Things to Do to Vectors

Besides allocating storage, what else can the vector template do for you? All the STL containers provide certain basic methods, including size(), which returns the number of elements in a container, swap(), which exchanges the contents of two containers, begin(), which returns an iterator that refers to the first element in a container, and end(), which returns an iterator that represents past-the-end for the container.

What’s an iterator? It’s a generalization of a pointer. In fact, it can be a pointer. Or it can be an object for which pointer-like operations such as dereferencing (for example, operator*()) and incrementing (for example, operator++()) have been defined. As you’ll see later, generalizing pointers to iterators allows the STL to provide a uniform interface for a variety of container classes, including ones for which simple pointers wouldn’t work. Each container class defines a suitable iterator. The type name for this iterator is a class scope typedef called iterator. For example, to declare an iterator for a type double specialization of vector, you would use this:

vector<double>::iterator pd;  // pd an iterator

Suppose scores is a vector<double> object:

vector<double> scores;

Then you can use the iterator pd in code like the following:

pd = scores.begin();  // have pd point to the first element
*pd = 22.3;           // dereference pd and assign value to first element
++pd;                 // make pd point to the next element

As you can see, an iterator behaves like a pointer. By the way, here’s another place the C++11 automatic type deduction can be useful. Instead of, say,

vector<double>::iterator pd = scores.begin();

you can use this:

auto pd = scores.begin();   // C++11 automatic type deduction

Returning to the example, what’s past-the-end? It is an iterator that refers to an element one past the last element in a container. The idea is similar to the idea of the null character being one element past the last actual character in a C-style string, except that the null character is the value in the element, and past-the-end is a pointer (or iterator) to the element. The end() member function identifies the past-the-end location. If you set an iterator to the first element in a container and keep incrementing it, eventually it will reach past-the-end, and you will have traversed the entire contents of the container. Thus, if scores and pd are defined as in the preceding example, you can display the contents with this code:

for (pd = scores.begin(); pd != scores.end(); pd++)
    cout << *pd << endl;;

All containers have the methods just discussed. The vector template class also has some methods that only some STL containers have. One handy method, called push_back(), adds an element to the end of a vector. While doing so, it attends to memory management so that the vector size increases to accommodate added members. This means you can write code like the following:

vector<double> scores;  // create an empty vector
double temp;
while (cin >> temp && temp >= 0)
cout << "You entered " << scores.size() << " scores. ";

Each loop cycle adds one more element to the scores object. You don’t have to pick the number of element when you write the program or when you run the program. As long as the program has access to sufficient memory, it will expand the size of scores as necessary.

The erase() method removes a given range of a vector. It takes two iterator arguments that define the range to be removed. It’s important that you understand how the STL defines ranges using two iterators. The first iterator refers to the beginning of the range, and the second iterator is one beyond the end of the range. For example, the following erases the first and second elements—that is, those referred to by begin() and begin() + 1:

scores.erase(scores.begin(), scores.begin() + 2);

(Because vector provides random access, operations such as begin() + 2 are defined for the vector class iterators.) If it1 and it2 are two iterators, the STL literature uses the notation [p1, p2) to indicate a range starting with p1 and going up to, but not including, p2. Thus, the range [begin(), end()) encompasses the entire contents of a collection (see Figure 16.3). Also the range [p1, p1) is empty. (The [ ) notation is not part of C++, so it doesn’t appear in code; it just appears in documentation.)

Figure 16.3. The STL range concept.



A range [it1, it2) is specified by two iterators it1 and it2, and it runs from it1 up to, but not including, it2.

An insert() method complements erase(). It takes three iterator arguments. The first gives the position ahead of which new elements are to be inserted. The second and third iterator parameters define the range to be inserted. This range typically is part of another container object. For example, the following code inserts all but the first element of the new_v vector ahead of the first element of the old_v vector:

vector<int> old_v;
vector<int> new_v;
old_v.insert(old_v.begin(), new_v.begin() + 1, new_v.end());

Incidentally, this is a case where having a past-the-end element is handy because it makes it simple to append something to the end of a vector. In this code the new material is inserted ahead of old.end(), meaning it’s placed after the last element in the vector:

old_v.insert(old_v.end(), new_v.begin() + 1, new_v.end());

Listing 16.8 illustrates the use of size(), begin(), end(), push_back(), erase(), and insert(). To simplify data handling, the rating and title components of Listing 16.7 are incorporated into a single Review structure, and FillReview() and ShowReview() functions provide input and output facilities for Review objects.

Listing 16.8. vect2.cpp

// vect2.cpp -- methods and iterators
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

struct Review {
    std::string title;
    int rating;
bool FillReview(Review & rr);
void ShowReview(const Review & rr);

int main()
    using std::cout;
    using std::vector;
    vector<Review> books;
    Review temp;
    while (FillReview(temp))
    int num = books.size();
    if (num > 0)
        cout << "Thank you. You entered the following: "
            << "Rating Book ";
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
        cout << "Reprising: "
            << "Rating Book ";
        vector<Review>::iterator pr;
        for (pr = books.begin(); pr != books.end(); pr++)
        vector <Review> oldlist(books);     // copy constructor used
        if (num > 3)
            // remove 2 items
            books.erase(books.begin() + 1, books.begin() + 3);
            cout << "After erasure: ";
            for (pr = books.begin(); pr != books.end(); pr++)
            // insert 1 item
            books.insert(books.begin(), oldlist.begin() + 1,
                        oldlist.begin() + 2);
            cout << "After insertion: ";
            for (pr = books.begin(); pr != books.end(); pr++)
        cout << "Swapping oldlist with books: ";
        for (pr = books.begin(); pr != books.end(); pr++)
        cout << "Nothing entered, nothing gained. ";
    return 0;

bool FillReview(Review & rr)
    std::cout << "Enter book title (quit to quit): ";
    if (rr.title == "quit")
        return false;
    std::cout << "Enter book rating: ";
    std::cin >> rr.rating;
    if (!std::cin)
        return false;
    // get rid of rest of input line
    while (std::cin.get() != ' ')
    return true;

void ShowReview(const Review & rr)
    std::cout << rr.rating << " " << rr.title << std::endl;

Here is a sample run of the program in Listing 16.8:

Enter book title (quit to quit): The Cat Who Knew Vectors
Enter book rating: 5
Enter book title (quit to quit): Candid Canines
Enter book rating: 7
Enter book title (quit to quit): Warriors of Wonk
Enter book rating: 4
Enter book title (quit to quit): Quantum Manners
Enter book rating: 8
Enter book title (quit to quit): quit
Thank you. You entered the following:
Rating  Book
5       The Cat Who Knew Vectors
7       Candid Canines
4       Warriors of Wonk
8       Quantum Manners
Rating  Book
5       The Cat Who Knew Vectors
7       Candid Canines
4       Warriors of Wonk
8       Quantum Manners
After erasure:
5       The Cat Who Knew Vectors
8       Quantum Manners
After insertion:
7       Candid Canines
5       The Cat Who Knew Vectors
8       Quantum Manners
Swapping oldlist with books:
5       The Cat Who Knew Vectors
7       Candid Canines
4       Warriors of Wonk
8       Quantum Manners

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