Part IV. Inheritance


In this part ...

In the discussions of object-oriented philosophy in Part III, I explain that two main features of real-world solutions are seemingly not shared by functional programming solutions.

The first is the capability of treating objects separately. I present the example of using a microwave oven to whip up a snack. The microwave oven provides an interface (the front panel) that I use to control the oven, without worrying about its internal workings. This is true even if I know all about how the darn thing works (which I don't).

A second aspect of real-world solutions is the capability of categorizing like objects — recognizing and exploiting their similarities. If my recipe calls for an oven of any type, I should be okay because a microwave is an oven.

In Part III I present the mechanism that C++ uses to implement the first feature, the class. To support the second aspect of object-oriented programming, C++ uses a concept known as inheritance, which extends classes. Inheritance is the central topic of this part and the central message of the BUDGET3 program on the enclosed CD-ROM.

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