Pointers and Strings

The special relationship between arrays and pointers extends to C-style strings. Consider the following code:

char flower[10] = "rose";
cout << flower << "s are red ";

The name of an array is the address of its first element, so flower in the cout statement is the address of the char element containing the character r. The cout object assumes that the address of a char is the address of a string, so it prints the character at that address and then continues printing characters until it runs into the null character (). In short, if you give cout the address of a character, it prints everything from that character to the first null character that follows it.

The crucial element here is not that flower is an array name but that flower acts as the address of a char. This implies that you can use a pointer-to-char variable as an argument to cout also because it, too, is the address of a char. Of course, that pointer should point to the beginning of a string. We’ll check that out in a moment.

But what about the final part of the preceding cout statement? If flower is actually the address of the first character of a string, what is the expression "s are red "? To be consistent with cout’s handling of string output, this quoted string should also be an address. And it is, for in C++ a quoted string, like an array name, serves as the address of its first element. The preceding code doesn’t really send a whole string to cout; it just sends the string address. This means strings in an array, quoted string constants, and strings described by pointers are all handled equivalently. Each is really passed along as an address. That’s certainly less work than passing each and every character in a string.


With cout and with most C++ expressions, the name of an array of char, a pointer-to-char, and a quoted string constant are all interpreted as the address of the first character of a string.

Listing 4.20 illustrates the use of the different forms of strings. It uses two functions from the string library. The strlen() function, which you’ve used before, returns the length of a string. The strcpy() function copies a string from one location to another. Both have function prototypes in the cstring header file (or string.h, on less up-to-date implementations). The program also uses comments to showcase some pointer misuses that you should try to avoid.

Listing 4.20. ptrstr.cpp

// ptrstr.cpp -- using pointers to strings
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>              // declare strlen(), strcpy()
int main()
    using namespace std;
    char animal[20] = "bear";   // animal holds bear
    const char * bird = "wren"; // bird holds address of string
    char * ps;                  // uninitialized

    cout << animal << " and ";  // display bear
    cout << bird << " ";       // display wren
    // cout << ps << " ";      //may display garbage, may cause a crash

    cout << "Enter a kind of animal: ";
    cin >> animal;              // ok if input < 20 chars
    // cin >> ps; Too horrible a blunder to try; ps doesn't
    //            point to allocated space

    ps = animal;                // set ps to point to string
    cout << ps << "! ";       // ok, same as using animal
    cout << "Before using strcpy(): ";
    cout << animal << " at " << (int *) animal << endl;
    cout << ps << " at " << (int *) ps << endl;

    ps = new char[strlen(animal) + 1];  // get new storage
    strcpy(ps, animal);         // copy string to new storage
    cout << "After using strcpy(): ";
    cout << animal << " at " << (int *) animal << endl;
    cout << ps << " at " << (int *) ps << endl;
    delete [] ps;
    return 0;

Here is a sample run of the program in Listing 4.20:

bear and wren
Enter a kind of animal: fox
Before using strcpy():
fox at 0x0065fd30
fox at 0x0065fd30
After using strcpy():
fox at 0x0065fd30
fox at 0x004301c8

Program Notes

The program in Listing 4.20 creates one char array (animal) and two pointers-to-char variables (bird and ps). The program begins by initializing the animal array to the "bear" string, just as you’ve initialized arrays before. Then, the program does something new. It initializes a pointer-to-char to a string:

const char * bird = "wren"; // bird holds address of string

Remember, "wren" actually represents the address of the string, so this statement assigns the address of "wren" to the bird pointer. (Typically, a compiler sets aside an area in memory to hold all the quoted strings used in the program source code, associating each stored string with its address.) This means you can use the pointer bird just as you would use the string "wren", as in this example:

cout << "A concerned " << bird << " speaks ";

String literals are constants, which is why the code uses the const keyword in the declaration. Using const in this fashion means you can use bird to access the string but not to change it. Chapter 7 takes up the topic of const pointers in greater detail. Finally, the pointer ps remains uninitialized, so it doesn’t point to any string. (As you know, that is usually a bad idea, and this example is no exception.)

Next, the program illustrates that you can use the array name animal and the pointer bird equivalently with cout. Both, after all, are the addresses of strings, and cout displays the two strings ("bear" and "wren") stored at those addresses. If you activate the code that makes the error of attempting to display ps, you might get a blank line, you might get garbage displayed, and you might get a program crash. Creating an uninitialized pointer is a bit like distributing a blank signed check: You lack control over how it will be used.

For input, the situation is a bit different. It’s safe to use the array animal for input as long as the input is short enough to fit into the array. It would not be proper to use bird for input, however:

• Some compilers treat string literals as read-only constants, leading to a runtime error if you try to write new data over them. That string literals be constants is the mandated behavior in C++, but not all compilers have made that change from older behavior yet.

• Some compilers use just one copy of a string literal to represent all occurrences of that literal in a program.

Let’s amplify the second point. C++ doesn’t guarantee that string literals are stored uniquely. That is, if you use a string literal "wren" several times in a program, the compiler might store several copies of the string or just one copy. If it does the latter, then setting bird to point to one "wren" makes it point to the only copy of that string. Reading a value into one string could affect what you thought was an independent string elsewhere. In any case, because the bird pointer is declared as const, the compiler prevents any attempt to change the contents of the location pointed to by bird.

Worse yet is trying to read information into the location to which ps points. Because ps is not initialized, you don’t know where the information will wind up. It might even overwrite information that is already in memory. Fortunately, it’s easy to avoid these problems: You just use a sufficiently large char array to receive input and don’t use string constants to receive input or uninitialized pointers to receive input. (Or you can sidestep all these issues and use std::string objects instead of arrays.)


When you read a string into a program-style string, you should always use the address of previously allocated memory. This address can be in the form of an array name or of a pointer that has been initialized using new.

Next, notice what the following code accomplishes:

ps = animal;                // set ps to point to string
cout << animal << " at " << (int *) animal << endl;
cout << ps << " at " << (int *) ps << endl;

It produces the following output:

fox at 0x0065fd30
fox at 0x0065fd30

Normally, if you give cout a pointer, it prints an address. But if the pointer is type char *, cout displays the pointed-to string. If you want to see the address of the string, you have to type cast the pointer to another pointer type, such as int *, which this code does. So ps displays as the string "fox", but (int *) ps displays as the address where the string is found. Note that assigning animal to ps does not copy the string; it copies the address. This results in two pointers (animal and ps) to the same memory location and string.

To get a copy of a string, you need to do more. First, you need to allocate memory to hold the string. You can do this by declaring a second array or by using new. The second approach enables you to custom fit the storage to the string:

ps = new char[strlen(animal) + 1]; // get new storage

The string "fox" doesn’t completely fill the animal array, so this approach wastes space. This bit of code uses strlen() to find the length of the string; it adds one to get the length, including the null character. Then the program uses new to allocate just enough space to hold the string.

Next, you need a way to copy a string from the animal array to the newly allocated space. It doesn’t work to assign animal to ps because that just changes the address stored in ps and thus loses the only way the program had to access the newly allocated memory. Instead, you need to use the strcpy() library function:

strcpy(ps, animal);                // copy string to new storage

The strcpy() function takes two arguments. The first is the destination address, and the second is the address of the string to be copied. It’s up to you to make certain that the destination really is allocated and has sufficient space to hold the copy. That’s accomplished here by using strlen() to find the correct size and using new to get free memory.

Note that by using strcpy() and new, you get two separate copies of "fox":

fox at 0x0065fd30
fox at 0x004301c8

Also note that new located the new storage at a memory location quite distant from that of the array animal.

Often you encounter the need to place a string into an array. You use the = operator when you initialize an array; otherwise, you use strcpy() or strncpy(). You’ve seen the strcpy() function; it works like this:

char food[20] = "carrots"; // initialization
strcpy(food, "flan");      // otherwise

Note that something like the following can cause problems because the food array is smaller than the string:

strcpy(food, "a picnic basket filled with many goodies");

In this case, the function copies the rest of the string into the memory bytes immediately following the array, which can overwrite other memory the program is using. To avoid that problem, you should use strncpy() instead. It takes a third argument: the maximum number of characters to be copied. Be aware, however, that if this function runs out of space before it reaches the end of the string, it doesn’t add the null character. Thus, you should use the function like this:

strncpy(food, "a picnic basket filled with many goodies", 19);
food[19] = '';

This copies up to 19 characters into the array and then sets the last element to the null character. If the string is shorter than 19 characters, strncpy() adds a null character earlier to mark the true end of the string.


Use strcpy() or strncpy(), not the assignment operator, to assign a string to an array.

Now that you’ve seen some aspects of using C-style strings and the cstring library, you can appreciate the comparative simplicity of using the C++ string type. You (normally) don’t have to worry about a string overflowing an array, and you can use the assignment operator instead of strcpy() or strncpy().

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