Random Access

For our last file example, let’s look at random access. Random access means moving directly to any location in the file instead of moving through it sequentially. The random access approach is often used with database files. A program will maintain a separate index file, giving the location of data in the main data file. Then it can jump directly to that location, read the data there, and perhaps modify it. This approach is done most simply if the file consists of a collection of equal-sized records. Each record represents a related collection of data. For example, in the example in Listing 17.19, each file record would represent all the data about a particular planet. A file record corresponds rather naturally to a program structure or class.

This example is based on the binary file program in Listing 17.19, to take advantage of the fact that the planet structure provides a pattern for a file record. To add to the creative tension of programming, the example opens the file in a read-and-write mode so that it can both read and modify a record. You can do this by creating an fstream object. The fstream class derives from the iostream class, which, in turn, is based on both the istream and ostream classes, so it inherits the methods of both. It also inherits two buffers, one for input and one for output, and synchronizes the handling of the two buffers. That is, as the program reads the file or writes to it, it moves both an input pointer in the input buffer and an output pointer in the output buffer in tandem.

The example does the following:

1. Displays the current contents of the planets.dat file.

2. Asks which record you want to modify.

3. Modifies that record.

4. Shows the revised file.

A more ambitious program would use a menu and a loop to let you select from the list of actions indefinitely, but this version performs each action just once. This simplified approach allows you to examine several aspects of read/write files without getting bogged down in matters of program design.


This program assumes that the planets.dat file already exists and was created by the binary.cpp program in Listing 17.19.

The first question to answer is what file mode to use. In order to read the file, you need the ios_base::in mode. For binary I/O, you need the ios_base::binary mode. (Again, on some nonstandard systems you can omit—indeed, you may have to omit—this mode.) In order to write to the file, you need the ios_base::out or the ios_base::app mode. However, the append mode allows a program to add data to the end of the file only. The rest of the file is read-only; that is, you can read the original data but not modify it—so, to be able to modify the data, you have to use ios_base::out. As Table 17.8 indicates, using the in and out modes simultaneously provides a read/write mode, so you just have to add the binary element. As mentioned earlier, you use the | operator to combine modes. Thus, you need the following statement to set up business:

finout.open(file,ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);

Next, you need a way to move through a file. The fstream class inherits two methods for this: seekg() moves the input pointer to a given file location, and seekp() moves the output pointer to a given file location. (Actually, because the fstream class uses buffers for intermediate storage of data, the pointers point to locations in the buffers, not in the actual file.) You can also use seekg() with an ifstream object and seekp() with an ofstream object. Here are the seekg() prototypes:

basic_istream<charT,traits>& seekg(off_type, ios_base::seekdir);
basic_istream<charT,traits>& seekg(pos_type);

As you can see, they are templates. This chapter uses a template specialization for the char type. For the char specialization, the two prototypes are equivalent to the following:

istream & seekg(streamoff, ios_base::seekdir);
istream & seekg(streampos);

The first prototype represents locating a file position measured, in bytes, as an offset from a file location specified by the second argument. The second prototype represents locating a file position measured, in bytes, from the beginning of a file.

Let’s take a look at the arguments to the first prototype of seekg(). Values of the streamoff type are used to measure offsets, in bytes, from a particular location in a file. The streamoff argument represents the file position, in bytes, measured as an offset from one of three locations. (The type may be defined as an integer type or as a class.) The seek_dir argument is another integer type that is defined, along with three possible values, in the ios_base class. The constant ios_base::beg means measure the offset from the beginning of the file. The constant ios_base::cur means measure the offset from the current position. The constant ios_base::end means measure the offset from the end of the file. Here are some sample calls, assuming that fin is an ifstream object:

fin.seekg(30, ios_base::beg);    // 30 bytes beyond the beginning
fin.seekg(-1, ios_base::cur);    // back up one byte
fin.seekg(0, ios_base::end);     // go to the end of the file

Now let’s look at the second prototype. Values of the streampos type locate a position in a file. It can be a class, but, if so, the class includes a constructor with a streamoff argument and a constructor with an integer argument, providing a path to convert both types to streampos values. A streampos value represents an absolute location in a file, measured from the beginning of the file. You can treat a streampos position as if it measures a file location in bytes from the beginning of a file, with the first byte being byte 0. So the following statement locates the file pointer at byte 112, which would be the 113th byte in the file:


If you want to check the current position of a file pointer, you can use the tellg() method for input streams and the tellp() methods for output streams. Each returns a streampos value representing the current position, in bytes, measured from the beginning of the file. When you create an fstream object, the input and output pointers move in tandem, so tellg() and tellp() return the same value. But if you use an istream object to manage the input stream and an ostream object to manage the output stream to the same file, the input and output pointers move independently of one another, and tellg() and tellp() can return different values.

You can then use seekg() to go to the file beginning. Here is a section of code that opens a file, goes to the beginning, and displays the file contents:

fstream finout;     // read and write streams
finout.open(file,ios::in | ios::out |ios::binary);
//NOTE: Some Unix systems require omitting | ios::binary
int ct = 0;
if (finout.is_open())
    finout.seekg(0);    // go to beginning
    cout << "Here are the current contents of the "
          << file << " file: ";
    while (finout.read((char *) &pl, sizeof pl))
        cout << ct++ << ": " << setw(LIM) << pl.name << ": "
        << setprecision(0) << setw(12) << pl.population
        << setprecision(2) << setw(6) << pl.g << endl;
    if (finout.eof())
        finout.clear(); // clear eof flag
        cerr << "Error in reading " << file << ". ";
    cerr << file << " could not be opened -- bye. ";

This is similar to the start of Listing 17.19, but there are some changes and additions. First, as just described, the program uses an fstream object with a read/write mode, and it uses seekg() to position the file pointer at the start of the file. (This isn’t really needed for this example, but it shows how seekg() is used.) Next, the program makes the minor change of numbering the records as they are displayed. Then it makes the following important addition:

if (finout.eof())
    finout.clear(); // clear eof flag
    cerr << "Error in reading " << file << ". ";

The problem this code addresses is that when the program finishes reading and displaying the entire file, it sets the eofbit element. This convinces the program that it’s finished with the file and disables any further reading of or writing to the file. Using the clear() method resets the stream state, turning off eofbit. Now the program can once again access the file. The else part handles the possibility that the program quits reading the file for some reason other than reaching the end-of-file, such as a hardware failure.

The next step is to identify the record to be changed and then change it. To do this, the program asks the user to enter a record number. Multiplying the number by the number of bytes in a record yields the byte number for the beginning of the record. If record is the record number, the desired byte number is record * sizeof pl:

cout << "Enter the record number you wish to change: ";
long rec;
cin >> rec;
eatline();              // get rid of newline
if (rec < 0 || rec >= ct)
    cerr << "Invalid record number -- bye ";
streampos place = rec * sizeof pl;  // convert to streampos type
finout.seekg(place);    // random access

The variable ct represents the number of records; the program exits if you try to go beyond the limits of the file.

Next, the program displays the current record:

finout.read((char *) &pl, sizeof pl);
cout << "Your selection: ";
cout << rec << ": " << setw(LIM) << pl.name << ": "
<< setprecision(0) << setw(12) << pl.population
<< setprecision(2) << setw(6) << pl.g << endl;
if (finout.eof())
    finout.clear();     // clear eof flag

After displaying the record, the program lets you change the record:

cout << "Enter planet name: ";
cin.get(pl.name, LIM);
cout << "Enter planetary population: ";
cin >> pl.population;
cout << "Enter planet's acceleration of gravity: ";
cin >> pl.g;
finout.seekp(place);    // go back
finout.write((char *) &pl, sizeof pl) << flush;

if (finout.fail())
    cerr << "Error on attempted write ";

The program flushes the output to guarantee that the file is updated before proceeding to the next stage.

Finally, to display the revised file, the program uses seekg() to reset the file pointer to the beginning. Listing 17.20 shows the complete program. Don’t forget that it assumes that a planets.dat file created using the binary.cpp program is available.


The older the implementation, the more likely it is to run afoul of the C++ Standard. Some systems don’t recognize the binary flag, the fixed and right manipulators, and ios_base.

Listing 17.20. random.cpp

// random.cpp -- random access to a binary file
#include <iostream>     // not required by most systems
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>      // for exit()
const int LIM = 20;
struct planet
    char name[LIM];     // name of planet
    double population;  // its population
    double g;           // its acceleration of gravity

const char * file = "planets.dat";  // ASSUMED TO EXIST (binary.cpp example)
inline void eatline() { while (std::cin.get() != ' ') continue; }

int main()
    using namespace std;
    planet pl;
    cout << fixed;

// show initial contents
    fstream finout;     // read and write streams
           ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
    //NOTE: Some Unix systems require omitting | ios::binary
    int ct = 0;
    if (finout.is_open())
        finout.seekg(0);    // go to beginning
        cout << "Here are the current contents of the "
             << file << " file: ";
        while (finout.read((char *) &pl, sizeof pl))
            cout << ct++ << ": " << setw(LIM) << pl.name << ": "
                 << setprecision(0) << setw(12) << pl.population
                 << setprecision(2) << setw(6) << pl.g << endl;
        if (finout.eof())
            finout.clear(); // clear eof flag
            cerr << "Error in reading " << file << ". ";
        cerr << file << " could not be opened -- bye. ";

// change a record
    cout << "Enter the record number you wish to change: ";
    long rec;
    cin >> rec;
    eatline();              // get rid of newline
    if (rec < 0 || rec >= ct)
        cerr << "Invalid record number -- bye ";
    streampos place = rec * sizeof pl;  // convert to streampos type
    finout.seekg(place);    // random access
    if (finout.fail())
        cerr << "Error on attempted seek ";

    finout.read((char *) &pl, sizeof pl);
    cout << "Your selection: ";
    cout << rec << ": " << setw(LIM) << pl.name << ": "
         << setprecision(0) << setw(12) << pl.population
         << setprecision(2) << setw(6) << pl.g << endl;
    if (finout.eof())
        finout.clear();     // clear eof flag

    cout << "Enter planet name: ";
    cin.get(pl.name, LIM);
    cout << "Enter planetary population: ";
    cin >> pl.population;
    cout << "Enter planet's acceleration of gravity: ";
    cin >> pl.g;
    finout.seekp(place);    // go back
    finout.write((char *) &pl, sizeof pl) << flush;
    if (finout.fail())
        cerr << "Error on attempted write ";

// show revised file
    ct = 0;
    finout.seekg(0);            // go to beginning of file
    cout << "Here are the new contents of the " << file
         << " file: ";
    while (finout.read((char *) &pl, sizeof pl))
        cout << ct++ << ": " << setw(LIM) << pl.name << ": "
             << setprecision(0) << setw(12) << pl.population
             << setprecision(2) << setw(6) << pl.g << endl;
    cout << "Done. ";
    return 0;

Here’s a sample run of the program in Listing 17.20, based on a planets.dat file that has had a few more entries added since you last saw it:

Here are the current contents of the planets.dat file:
0:                Earth:   6928198253  9.81
1:        Jenny's World:     32155648  8.93
2:              Tramtor:  89000000000 15.03
3:              Trellan:      5214000  9.62
4:            Freestone:   3945851000  8.68
5:            Taanagoot:    361000004 10.23
6:                Marin:       252409  9.79
Enter the record number you wish to change: 2
Your selection:
2:              Tramtor:  89000000000 15.03
Enter planet name: Trantor
Enter planetary population: 89521844777
Enter planet's acceleration of gravity: 10.53
Here are the new contents of the planets.dat file:
0:                Earth:   6928198253  9.81
1:        Jenny's World:     32155648  8.93
2:              Trantor:  89521844777 10.53
3:              Trellan:      5214000  9.62
4:            Freestone:   3945851000  8.68
5:            Taanagoot:    361000004 10.23
6:                Marin:       252409  9.79

By using the techniques in this program, you can extend it so that it allows you to add new material and delete records. If you were to expand the program, it would be a good idea to reorganize it by using classes and functions. For example, you could convert the planet structure to a class definition; then you could overload the << insertion operator so that cout << pl displays the class data members formatted as in the example. Also the example doesn’t bother to verify input, so you could add code to check for numeric input where appropriate.

Incore Formatting

The iostream family supports I/O between a program and a terminal. The fstream family uses the same interface to provide I/O between a program and a file. The C++ library also provides an sstream family, which uses the same interface to provide I/O between a program and a string object. That is, you can use the same ostream methods you’ve used with cout to write formatted information into a string object, and you can use istream methods such as getline() to read information from a string object. The process of reading formatted information from a string object or of writing formatted information to a string object is termed incore formatting. Let’s take a brief look at these facilities. (The sstream family of string support supersedes the strstream.h family of char-array support.)

The sstream header file defines an ostringstream class that is derived from the ostream class. (There is also a wostringstream class based on wostream, for wide character sets.) If you create an ostringstream object, you can write information to it, which it stores. You can use the same methods with an ostringstream object that you can with cout. That is, you can do something like the following:

ostringstream outstr;
double price = 380.0;
char * ps = " for a copy of the ISO/EIC C++ standard!";
outstr << fixed;
outstr << "Pay only CHF " << price << ps << endl;

The formatted text goes into a buffer, and the object uses dynamic memory allocation to expand the buffer size as needed. The ostringstream class has a member function, called str(), that returns a string object initialized to the buffer’s contents:

string mesg = outstr.str();    // returns string with formatted information

Using the str() method “freezes” the object, and you can no longer write to it.

Listing 17.21 provides a short example of incore formatting.

Listing 17.21. strout.cpp

// strout.cpp -- incore formatting (output)
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    ostringstream outstr;   // manages a string stream

    string hdisk;
    cout << "What's the name of your hard disk? ";
    getline(cin, hdisk);
    int cap;
    cout << "What's its capacity in GB? ";
    cin >> cap;
    // write formatted information to string stream
    outstr << "The hard disk " << hdisk << " has a capacity of "
            << cap << " gigabytes. ";
    string result = outstr.str();   // save result
    cout << result;                 // show contents

    return 0;


Here’s a sample run of the program in Listing 17.21:

What's the name of your hard disk? Datarapture
What's its capacity in GB? 2000
The hard disk Datarapture has a capacity of 2000 gigabytes.

The istringstream class lets you use the istream family of methods to read data from an istringstream object, which can be initialized from a string object. Suppose facts is a string object. To create an istringstream object associated with this string, you can use the following:

istringstream instr(facts);     // use facts to initialize stream

Then you use istream methods to read data from instr. For example, if instr contained a bunch of integers in character format, you could read them as follows:

int n;
int sum = 0;
while (instr >> n)
    sum += n;

Listing 17.22 uses the overloaded >> operator to read the contents of a string one word at a time.

Listing 17.22. strin.cpp

// strin.cpp -- formatted reading from a char array
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    string lit = "It was a dark and stormy day, and "
                 " the full moon glowed brilliantly. ";
    istringstream instr(lit);   // use buf for input
    string word;
    while (instr >> word)       // read a word a time
        cout << word << endl;
    return 0;


Here is the output of the program in Listing 17.22:


In short, the istringstream and ostringstream classes give you the power of the istream and ostream class methods to manage character data stored in strings.


A stream is a flow of bytes into or out of a program. A buffer is a temporary holding area in memory that acts as an intermediary between a program and a file or other I/O devices. Information can be transferred between a buffer and a file, using large chunks of data of the size most efficiently handled by devices such as disk drives. And information can be transferred between a buffer and a program in a byte-by-byte flow that often is more convenient for the processing done in a program. C++ handles input by connecting a buffered stream to a program and to its source of input. Similarly, C++ handles output by connecting a buffered stream to a program and to its output target. The iostream and fstream files constitute an I/O class library that defines a rich set of classes for managing streams. C++ programs that include the iostream file automatically open eight streams, managing them with eight objects. The cin object manages the standard input stream, which, by default, connects to the standard input device, typically a keyboard. The cout object manages the standard output stream, which, by default, connects to the standard output device, typically a monitor. The cerr and clog objects manage unbuffered and buffered streams connected to the standard error device, typically a monitor. These four objects have four wide character counterparts, named wcin, wcout, wcerr, and wclog.

The I/O class library provides a variety of useful methods. The istream class defines versions of the extraction operator (>>) that recognize all the basic C++ types and that convert character input to those types. The get() family of methods and the getline() method provide further support for single-character input and for string input. Similarly, the ostream class defines versions of the insertion operator (<<) that recognize all the basic C++ types and that convert them to suitable character output. The put() method provides further support for single-character output. The wistream and wostream classes provide similar support for wide characters.

You can control how a program formats output by using ios_base class methods and by using manipulators (functions that can be concatenated with insertion) defined in the iostream and iomanip files. These methods and manipulators let you control the number base, the field width, the number of decimal places displayed, the system used to display floating-point values, and other elements.

The fstream file provides class definitions that extend the iostream methods to file I/O. The ifstream class derives from the istream class. By associating an ifstream object with a file, you can use all the istream methods for reading the file. Similarly, associating an ofstream object with a file lets you use the ostream methods to write to a file. And associating an fstream object with a file lets you employ both input and output methods with the file.

To associate a file with a stream, you can provide the filename when initializing a file stream object or you can first create a file stream object and then use the open() method to associate the stream with a file. The close() method terminates the connection between a stream and a file. The class constructors and the open() method take an optional second argument that provides the file mode. The file mode determines such things as whether the file is to be read and/or written to, whether opening a file for writing truncates it, whether attempting to open a non-existent file is an error, and whether to use the binary or text mode.

A text file stores all information in character form. For example, numeric values are converted to character representations. The usual insertion and extraction operators, along with get() and getline(), support this mode. A binary file stores all information by using the same binary representation the computer uses internally. Binary files store data, particularly floating-point values, more accurately and compactly than text files, but they are less portable. The read() and write() methods support binary input and output.

The seekg() and seekp() functions provide C++ random access for files. These class methods let you position a file pointer relative to the beginning of a file, relative to the end, or relative to the current position. The tellg() and tellp() methods report the current file position.

The sstream header file defines istringstream and ostringstream classes that let you use istream and ostream methods to extract information from a string and to format information placed into a string.

Chapter Review

1. What role does the iostream file play in C++ I/O?

2. Why does typing a number such as 121 as input require a program to make a conversion?

3. What’s the difference between the standard output and the standard error?

4. Why is cout able to display various C++ types without being provided explicit instructions for each type?

5. What feature of the output method definitions allows you to concatenate output?

6. Write a program that requests an integer and then displays it in decimal, octal, and hexadecimal forms. Display each form on the same line, in fields that are 15 characters wide, and use the C++ number base prefixes.

7. Write a program that requests the following information and that formats it as shown:

Enter your name: Billy Gruff
Enter your hourly wages: 12
Enter number of hours worked: 7.5
First format:
                   Billy Gruff: $     12.00:  7.5
Second format:
Billy Gruff                   : $12.00     :7.5

8. Consider the following program:

#include <iostream>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    char ch;
    int ct1 = 0;

    cin >> ch;
    while (ch != 'q')
        cin >> ch;

    int ct2 = 0;
    while (ch != 'q')
    cout << "ct1 = " << ct1 << "; ct2 = " << ct2 << " ";

    return 0;

What does it print, given the following input:

I see a q<Enter>
I see a q<Enter>

Here <Enter> signifies pressing the Enter key.

9. Both of the following statements read and discard characters up to and including the end of a line. In what way does the behavior of one differ from that of the other?

while (cin.get() != ' ')
cin.ignore(80, ' '),

Programming Exercises

1. Write a program that counts the number of characters up to the first $ in input and that leaves the $ in the input stream.

2. Write a program that copies your keyboard input (up to the simulated end-of-file) to a file named on the command line.

3. Write a program that copies one file to another. Have the program take the filenames from the command line. Have the program report if it cannot open a file.

4. Write a program that opens two text files for input and one for output. The program should concatenate the corresponding lines of the input files, use a space as a separator, and write the results to the output file. If one file is shorter than the other, the remaining lines in the longer file should also be copied to the output file. For example, suppose the first input file has these contents:

eggs kites donuts
balloons hammers

And suppose the second input file has these contents:

zero lassitude
finance drama

The resulting file would have these contents:

eggs kites donuts zero lassitude
balloons hammers finance drama

5. Mat and Pat want to invite their friends to a party, much as they did in Programming Exercise 8 in Chapter 16, except now they want a program that uses files. They have asked you to write a program that does the following:

• Reads a list of Mat’s friends’ names from a text file called mat.dat, which lists one friend per line. The names are stored in a container and then displayed in sorted order.

• Reads a list of Pat’s friends’ names from a text file called pat.dat, which lists one friend per line. The names are stored in a container and then displayed in sorted order.

• Merges the two lists, eliminating duplicates and stores the result in the file matnpat.dat, one friend per line.

6. Consider the class definitions of Programming Exercise 5 in Chapter 14, “Reusing Code in C++”. If you haven’t yet done that exercise, do so now. Then do the following:

Write a program that uses standard C++ I/O and file I/O in conjunction with data of types employee, manager, fink, and highfink, as defined in Programming Exercise 5 in Chapter 14. The program should be along the general lines of Listing 17.17 in that it should let you add new data to a file. The first time through, the program should solicit data from the user, show all the entries, and save the information in a file. On subsequent uses, the program should first read and display the file data, let the user add data, and show all the data. One difference is that data should be handled by an array of pointers to type employee. That way, a pointer can point to an employee object or to objects of any of the three derived types. Keep the array small to facilitate checking the program; for example, you might limit the array to 10 elements:

const int MAX = 10;     // no more than 10 objects
employee * pc[MAX];

For keyboard entry, the program should use a menu to offer the user the choice of which type of object to create. The menu should use a switch to use new to create an object of the desired type and to assign the object’s address to a pointer in the pc array. Then that object can use the virtual setall() function to elicit the appropriate data from the user:

pc[i]->setall();  // invokes function corresponding to type of object

To save the data to a file, devise a virtual writeall() function for that purpose:

for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
    pc[i]->writeall(fout);// fout ofstream connected to output file


Use text I/O, not binary I/O, for Programming Exercise 6. (Unfortunately, virtual objects include pointers to tables of pointers to virtual functions, and write() copies this information to a file. An object filled by using read() from the file gets weird values for the function pointers, which really messes up the behavior of virtual functions.) Use a newline character to separate each data field from the next; this makes it easier to identify fields on input. Or you could still use binary I/O, but not write objects as a whole. Instead, you could provide class methods that apply the write() and read() functions to each class member individually rather than to the object as a whole. That way, the program could save just the intended data to a file.

The tricky part is recovering the data from the file. The problem is, how can the program know whether the next item to be recovered is an employee object, a manager object, a fink type, or a highfink type? One approach is, when writing the data for an object to a file, precede the data with an integer that indicates the type of object to follow. Then, on file input, the program can read the integer and then use switch to create the appropriate object to receive the data:

enum classkind{Employee, Manager, Fink, Highfink}; // in class header
int classtype;
while((fin >> classtype).get(ch)){ // newline separates int from data
    switch(classtype) {
        case Employee  : pc[i] = new employee;
                      : break;

Then you can use the pointer to invoke a virtual getall() function to read the information:


7. Here is part of a program that reads keyboard input into a vector of string objects, stores the string contents (not the objects) in a file, and then copies the file contents back into a vector of string objects:

int main()
    using namespace std;
    vector<string> vostr;
    string temp;

// acquire strings
    cout << "Enter strings (empty line to quit): ";
    while (getline(cin,temp) && temp[0] != '')
    cout << "Here is your input. ";
    for_each(vostr.begin(), vostr.end(), ShowStr);

// store in a file
    ofstream fout("strings.dat", ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
    for_each(vostr.begin(), vostr.end(), Store(fout));

// recover file contents
    vector<string> vistr;
    ifstream fin("strings.dat", ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
    if (!fin.is_open())
        cerr << "Could not open file for input. ";
    GetStrs(fin, vistr);
    cout << " Here are the strings read from the file: ";
    for_each(vistr.begin(), vistr.end(), ShowStr);

    return 0;

Note that the file is opened in binary format and that the intention is that I/O be accomplished with read() and write(). Quite a bit remains to be done:

• Write a void ShowStr(const string &) function that displays a string object followed by a newline character.

• Write a Store functor that writes string information to a file. The Store constructor should specify an ifstream object, and the overloaded operator()(const string &) should indicate the string to write. A workable plan is to first write the string’s size to the file and then write the string contents. For example, if len holds the string size, you could use this:

os.write((char *)&len, sizeof(std::size_t));  // store length
os.write(s.data(), len);                      // store characters

The data() member returns a pointer to an array that holds the characters in the string. It’s similar to the c_str() member except that the latter appends a null character.

• Write a GetStrs() function that recovers information from the file. It can use read() to obtain the size of a string and then use a loop to read that many characters from the file, appending them to an initially empty temporary string. Because a string’s data is private, you have to use a class method to get data into the string rather than read directly into it.

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