Reviewing Our Story to Date

The first step in specifying a class design is to provide a class declaration. The class declaration is modeled after a structure declaration and can include data members and function members. The declaration has a private section, and members declared in that section can be accessed only through the member functions. The declaration also has a public section, and members declared there can be accessed directly by a program using class objects. Typically, data members go into the private section and member functions go into the public section, so a typical class declaration has this form:

class className
    data member declarations
    member function prototypes

The contents of the public section constitute the abstract part of the design, the public interface. Encapsulating data in the private section protects the integrity of the data and is called data hiding. Thus, using a class is the C++ way of making it easy to implement the OOP features abstraction, data hiding, and encapsulation.

The second step in specifying a class design is to implement the class member functions. You can use a complete function definition instead of a function prototype in the class declaration, but the usual practice, except with very brief functions, is to provide the function definitions separately. In that case, you need to use the scope-resolution operator to indicate to which class a member function belongs. For example, suppose the Bozo class has a member function called Retort() that returns a pointer to a char. The function header would look like this:

char * Bozo::Retort()

In other words, Retort() is not just a type char * function; it is a type char * function that belongs to the Bozo class. The full, or qualified, name of the function is Bozo::Retort(). The name Retort(), on the other hand, is an abbreviation of the qualified name, and it can be used only in certain circumstances, such as in the code for the class methods.

Another way of describing this situation is to say that the name Retort has class scope, so the scope-resolution operator is needed to qualify the name when it is used outside the class declaration and a class method.

To create an object, which is a particular example of a class, you use the class name as if it were a type name:

Bozo bozetta;

This works because a class is a user-defined type.

You invoke a class member function, or method, by using a class object. You do so by using the dot membership operator:

cout << Bozetta.Retort();

This invokes the Retort() member function, and whenever the code for that function refers to a particular data member, the function uses the value that member has in the bozetta object.

Class Constructors and Destructors

At this point, you need to do more with the Stock class. There are certain standard functions, called constructors and destructors, that you should normally provide for a class. Let’s talk about why they are needed and how to write them.

One of C++’s aims is to make using class objects similar to using standard types. However, the code provided so far in this chapter doesn’t let you initialize a Stock object the way you can an ordinary int or struct. That is, the usual initialization syntax doesn’t carry over for the Stock type

int year = 2001;                                   // valid initialization
struct thing
    char * pn;
    int m;
thing amabob = {"wodget", -23};                    // valid initialization
Stock hot = {"Sukie's Autos, Inc.", 200, 50.25};   // NO! compile error

The reason you can’t initialize a Stock object this way is because the data parts have private access status, which means a program cannot access the data members directly. As you’ve seen, the only way a program can access the data members is through a member function. Therefore, you need to devise an appropriate member function if you’re to succeed in initializing an object. (You could initialize a class object as just shown if you made the data members public instead of private, but making the data public goes against one of the main justifications for using classes: data hiding.)

In general, it’s best that all objects be initialized when they are created. For example, consider the following code:

Stock gift;, 24.75);

With the current implementation of the Stock class, the gift object has no value for the company member. The class design assumes that the user calls acquire() before calling any other member functions, but there is no way to enforce that assumption. One way around this difficulty is to have objects initialized automatically when they are created. To accomplish this, C++ provides for special member functions, called class constructors, especially for constructing new objects and assigning values to their data members. More precisely, C++ provides a name for these member functions and a syntax for using them, and you provide the method definition. The name is the same as the class name. For example, a possible constructor for the Stock class is a member function called Stock(). The constructor prototype and header have an interesting property: Although the constructor has no return value, it’s not declared type void. In fact, a constructor has no declared type.

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