9. Memory Models and Namespaces

In this chapter you’ll learn about the following:

• Separate compilation of programs

• Storage duration, scope, and linkage

• Placement new

• Namespaces

C++ offers many choices for storing data in memory. You have choices for how long data remains in memory (storage duration) and choices for which parts of a program have access to data (scope and linkage). You can allocate memory dynamically by using new, and placement new offers a variation on that technique. The C++ namespace facility provides additional control over access. Larger programs typically consist of several source code files that may share some data in common. Such programs involve the separate compilation of the program files, and this chapter begins with that topic.

Separate Compilation

C++, like C, allows and even encourages you to locate the component functions of a program in separate files. As Chapter 1, “Getting Started with C++,” describes, you can compile the files separately and then link them into the final executable program. (A C++ compiler typically compiles programs and also manages the linker program.) If you modify just one file, you can recompile just that one file and then link it to the previously compiled versions of the other files. This facility makes it easier to manage large programs. Furthermore, most C++ environments provide additional facilities to help with the management. Unix and Linux systems, for example, have make programs, which keep track of which files a program depends on and when they were last modified. If you run make, and it detects that you’ve changed one or more source files since the last compilation, make remembers the proper steps needed to reconstitute the program. Most integrated development environments (IDEs), including Embarcadero C++ Builder, Microsoft Visual C++, Apple Xcode, and Freescale CodeWarrior, provide similar facilities with their Project menus.

Let’s look at a simple example. Instead of looking at compilation details, which depend on the implementation, let’s concentrate on more general aspects, such as design.

Suppose, for example, that you decide to break up the program in Listing 7.12 by placing the two supporting functions in a separate file. Recall that Listing 7.12 converts rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates and then displays the result. You can’t simply cut the original file on a dotted line after the end of main(). The problem is that main() and the other two functions use the same structure declarations, so you need to put the declarations in both files. Simply typing them in is an invitation to error. Even if you copy the structure declarations correctly, you have to remember to modify both sets of declarations if you make changes later. In short, spreading a program over multiple files creates new problems.

Who wants more problems? The developers of C and C++ didn’t, so they’ve provided the #include facility to deal with this situation. Instead of placing the structure declarations in each file, you can place them in a header file and then include that header file in each source code file. That way, if you modify the structure declaration, you can do so just once, in the header file. Also you can place the function prototypes in the header file. Thus, you can divide the original program into three parts:

• A header file that contains the structure declarations and prototypes for functions that use those structures

• A source code file that contains the code for the structure-related functions

• A source code file that contains the code that calls the structure-related functions

This is a useful strategy for organizing a program. If, for example, you write another program that uses those same functions, you can just include the header file and add the functions file to the project or make list. Also this organization is consistent with the OOP approach. One file, the header file, contains the definition of the user-defined types. A second file contains the function code for manipulating the user-defined types. Together, they form a package you can use for a variety of programs.

You shouldn’t put function definitions or variable declarations into a header file. That might work for a simple setup but usually it leads to trouble. For example, if you had a function definition in a header file and then included the header file in two other files that are part of a single program, you’d wind up with two definitions of the same function in a single program, which is an error, unless the function is inline. Here are some things commonly found in header files:

• Function prototypes

• Symbolic constants defined using #define or const

• Structure declarations

• Class declarations

Template declarations

• Inline functions

It’s okay to put structure declarations in a header file because they don’t create variables; they just tell the compiler how to create a structure variable when you declare one in a source code file. Similarly, template declarations aren’t code to be compiled; they are instructions to the compiler on how to generate function definitions to match function calls found in the source code. Data declared const and inline functions have special linkage properties (described shortly) that allow them to be placed in header files without causing problems.

Listings 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 show the result of dividing Listing 7.12 into separate parts. Note that you use "coordin.h" instead of <coordin.h> when including the header file. If the filename is enclosed in angle brackets, the C++ compiler looks at the part of the host system’s file system that holds the standard header files. But if the filename is enclosed in double quotation marks, the compiler first looks at the current working directory or at the source code directory (or some such choice, depending on the compiler). If it doesn’t find the header file there, it then looks in the standard location. So you should use quotation marks, not angle brackets, when including your own header files.

Figure 9.1 outlines the steps for putting this program together on a Unix system. Note that you just give the CC compile command, and the other steps follow automatically. The g++ and gpp command-line compilers and the Borland C++ command-line compiler (bcc32.exe) also behave that way. Apple Xcode, Embarcadero C++ Builder, and Microsoft Visual C++ go through essentially the same steps, but, as outlined in Chapter 1, you initiate the process differently, using menus that let you create a project and associate source code files with it. Note that you only add source code files, not header files, to projects. That’s because the #include directive manages the header files. Also you shouldn’t use #include to include source code files because that can lead to multiple declarations.

Figure 9.1. Compiling a multifile C++ program on a Unix system.



In IDEs, don’t add header files to the project list and don’t use #include to include source code files in other source code files.

Listing 9.1. coordin.h

// coordin.h -- structure templates and function prototypes
// structure templates
#ifndef COORDIN_H_
#define COORDIN_H_

struct polar
    double distance;    // distance from origin
    double angle;        // direction from origin
struct rect
    double x;        // horizontal distance from origin
    double y;        // vertical distance from origin

// prototypes
polar rect_to_polar(rect xypos);
void show_polar(polar dapos);


Listing 9.2. file1.cpp

// file1.cpp -- example of a three-file program
#include <iostream>
#include "coordin.h" // structure templates, function prototypes
using namespace std;
int main()
    rect rplace;
    polar pplace;

    cout << "Enter the x and y values: ";
    while (cin >> rplace.x >> rplace.y)  // slick use of cin
        pplace = rect_to_polar(rplace);
        cout << "Next two numbers (q to quit): ";
    cout << "Bye! ";
    return 0;

Listing 9.3. file2.cpp

// file2.cpp -- contains functions called in file1.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include "coordin.h" // structure templates, function prototypes

// convert rectangular to polar coordinates
polar rect_to_polar(rect xypos)
    using namespace std;
    polar answer;

    answer.distance =
        sqrt( xypos.x * xypos.x + xypos.y * xypos.y);
    answer.angle = atan2(xypos.y, xypos.x);
    return answer;      // returns a polar structure

// show polar coordinates, converting angle to degrees
void show_polar (polar dapos)
    using namespace std;
    const double Rad_to_deg = 57.29577951;

    cout << "distance = " << dapos.distance;
    cout << ", angle = " << dapos.angle * Rad_to_deg;
    cout << " degrees ";

Compiling and linking these two source code files along with the new header file produces an executable program. Here is a sample run:

Enter the x and y values: 120 80
distance = 144.222, angle = 33.6901 degrees
Next two numbers (q to quit): 120 50
distance = 130, angle = 22.6199 degrees
Next two numbers (q to quit): q

By the way, although we’ve discussed separate compilation in terms of files, the C++ Standard uses the term translation unit instead of file in order to preserve greater generality; the file metaphor is not the only possible way to organize information for a computer. For simplicity, this book will use the term file, but feel free to translate that to translation unit.

Storage Duration, Scope, and Linkage

Now that you’ve seen a multifile program, it’s a good time to extend the discussion of memory schemes in Chapter 4, “Compound Types,” because storage categories affect how information can be shared across files. It might have been a while since you last read Chapter 4, so let’s review what it says about memory. C++ uses three separate schemes (four under C++11) for storing data, and the schemes differ in how long they preserve data in memory:

Automatic storage duration— Variables declared inside a function definition—including function parameters—have automatic storage duration. They are created when program execution enters the function or block in which they are defined, and the memory used for them is freed when execution leaves the function or block. C++ has two kinds of automatic storage duration variables.

Static storage duration— Variables defined outside a function definition or else by using the keyword static have static storage duration. They persist for the entire time a program is running. C++ has three kinds of static storage duration variables.

Thread storage duration (C++11)— These days multicore processors are common. These are CPUs that can handle several execution tasks simultaneously. This allows a program to split computations into separate threads that can be processed concurrently. Variables declared with the thread_local keyword have storage that persists for as long as the containing thread lasts. This book does not venture into concurrent programming.

Dynamic storage duration— Memory allocated by the new operator persists until it is freed with the delete operator or until the program ends, whichever comes first. This memory has dynamic storage duration and sometimes is termed the free store or the heap.

You’ll get the rest of the story now, including fascinating details about when variables of different types are in scope, or visible (that is, usable by the program), and about linkage, which determines what information is shared across files.

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