Recursion with a Single Recursive Call

If a recursive function calls itself, then the newly called function calls itself, and so on, ad infinitum unless the code includes something to terminate the chain of calls. The usual method is to make the recursive call part of an if statement. For example, a type void recursive function called recurs() can have a form like this:

void recurs(argumentlist)
      if (test)

With luck or foresight, test eventually becomes false, and the chain of calls is broken.

Recursive calls produce an intriguing chain of events. As long as the if statement remains true, each call to recurs() executes statements1 and then invokes a new incarnation of recurs() without reaching statements2. When the if statement becomes false, the current call then proceeds to statements2. Then when the current call terminates, program control returns to the previous version of recurs() that called it. Then, that version of recurs() completes executing its statements2 section and terminates, returning control to the prior call, and so on. Thus, if recurs() undergoes five recursive calls, first the statements1 section is executed five times in the order in which the functions were called, and then the statements2 section is executed five times in the opposite order from the order in which the functions were called. After going into five levels of recursion, the program then has to back out through the same five levels. Listing 7.16 illustrates this behavior.

Listing 7.16. recur.cpp

// recur.cpp -- using recursion
#include <iostream>
void countdown(int n);

int main()
    countdown(4);           // call the recursive function
    return 0;

void countdown(int n)
    using namespace std;
    cout << "Counting down ... " << n << endl;
    if (n > 0)
        countdown(n-1);     // function calls itself
    cout << n << ": Kaboom! ";

Here’s the annotated output of the program in Listing 7.16:

Counting down ... 4    level 1; adding levels of recursion
Counting down ... 3    level 2
Counting down ... 2    level 3
Counting down ... 1    level 4
Counting down ... 0    level 5; final recursive call
0: Kaboom!             level 5; beginning to back out
1: Kaboom!             level 4
2: Kaboom!             level 3
3: Kaboom!             level 2
4: Kaboom!             level 1

Note that each recursive call creates its own set of variables, so by the time the program reaches the fifth call, it has five separate variables called n, each with a different value. You can verify this for yourself by modifying Listing 7.16 so that it displays the address of n as well as its value:

cout << "Counting down ... " << n << " (n at " << &n << ")" << endl;
cout << n << ": Kaboom!"; << "         (n at " << &n << ")" << endl;

Doing so produces output like the following:

Counting down ... 4 (n at 0012FE0C)
Counting down ... 3 (n at 0012FD34)
Counting down ... 2 (n at 0012FC5C)
Counting down ... 1 (n at 0012FB84)
Counting down ... 0 (n at 0012FAAC)
0: Kaboom!          (n at 0012FAAC)
1: Kaboom!          (n at 0012FB84)
2: Kaboom!          (n at 0012FC5C)
3: Kaboom!          (n at 0012FD34)
4: Kaboom!          (n at 0012FE0C)

Note how the n having the value 4 is stored at one location (memory address 0012FE0C in this example), the n having the value 3 is stored at a second location (memory address 0012FD34), and so on. Also note how the address of n for a particular level during the “Counting down” stage is the same as its address for the same level during the “Kaboom!” stage.

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