Reading String Input a Line at a Time

Reading string input a word at a time is often not the most desirable choice. For instance, suppose a program asks the user to enter a city, and the user responds with New York or Sao Paulo. You would want the program to read and store the full names, not just New and Sao. To be able to enter whole phrases instead of single words as a string, you need a different approach to string input. Specifically, you need a line-oriented method instead of a word-oriented method. You are in luck, for the istream class, of which cin is an example, has some line-oriented class member functions: getline() and get(). Both read an entire input line—that is, up until a newline character. However, getline() then discards the newline character, whereas get() leaves it in the input queue. Let’s look at the details, beginning with getline().

Line-Oriented Input with getline()

The getline() function reads a whole line, using the newline character transmitted by the Enter key to mark the end of input. You invoke this method by using cin.getline() as a function call. The function takes two arguments. The first argument is the name of the target (that is, the array destined to hold the line of input), and the second argument is a limit on the number of characters to be read. If this limit is, say, 20, the function reads no more than 19 characters, leaving room to automatically add the null character at the end. The getline() member function stops reading input when it reaches this numeric limit or when it reads a newline character, whichever comes first.

For example, suppose you want to use getline() to read a name into the 20-element name array. You would use this call:


This reads the entire line into the name array, provided that the line consists of 19 or fewer characters. (The getline() member function also has an optional third argument, which Chapter 17 discusses.)

Listing 4.4 modifies Listing 4.3 to use cin.getline() instead of a simple cin. Otherwise, the program is unchanged.

Listing 4.4. instr2.cpp

// instr2.cpp -- reading more than one word with getline
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    const int ArSize = 20;
    char name[ArSize];
    char dessert[ArSize];

    cout << "Enter your name: ";
    cin.getline(name, ArSize);  // reads through newline
    cout << "Enter your favorite dessert: ";
    cin.getline(dessert, ArSize);
    cout << "I have some delicious " << dessert;
    cout << " for you, " << name << ". ";
    return 0;

Here is some sample output for Listing 4.4:

Enter your name:
Dirk Hammernose
Enter your favorite dessert:
Radish Torte
I have some delicious Radish Torte for you, Dirk Hammernose.

The program now reads complete names and delivers the user his just desserts! The getline() function conveniently gets a line at a time. It reads input through the newline character marking the end of the line, but it doesn’t save the newline character. Instead, it replaces it with a null character when storing the string (see Figure 4.5).

Figure 4.5. getline() reads and replaces the newline character.


Line-Oriented Input with get()

Let’s try another approach. The istream class has another member function, get(), which comes in several variations. One variant works much like getline(). It takes the same arguments, interprets them the same way, and reads to the end of a line. But rather than read and discard the newline character, get() leaves that character in the input queue. Suppose you use two calls to get() in a row:

cin.get(name, ArSize);
cin.get(dessert, Arsize);   // a problem

Because the first call leaves the newline character in the input queue, that newline character is the first character the second call sees. Thus, get() concludes that it’s reached the end of line without having found anything to read. Without help, get() just can’t get past that newline character.

Fortunately, there is help in the form of a variation of get(). The call cin.get() (with no arguments) reads the single next character, even if it is a newline, so you can use it to dispose of the newline character and prepare for the next line of input. That is, this sequence works:

cin.get(name, ArSize);      // read first line
cin.get();                  // read newline
cin.get(dessert, Arsize);   // read second line

Another way to use get() is to concatenate, or join, the two class member functions, as follows:

cin.get(name, ArSize).get(); // concatenate member functions

What makes this possible is that cin.get(name, ArSize) returns the cin object, which is then used as the object that invokes the get() function. Similarly, the following statement reads two consecutive input lines into the arrays name1 and name2; it’s equivalent to making two separate calls to cin.getline():

cin.getline(name1, ArSize).getline(name2, ArSize);

Listing 4.5 uses concatenation. In Chapter 11, “Working with Classes,” you’ll learn how to incorporate this feature into your class definitions.

Listing 4.5. instr3.cpp

// instr3.cpp -- reading more than one word with get() & get()
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    const int ArSize = 20;
    char name[ArSize];
    char dessert[ArSize];

    cout << "Enter your name: ";
    cin.get(name, ArSize).get();    // read string, newline
    cout << "Enter your favorite dessert: ";
    cin.get(dessert, ArSize).get();
    cout << "I have some delicious " << dessert;
    cout << " for you, " << name << ". ";
    return 0;

Here is a sample run of the program in Listing 4.5:

Enter your name:
Mai Parfait
Enter your favorite dessert:
Chocolate Mousse
I have some delicious Chocolate Mousse for you, Mai Parfait.

One thing to note is how C++ allows multiple versions of functions, provided that they have different argument lists. If you use, say, cin.get(name, ArSize), the compiler notices you’re using the form that puts a string into an array and sets up the appropriate member function. If, instead, you use cin.get(), the compiler realizes you want the form that reads one character. Chapter 8, “Adventures in Functions,” explores this feature, which is called function overloading.

Why use get() instead of getline() at all? First, older implementations may not have getline(). Second, get() lets you be a bit more careful. Suppose, for example, you used get() to read a line into an array. How can you tell if it read the whole line rather than stopped because the array was filled? Look at the next input character. If it is a newline character, then the whole line was read. If it is not a newline character, then there is still more input on that line. Chapter 17 investigates this technique. In short, getline() is a little simpler to use, but get() makes error checking simpler. You can use either one to read a line of input; just keep the slightly different behaviors in mind.

Empty Lines and Other Problems

What happens after getline() or get() reads an empty line? The original practice was that the next input statement picked up where the last getline() or get() left off. However, the current practice is that after get() (but not getline()) reads an empty line, it sets something called the failbit. The implications of this act are that further input is blocked, but you can restore input with the following command:


Another potential problem is that the input string could be longer than the allocated space. If the input line is longer than the number of characters specified, both getline() and get() leave the remaining characters in the input queue. However, getline() additionally sets the failbit and turns off further input.

Chapters 5, 6, and 17 investigate these properties and how to program around them.

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