Allocating Memory with new

Now that you have a feel for how pointers work, let’s see how they can implement the important technique of allocating memory as a program runs. So far, you’ve initialized pointers to the addresses of variables; the variables are named memory allocated during compile time, and each pointer merely provides an alias for memory you could access directly by name anyway. The true worth of pointers comes into play when you allocate unnamed memory during runtime to hold values. In this case, pointers become the only access to that memory. In C, you can allocate memory with the library function malloc(). You can still do so in C++, but C++ also has a better way: the new operator.

Let’s try out this new technique by creating unnamed runtime storage for a type int value and accessing the value with a pointer. The key is the C++ new operator. You tell new for what data type you want memory; new finds a block of the correct size and returns the address of the block. You assign this address to a pointer, and you’re in business. Here’s an example of the technique:

int * pn = new int;

The new int part tells the program you want some new storage suitable for holding an int. The new operator uses the type to figure out how many bytes are needed. Then it finds the memory and returns the address. Next, you assign the address to pn, which is declared to be of type pointer-to-int. Now pn is the address and *pn is the value stored there. Compare this with assigning the address of a variable to a pointer:

int higgens;
int * pt = &higgens;

In both cases (pn and pt), you assign the address of an int to a pointer. In the second case, you can also access the int by name: higgens. In the first case, your only access is via the pointer. That raises a question: Because the memory to which pn points lacks a name, what do you call it? We say that pn points to a data object. This is not “object” in the sense of “object-oriented programming”; it’s just “object” in the sense of “thing.” The term “data object” is more general than the term “variable” because it means any block of memory allocated for a data item. Thus, a variable is also a data object, but the memory to which pn points is not a variable. The pointer method for handling data objects may seem more awkward at first, but it offers greater control over how your program manages memory.

The general form for obtaining and assigning memory for a single data object, which can be a structure as well as a fundamental type, is this:

typeName * pointer_name = new typeName;

You use the data type twice: once to specify the kind of memory requested and once to declare a suitable pointer. Of course, if you’ve already declared a pointer of the correct type, you can use it rather than declare a new one. Listing 4.17 illustrates using new with two different types.

Listing 4.17. use_new.cpp

// use_new.cpp -- using the new operator
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    int nights = 1001;
    int * pt = new int;         // allocate space for an int
    *pt = 1001;                 // store a value there

    cout << "nights value = ";
    cout << nights << ": location " << &nights << endl;
    cout << "int ";
    cout << "value = " << *pt << ": location = " << pt << endl;

    double * pd = new double;   // allocate space for a double
    *pd = 10000001.0;           // store a double there

    cout << "double ";
    cout << "value = " << *pd << ": location = " << pd << endl;
    cout << "location of pointer pd: " << &pd << endl;
    cout << "size of pt = " << sizeof(pt);
    cout << ": size of *pt = " << sizeof(*pt) << endl;
    cout << "size of pd = " << sizeof pd;
    cout << ": size of *pd = " << sizeof(*pd) << endl;
    return 0;

Here is the output from the program in Listing 4.17:

nights value = 1001: location 0028F7F8
int value = 1001: location = 00033A98
double value = 1e+007: location = 000339B8
location of pointer pd: 0028F7FC
size of pt = 4: size of *pt = 4
size of pd = 4: size of *pd = 8

Of course, the exact values for the memory locations differ from system to system.

Program Notes

The program in Listing 4.17 uses new to allocate memory for the type int and type double data objects. This occurs while the program is running. The pointers pt and pd point to these two data objects. Without them, you cannot access those memory locations. With them, you can use *pt and *pd just as you would use variables. You assign values to *pt and *pd to assign values to the new data objects. Similarly, you print *pt and *pd to display those values.

The program in Listing 4.17 also demonstrates one of the reasons you have to declare the type a pointer points to. An address in itself reveals only the beginning address of the object stored, not its type or the number of bytes used. Look at the addresses of the two values. They are just numbers with no type or size information. Also note that the size of a pointer-to-int is the same as the size of a pointer-to-double. Both are just addresses. But because use_new.cpp declares the pointer types, the program knows that *pd is a double value of 8 bytes, whereas *pt is an int value of 4 bytes. When use_new.cpp prints the value of *pd, cout can tell how many bytes to read and how to interpret them.

Another point to note is that typically new uses a different block of memory than do the ordinary variable definitions that we have been using. Both the variables nights and pd have their values stored in a memory region called the stack, whereas the memory allocated by new is in a region called the heap or free store. Chapter 9 discusses this a bit further.

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