Class Function Summary

C++ class functions come in many variations. Some can be inherited, and some can’t. Some operator functions can be either member functions or friends, and others can only be member functions. Table 13.1, based on a similar table from The Annotated C++ Reference Manual, summarizes these properties. In it, the notation op= stands for assignment operators of the form +=, *=, and so on. Note that the properties for the op= operators are no different from those of the “other operators” category. The reason for listing op= separately is to point out that these operators don’t behave like the = operator.

Table 13.1. Member Function Properties



Inheritance enables you to adapt programming code to your particular needs by defining a new class (a derived class) from an existing class (the base class). Public inheritance models an is-a relationship, meaning that a derived-class object should also be a kind of base-class object. As part of the is-a model, a derived class inherits the data members and most methods of the base class. However, a derived class doesn’t inherit the base-class constructors, destructors, and assignment operators. A derived class can access the public and protected members of the base class directly and the private base-class members via the public and protected base-class methods. You can then add new data members and methods to the class, and you can use the derived class as a base class for further development. Each derived class requires its own constructors. When a program creates a derived-class object, it first calls a base-class constructor and then the derived-class constructor. When a program deletes an object, it first calls the derived-class destructor and then the base-class destructor.

If a class is meant to be a base class, you may choose to use protected members instead of private members so that derived classes can access those members directly. However, using private members, in general, reduces the scope for programming bugs. If you intend that a derived class can redefine a base-class method, you should make it a virtual function by declaring it with the keyword virtual. This enables objects accessed by pointers or references to be handled on the basis of the object type rather than on the basis of the reference type or pointer type. In particular, the destructor for a base class should normally be virtual.

You might want to define an ABC that defines an interface without getting into implementation matters. For example, you could define an abstract Shape class from which particular shape classes, such as Circle and Square, will be derived. An ABC must include at least one pure virtual method. You declare a pure virtual method by placing = 0 before the closing semicolon of the declaration:

virtual double area() const = 0;

You don’t have to define pure virtual methods, and you can’t create an object of a class that contains pure virtual members. Instead, pure virtual methods serve to define a common interface to be used by derived classes.

Chapter Review

1. What does a derived class inherit from a base class?

2. What doesn’t a derived class inherit from a base class?

3. Suppose the return type for the baseDMA::operator=() function were defined as void instead of baseDMA &. What effect, if any, would that have? What if the return type were baseDMA instead of baseDMA &?

4. In what order are class constructors and class destructors called when a derived-class object is created and deleted?

5. If a derived class doesn’t add any data members to the base class, does the derived class require constructors?

6. Suppose a base class and a derived class both define a method with the same name and a derived-class object invokes the method. What method is called?

7. When should a derived class define an assignment operator?

8. Can you assign the address of an object of a derived class to a pointer to the base class? Can you assign the address of an object of a base class to a pointer to the derived class?

9. Can you assign an object of a derived class to an object of the base class? Can you assign an object of a base class to an object of the derived class?

10. Suppose you define a function that takes a reference to a base-class object as an argument. Why can this function also use a derived-class object as an argument?

11. Suppose you define a function that takes a base-class object as an argument (that is, the function passes a base-class object by value). Why can this function also use a derived-class object as an argument?

12. Why is it usually better to pass objects by reference than by value?

13. Suppose Corporation is a base class and PublicCorporation is a derived class. Also suppose that each class defines a head() member function, that ph is a pointer to the Corporation type, and that ph is assigned the address of a PublicCorporation object. How is ph->head() interpreted if the base class defines head() as a

a. Regular nonvirtual method

b. Virtual method

14. What’s wrong, if anything, with the following code?

class Kitchen
    double kit_sq_ft;
    Kitchen() {kit_sq_ft = 0.0; }
    virtual double area() const { return kit_sq_ft * kit_sq_ft; }
class House : public Kitchen
    double all_sq_ft;
    House() {all_sq_ft += kit_sq_ft;}
    double area(const char *s) const { cout << s; return all_sq_ft; }

Programming Exercises

1. Start with the following class declaration:

// base class
class Cd {  // represents a CD disk
    char performers[50];
    char label[20];
    int selections;   // number of selections
    double playtime;  // playing time in minutes
    Cd(char * s1, char * s2, int n, double x);
    Cd(const Cd & d);
    void Report() const;  // reports all CD data
    Cd & operator=(const Cd & d);

Derive a Classic class that adds an array of char members that will hold a string identifying the primary work on the CD. If the base class requires that any functions be virtual, modify the base-class declaration to make it so. If a declared method is not needed, remove it from the definition. Test your product with the following program:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "classic.h"     // which will contain #include cd.h
void Bravo(const Cd & disk);
int main()
    Cd c1("Beatles", "Capitol", 14, 35.5);
    Classic c2 = Classic("Piano Sonata in B flat, Fantasia in C",
                     "Alfred Brendel", "Philips", 2, 57.17);
    Cd *pcd = &c1;

    cout << "Using object directly: ";
    c1.Report();    // use Cd method
    c2.Report();    // use Classic method

    cout << "Using type cd * pointer to objects: ";
    pcd->Report();  // use Cd method for cd object
    pcd = &c2;
    pcd->Report();  // use Classic method for classic object

    cout << "Calling a function with a Cd reference argument: ";

    cout << "Testing assignment: ";
    Classic copy;
    copy = c2;

    return 0;

void Bravo(const Cd & disk)

2. Do Programming Exercise 1 but use dynamic memory allocation instead of fixed-size arrays for the various strings tracked by the two classes.

3. Revise the baseDMA-lacksDMA-hasDMA class hierarchy so that all three classes are derived from an ABC. Test the result with a program similar to the one in Listing 13.10. That is, it should feature an array of pointers to the ABC and allow the user to make runtime decisions as to what types of objects are created. Add virtual View() methods to the class definitions to handle displaying the data.

4. The Benevolent Order of Programmers maintains a collection of bottled port. To describe it, the BOP Portmaster has devised a Port class, as declared here:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Port
    char * brand;
    char style[20]; // i.e., tawny, ruby, vintage
    int bottles;
    Port(const char * br = "none", const char * st = "none", int b = 0);
    Port(const Port & p);                // copy constructor
    virtual ~Port() { delete [] brand; }
    Port & operator=(const Port & p);
    Port & operator+=(int b);            // adds b to bottles
    Port & operator-=(int b);            // subtracts b from bottles, if available
    int BottleCount() const { return bottles; }
    virtual void Show() const;
    friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Port & p);

The Show() method presents information in the following format:

Brand: Gallo
Kind: tawny
Bottles: 20

The operator<<() function presents information in the following format (with no newline character at the end):

Gallo, tawny, 20

The Portmaster completed the method definitions for the Port class and then derived the VintagePort class as follows before being relieved of his position for accidentally routing a bottle of ‘45 Cockburn to someone preparing an experimental barbecue sauce:

class VintagePort : public Port // style necessarily = "vintage"
    char * nickname;           // i.e., "The Noble" or "Old Velvet", etc.
    int year;                  // vintage year
    VintagePort(const char * br, int b, const char * nn, int y);
    VintagePort(const VintagePort & vp);
    ~VintagePort() { delete [] nickname; }
    VintagePort & operator=(const VintagePort & vp);
    void Show() const;
    friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const VintagePort & vp);

You get the job of completing the VintagePort work.

a. Your first task is to re-create the Port method definitions because the former Portmaster immolated his upon being relieved.

b. Your second task is to explain why certain methods are redefined and others are not.

c. Your third task is to explain why operator=() and operator<<() are not virtual.

d. Your fourth task is to provide definitions for the VintagePort methods.

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