F. The string Template Class

Much of this appendix is a bit technical. However, if you just want to know the capabilities of the string template class, you can concentrate on the descriptions of the various string methods.

The string class is based on a template definition:

template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>,
                 class Allocator = allocator<charT> >
class basic_string {...};

Here charT represents the type stored in the string. The traits parameter represents a class that defines necessary properties that a type must possess to be represented as a string. For example, it should have a length() method that returns the length of a string, represented as an array of type charT. The end of such an array is indicated by the value charT(0), the generalization of the null character. (The expression charT(0) is a type cast of 0 to type charT. It could be just 0, as it is for type char, or more generally, it could be an object created by a charT constructor.) The class also includes methods for comparing values, and so on. The Allocator parameter represents a class to handle memory allocation for the string. The default allocator<charT> template uses new and delete in the standard ways.

There are four predefined specializations:

typedef basic_string<char> string;
typedef basic_string<char16_t> u16string;
typedef basic_string<char32_t> u32string;
typedef basic_string<wchar_t> wstring;

These specializations, in turn, use the following specializations:


You can create a string class for some type other than char or wchar_t by defining a traits class and using the basic_string template.

Thirteen Types and a Constant

The basic_string template defines several types that are used later in defining the methods:

typedef traits                                traits_type;
typedef typename traits::char_type            value_type;
typedef Allocator                             allocator_type;
typedef typename Allocator::size_type         size_type;
typedef typename Allocator::difference_type   difference_type;
typedef typename Allocator::reference         reference;
typedef typename Allocator::const_reference   const_reference;
typedef typename Allocator::pointer           pointer;
typedef typename Allocator::const_pointer     const_pointer;

Note that traits is a template parameter that corresponds to some specific type, such as char_traits<char>; traits_type becomes a typedef for that specific type. The following notation means that char_type is a type name defined in the class represented by traits:

typedef typename traits::char_type          value_type;

The keyword typename is used to tell the compiler that the expression traits::char_type is a type. For the string specialization, for example, value_type is char.

size_type is used like size_of, except that it returns the size of a string in terms of the stored type. For the string specialization, that would be in terms of char, in which case size_type is the same as size_of. It is an unsigned type.

difference_type is used to measure the distance between two elements of a string, again in units corresponding to the size of a single element. Typically, it would be a signed version of the type underlying size_type.

For the char specialization, pointer is type char *, and reference is type char &. However, if you create a specialization for a type of your own design, these types (pointer and reference) could refer to classes that have the same properties as the more basic pointers and references.

To allow Standard Template Library (STL) algorithms to be used with strings, the template defines some iterator types:

typedef (models random access iterator)         iterator;
typedef (models random access iterator)         const_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator>         reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>   const_reverse_iterator;

The template defines a static constant:

static const size_type npos = -1;

Because size_type is unsigned, assigning the value -1 actually amounts to assigning the largest possible unsigned value to npos. This value corresponds to one greater than the largest possible array index.

Data Information, Constructors, and Odds and Ends

Constructors can be described in terms of the effects they have. Because the private portions of a class can be implementation dependent, these effects should be described in terms of information available as part of the public interface. Table F.1 lists several methods whose return values can be used to describe the effects of constructors and of other methods. Note that much of the terminology is from the STL.

Table F.1. Some string Data Methods


Be careful of the differences among begin(), rend(), data(), and c_str(). All relate to the first character in a string, but in different ways. The begin() and rend() methods return iterators, which are generalizations of pointers, as described in Chapter 16, “The string Class and the Standard Template Library.” In particular, begin() returns a model of a forward iterator, and rend() returns a copy of a reverse iterator. Both refer to the actual string managed by the string object. (Because the string class uses dynamic memory allocation, the actual string contents need not be inside the object, so we use the term manage to describe the relationship between object and string.) You can use the methods that return iterators with the iterator-based algorithms of the STL. For example, you can use the STL reverse() function to reverse the contents of a string:

string word;
cin >> word;
reverse(word.begin(), word.end());

The data() and c_str() methods, on the other hand, do return ordinary pointers. Furthermore, the returned pointers point to the first element of an array that holds the string characters. This array can but need not be a copy of the original string managed by the string object. (The internal representation used by the string object can be an array, but it doesn’t have to be.) Because it is possible that the returned pointers point to the original data, they are const, so they can’t be used to alter the data. Also the pointers are not guaranteed to be valid after the string is modified; this reflects that they may point to the original data. The difference between data() and c_str() is that the array c_str() points to is terminated with a null character (or equivalent), whereas data() just guarantees that the actual string characters are present. Thus, the c_str() method can be used, for example, as an argument to a function that expects to receive a C-style string:

string file("tofu.man");
ofstream outFile(file.c_str());

Similarly, data() and size() could be used with a function that expects to receive a pointer to an array element and a value that represents the number of elements to process:

string vampire("Do not stake me, oh my darling!");
int vlad = byte_check(vampire.data(), vampire.size());

A C++ implementation could choose to represent a string object’s string as a dynamically allocated C-style string and to implement the forward iterator as a char * pointer. In that case, the implementation could choose to have begin(), data(), and c_str() all return the same pointer. But it could just as legitimately (if not as easily) return references to three different data objects.

C++11 has 11 constructors for the basic_string template class, up from the six of C++98, and one destructor:

explicit basic_string(const Allocator& a = Allocator());
basic_string(const charT* s, const Allocator& a = Allocator());
basic_string(const charT* s, size_type n, const Allocator& a = Allocator());
basic_string(const basic_string& str);
basic_string(const basic_string& str, const Allocator&);
basic_string(const basic_string& str, size_type pos,
    size_type n = npos, const Allocator& a = Allocator());
basic_string(basic_string&& str) noexcept;
basic_string(const basic_string&& str, const Allocator&);
basic_string(size_type n, charT c, const Allocator& a = Allocator());
template<class InputIterator>
basic_string(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end,
    const Allocator& a = Allocator());
basic_string(initializer_list<charT>, const Allocator& = Allocator());

Some of the increase in constructors comes from handling arguments differently. For example, C++98 had this copy constructor:

basic_string(const basic_string& str, size_type pos = 0,
    size_type n = npos, const Allocator& a = Allocator());

C++11 replaces it with three constructors—the second, third, and fourth items in the preceding list. This allows the most common uses of the C++98 version to be coded more efficiently. The really new additions are the move constructors (those with rvalue references, as discussed in Chapter 18, “Visiting with the New C++ Standard”) and the constructor with the initializer_list parameter.

Note that most of the constructors have an argument of the following form:

const Allocator& a = Allocator()

Recall that the term Allocator is the template parameter name for an allocator class to manage memory. The term Allocator() is the default constructor for that class. Thus, the constructors, by default, use the default version of the allocator object, but they give you the option of using some other version of the allocator object. The following sections examine the constructors individually.

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