Case 1: Derived Class Doesn’t Use new

Suppose you begin with the following base class that uses dynamic memory allocation:

//  Base Class Using DMA
class baseDMA
    char * label;
    int rating;

    baseDMA(const char * l = "null", int r = 0);
    baseDMA(const baseDMA & rs);
    virtual ~baseDMA();
    baseDMA & operator=(const baseDMA & rs);

The declaration contains the special methods that are required when constructors use new: a destructor, a copy constructor, and an overloaded assignment operator.

Now suppose you derive a lackDMA class from baseDMA and that lackDMA does not use new or have other unusual design features that require special treatment:

// derived class without DMA
class lacksDMA :public baseDMA
    char color[40];

Do you now have to define an explicit destructor, copy constructor, and assignment operator for the lackDMA class? The answer is no.

First, consider the need for a destructor. If you don’t define one, the compiler defines a default destructor that does nothing. Actually, the default destructor for a derived class always does something; it calls the base-class destructor after executing its own code. Because the lackDMA members, we assume, don’t require any special action, the default destructor is fine.

Next, consider the copy constructor. As you saw in Chapter 12, the default copy constructor does memberwise copying, which is inappropriate for dynamic memory allocation. However, memberwise copying is fine for the new lacksDMA member. That leaves the matter of the inherited baseDMA object. What you need to know is that memberwise copying uses the form of copying that is defined for the data type in question. So copying a long to a long is done using ordinary assignment. But copying a class member or an inherited class component is done using the copy constructor for that class. Thus, the default copy constructor for the lacksDMA class uses the explicit baseDMA copy constructor to copy the baseDMA portion of a lacksDMA object. So the default copy constructor is fine for the new lacksDMA member, and it’s also fine for the inherited baseDMA object.

Essentially the same situation holds for assignment. The default assignment operator for a class automatically uses the base-class assignment operator for the base-class component. So it, too, is fine.

These properties of inherited objects also hold true for class members that are themselves objects. For example, Chapter 10, “Objects and Classes,” implements the Stock class by using a string object to represent the company name. The standard string class, like our String example, uses dynamic memory allocation. Now you see why this wouldn’t create problems. The default Stock copy constructor would use the string copy constructor to copy the company member of an object, the default Stock assignment operator would use the string assignment operator to assign the company member of an object, and the Stock destructor (default or otherwise) would automatically call the string destructor.

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