’t stop printing characters automatically when it reaches the null character. It simply prints how many characters you tell it to, even if that goes beyond the bounds of a particular string! In this case, the program brackets the string "Kansas" with two other strings so that adjacent memory locations would contain data. Compilers differ in the order in which they store data in memory and in how they align memory. For example, "Kansas" occupies 6 bytes, but this particular compiler appears to align strings by using multiples of 4 bytes, so "Kansas" is padded out to 8 bytes. Some compilers store "Florida" after "Kansas". So because of compiler differences, you may get a different result for the final line of output.

The write() method can also be used with numeric data. You would pass it the address of a number, type cast to char *:

long val = 560031841;
cout.write( (char *) &val, sizeof (long));

This doesn’t translate a number to the correct characters; instead, it transmits the bit representation as stored in memory. For example, a 4-byte long value such as 560031841 would be transmitted as 4 separate bytes. An output device such as a monitor would then try to interpret each byte as if it were ASCII (or whatever) code. So 560031841 would appear onscreen as some 4-character combination, most likely gibberish. (But maybe not; try it and see.) However, write() does provide a compact, accurate way to store numeric data in a file. We’ll return to this possibility later in this chapter.

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