An Array Template Example and Non-Type Arguments

Templates are frequently used for container classes because the idea of type parameters matches well with the need to apply a common storage plan to a variety of types. Indeed, the desire to provide reusable code for container classes was the main motivation for introducing templates, so let’s look at another example and explore a few more facets of template design and use. In particular, let’s look at non-type, or expression, arguments and at using an array to handle an inheritance family.

Let’s begin with a simple array template that lets you specify an array size. One technique, which the last version of the Stack template uses, is to use a dynamic array within the class and a constructor argument to provide the number of elements. Another approach is to use a template argument to provide the size for a regular array. That is what the new C++11 array template does. Listing 14.17 shows a more modest version of how this can be done.

Listing 14.17. arraytp.h

//arraytp.h  -- Array Template
#ifndef ARRAYTP_H_
#define ARRAYTP_H_

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

template <class T, int n>
class ArrayTP
    T ar[n];
    ArrayTP() {};
    explicit ArrayTP(const T & v);
    virtual T & operator[](int i);
    virtual T operator[](int i) const;

template <class T, int n>
ArrayTP<T,n>::ArrayTP(const T & v)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ar[i] = v;

template <class T, int n>
T & ArrayTP<T,n>::operator[](int i)
    if (i < 0 || i >= n)
        std::cerr << "Error in array limits: " << i
            << " is out of range ";
    return ar[i];

template <class T, int n>
T ArrayTP<T,n>::operator[](int i) const
    if (i < 0 || i >= n)
        std::cerr << "Error in array limits: " << i
            << " is out of range ";
    return ar[i];


Note the template heading in Listing 14.17:

template <class T, int n>

The keyword class (or, equivalently in this context, typename) identifies T as a type parameter, or type argument. int identifies n as being an int type. This second kind of parameter, one that specifies a particular type instead of acting as a generic name for a type, is called a non-type, or expression, argument. Suppose you have the following declaration:

ArrayTP<double, 12> eggweights;

This causes the compiler to define a class called ArrayTP<double,12> and to create an eggweights object of that class. When defining the class, the compiler replaces T with double and n with 12.

Expression arguments have some restrictions. An expression argument can be an integer type, an enumeration type, a reference, or a pointer. Thus, double m is ruled out, but double & rm and double * pm are allowed. Also the template code can’t alter the value of the argument or take its address. Thus, in the ArrayTP template, expressions such as n++ or &n would not be allowed. Also when you instantiate a template, the value used for the expression argument should be a constant expression.

This approach for sizing an array has one advantage over the constructor approach used in Stack. The constructor approach uses heap memory managed by new and delete, whereas the expression argument approach uses the memory stack maintained for automatic variables. This provides faster execution time, particularly if you have a lot of small arrays.

The main drawback to the expression argument approach is that each array size generates its own template. That is, the following declarations generate two separate class declarations:

ArrayTP<double, 12> eggweights;
ArrayTP<double, 13> donuts;

But the following declarations generate just one class declaration, and the size information is passed to the constructor for that class:

Stack<int> eggs(12);
Stack<int> dunkers(13);

Another difference is that the constructor approach is more versatile because the array size is stored as a class member rather than being hard-coded into the definition. This makes it possible, for example, to define assignment from an array of one size to an array of another size or to build a class that allows resizable arrays.

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