The rvalue Reference

The traditional C++ reference, now called an lvalue reference, binds an identifier to an lvalue. An lvalue is an expression, such as a variable name or a dereferenced pointer, that represents data for which the program can obtain an address. Originally, an lvalue was one that could appear on the left side of an assignment statement, but the advent of the const modifier allowed for constructs that cannot be assigned to but which are still addressable:

int n;
int * pt = new int;
const int b = 101;  // can't assign to b, but &b is valid
int & rn = n;       // n identifies datum at address &n
int & rt = *pt;     // *pt identifies datum at address pt
const int & rb = b; // b identifies const datum at address &b

C++11 adds the rvalue reference (discussed in Chapter 8), indicated by using &&, that can bind to rvalues—that is, values that can appear on the right-hand side of an assignment expression but for which one cannot apply the address operator. Examples include literal constants (aside from C-style strings, which evaluate as addresses), expressions such as x+y, and function return values, providing the function does not return a reference:

int x = 10;
int y = 23;
int && r1 = 13;
int && r2 = x + y;
double && r3 = std::sqrt(2.0);

Note that what r2 really binds to is the value to which x + y evaluates at that time. That is, r2 binds to the value 23, and r2 is unaffected by subsequent changes to x or y.

Interestingly, binding an rvalue to an rvalue reference results in the value being stored in a location whose address can be taken. That is, although you can’t apply the & operator to 13, you can apply it to r1. This binding of the data to particular addresses is what makes it possible to access the data through the rvalue references.

Listing 18.1 provides a short example illustrating some of these points about rvalue references.

Listing 18.1. rvref.cpp

// rvref.cpp -- simple uses of rvalue references
#include <iostream>

inline double f(double tf) {return 5.0*(tf-32.0)/9.0;};
int main()
    using namespace std;
    double tc = 21.5;
    double && rd1 = 7.07;
    double && rd2 = 1.8 * tc + 32.0;
    double && rd3 = f(rd2);
    cout << " tc value and address: " << tc <<", " << &tc << endl;
    cout << "rd1 value and address: " << rd1 <<", " << &rd1 << endl;
    cout << "rd2 value and address: " << rd2 <<", " << &rd2 << endl;
    cout << "rd3 value and address: " << rd3 <<", " << &rd3 << endl;
    return 0;

Here is a sample output:

 tc value and address: 21.5, 002FF744
rd1 value and address: 7.07, 002FF728
rd2 value and address: 70.7, 002FF70C
rd3 value and address: 21.5, 002FF6F0

One of the main reasons for introducing the rvalue reference is to implement move semantics, the next topic in this chapter.

Move Semantics and the Rvalue Reference

Now let’s move on to topics we haven’t yet discussed. C++11 enables a technique called move semantics. This raises some questions, such as what are move semantics, how does C++11 enable them, and why do we need them? We’ll begin with the last question.

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