Static Storage Duration, No Linkage

So far, we’ve looked at a file-scope variable with external linkage and a file-scope variable with internal linkage. Now let’s look at the third member of the static duration family: local variables with no linkage. You create such a variable by applying the static modifier to a variable defined inside a block. When you use it inside a block, static causes a local variable to have static storage duration. This means that even though the variable is known within that block, it exists even while the block is inactive. Thus a static local variable can preserve its value between function calls. (Static variables would be useful for reincarnation—you could use them to pass secret account numbers for a Swiss bank to your next appearance.) Also if you initialize a static local variable, the program initializes the variable once, when the program starts up. Subsequent calls to the function don’t reinitialize the variable the way they do for automatic variables. Listing 9.9 illustrates these points.

Listing 9.9. static.cpp

// static.cpp -- using a static local variable
#include <iostream>
// constants
const int ArSize = 10;

// function prototype
void strcount(const char * str);

int main()
    using namespace std;
    char input[ArSize];
    char next;

    cout << "Enter a line: ";
    cin.get(input, ArSize);
    while (cin)
        while (next != ' ')    // string didn't fit!
            cin.get(next);      // dispose of remainder
        cout << "Enter next line (empty line to quit): ";
        cin.get(input, ArSize);
    cout << "Bye ";
    return 0;

void strcount(const char * str)
    using namespace std;
    static int total = 0;        // static local variable
    int count = 0;               // automatic local variable

    cout << """ << str <<"" contains ";
    while (*str++)               // go to end of string
    total += count;
    cout << count << " characters ";
    cout << total << " characters total ";

Incidentally, the program in Listing 9.9 shows one way to deal with line input that may exceed the size of the destination array. Recall that the cin.get(input,ArSize) input method reads up to the end of the line or up to ArSize - 1 characters, whichever comes first. It leaves the newline character in the input queue. This program uses cin.get(next) to read the character that follows the line input. If next is a newline character, then the preceding call to cin.get(input, ArSize) must have read the whole line. If next isn’t a newline character, there are more characters left on the line. This program then uses a loop to reject the rest of the line, but you can modify the code to use the rest of the line for the next input cycle. The program also uses the fact that attempting to read an empty line with get(char *, int) causes cin to test as false.

Here is the output of the program in Listing 9.9:

Enter a line:
nice pants
"nice pant" contains 9 characters
9 characters total
Enter next line (empty line to quit):
"thanks" contains 6 characters
15 characters total
Enter next line (empty line to quit):
parting is such sweet sorrow
"parting i" contains 9 characters
24 characters total
Enter next line (empty line to quit):
"ok" contains 2 characters
26 characters total
Enter next line (empty line to quit):


Note that because the array size is 10, the program does not read more than nine characters per line. Also note that the automatic variable count is reset to 0 each time the function is called. However, the static variable total is set to 0 once at the beginning. After that, total retains its value between function calls, so it’s able to maintain a running total.

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