Program Notes

First, the program in Listing 4.1 creates a three-element array called yams. Because yams has three elements, the elements are numbered from 0 through 2, and arrayone.cpp uses index values of 0 through 2 to assign values to the three individual elements. Each individual yam element is an int with all the rights and privileges of an int type, so arrayone.cpp can, and does, assign values to elements, add elements, multiply elements, and display elements.

The program uses the long way to assign values to the yam elements. C++ also lets you initialize array elements within the declaration statement. Listing 4.1 uses this shortcut to assign values to the yamcosts array:

int yamcosts[3] = {20, 30, 5};

It simply provides a comma-separated list of values (the initialization list) enclosed in braces. The spaces in the list are optional. If you don’t initialize an array that’s defined inside a function, the element values remain undefined. That means the element takes on whatever value previously resided at that location in memory.

Next, the program uses the array values in a few calculations. This part of the program looks cluttered with all the subscripts and brackets. The for loop, coming up in Chapter 5, “Loops and Relational Expressions,” provides a powerful way to deal with arrays and eliminates the need to write each index explicitly. For the time being, we’ll stick to small arrays.

As you should recall, the sizeof operator returns the size, in bytes, of a type or data object. Note that if you use the sizeof operator with an array name, you get the number of bytes in the whole array. But if you use sizeof with an array element, you get the size, in bytes, of the element. This illustrates that yams is an array, but yams[1] is just an int.

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