How Many Workers?

Suppose you begin by publicly deriving SingingWaiter from Singer and Waiter:

class SingingWaiter: public Singer, public  Waiter {...};

Because both Singer and Waiter inherit a Worker component, SingingWaiter winds up with two Worker components (see Figure 14.4).

Figure 14.4. Inheriting two base-class objects.


As you might expect, this raises problems. For example, ordinarily you can assign the address of a derived-class object to a base-class pointer, but this becomes ambiguous now:

SingingWaiter ed;
Worker * pw = &ed;   // ambiguous

Normally, such an assignment sets a base-class pointer to the address of the base-class object within the derived object. But ed contains two Worker objects, so there are two addresses from which to choose. You could specify which object by using a type cast:

Worker * pw1 = (Waiter *) &ed;   // the Worker in Waiter
Worker * pw2 = (Singer *) &ed;   // the Worker in Singer

This certainly complicates the technique of using an array of base-class pointers to refer to a variety of objects (polymorphism).

Having two copies of a Worker object causes other problems, too. However, the real issue is why should you have two copies of a Worker object at all? A singing waiter, like any other worker, should have just one name and one ID. When C++ added MI to its bag of tricks, it added a virtual base class to make this possible.

Virtual Base Classes

Virtual base classes allow an object derived from multiple bases that themselves share a common base to inherit just one object of that shared base class. For this example, you would make Worker a virtual base class to Singer and Waiter by using the keyword virtual in the class declarations (virtual and public can appear in either order):

class Singer : virtual public Worker {...};
class Waiter : public virtual Worker {...};

Then you would define SingingWaiter as before:

class SingingWaiter: public Singer, public  Waiter {...};

Now a SingingWaiter object will contain a single copy of a Worker object. In essence, the inherited Singer and Waiter objects share a common Worker object instead of each bringing in its own copy (see Figure 14.5). Because SingingWaiter now contains one Worker subobject, you can use polymorphism again.

Figure 14.5. Inheritance with a virtual base class.


Let’s look at some questions you might have:

• Why the term virtual?

• Why don’t we dispense with declaring base classes virtual and make virtual behavior the norm for MI?

• Are there any catches?

First, why the term virtual? After all, there doesn’t seem to be an obvious connection between the concepts of virtual functions and virtual base classes. There is strong pressure from the C++ community to resist the introduction of new keywords. It would be awkward, for example, if a new keyword corresponded to the name of some important function or variable in a major program. So C++ merely recycled the keyword virtual for the new facility—a bit of keyword overloading.

Next, why don’t we dispense with declaring base classes virtual and make virtual behavior the norm for MI? First, there are cases in which you might want multiple copies of a base. Second, making a base class virtual requires that a program do some additional accounting, and you shouldn’t have to pay for that facility if you don’t need it. Third, there are the disadvantages presented in the next paragraph.

Finally, are there catches? Yes. Making virtual base classes work requires adjustments to C++ rules, and you have to code some things differently. Also using virtual base classes may involve changing existing code. For example, adding the SingingWaiter class to the Worker hierarchy requires that you go back and add the virtual keyword to the Singer and Waiter classes.

New Constructor Rules

Having virtual base classes requires a new approach to class constructors. With nonvirtual base classes, the only constructors that can appear in an initialization list are constructors for the immediate base classes. But these constructors can, in turn, pass information on to their bases. For example, you can have the following organization of constructors:

class A
    int a;
    A(int n = 0) : a(n) {}
class B: public A
    int b;
    B(int m = 0, int n = 0) : A(n), b(m)  {}
class C : public B
    int c;
    C(int q = 0, int m = 0, int n = 0) : B(m, n), c(q) {}

A C constructor can invoke only constructors from the B class, and a B constructor can invoke only constructors from the A class. Here the C constructor uses the q value and passes the values of m and n back to the B constructor. The B constructor uses the value of m and passes the value of n back to the A constructor.

This automatic passing of information doesn’t work if Worker is a virtual base class. For example, consider the following possible constructor for the MI example:

SingingWaiter(const Worker & wk, int p = 0, int v = Singer::other)
                  : Waiter(wk,p), Singer(wk,v) {}  // flawed

The problem is that automatic passing of information would pass wk to the Worker object via two separate paths (Waiter and Singer). To avoid this potential conflict, C++ disables the automatic passing of information through an intermediate class to a base class if the base class is virtual. Thus, the previous constructor will initialize the panache and voice members, but the information in the wk argument won’t get to the Waiter subobject. However, the compiler must construct a base object component before constructing derived objects; in this case, it will use the default Worker constructor.

If you want to use something other than the default constructor for a virtual base class, you need to invoke the appropriate base constructor explicitly. Thus, the constructor should look like this:

SingingWaiter(const Worker & wk, int p = 0, int v = Singer::other)
                  : Worker(wk), Waiter(wk,p), Singer(wk,v) {}

Here the code explicitly invokes the Worker(const Worker &) constructor. Note that this usage is legal and often necessary for virtual base classes, and it is illegal for nonvirtual base classes.


If a class has an indirect virtual base class, a constructor for that class should explicitly invoke a constructor for the virtual base class unless all that is needed is the default constructor for the virtual base class.

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