Kinds of Iterators

Different algorithms have different requirements for iterators. For example, a find algorithm needs the ++ operator to be defined so the iterator can step through the entire container. It needs read access to data but not write access. (It just looks at data and doesn’t change it.) The usual sorting algorithm, on the other hand, requires random access so that it can swap two non-adjacent elements. If iter is an iterator, you can get random access by defining the + operator so that you can use expressions such as iter + 10. Also a sort algorithm needs to be able to both read and write data.

The STL defines five kinds of iterators and describes its algorithms in terms of which kinds of iterators it needs. The five kinds are the input iterator, output iterator, forward iterator, bidirectional iterator, and random access iterator. For example, the find() prototype looks like this:

template<class InputIterator, class T>
InputIterator find(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T& value);

This tells you that this algorithm requires an input iterator. Similarly, the following prototype tells you that the sort algorithm requires a random access iterator:

template<class RandomAccessIterator>
void sort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);

All five kinds of iterators can be dereferenced (that is, the * operator is defined for them) and can be compared for equality (using the == operator, possibly overloaded) and inequality (using the != operator, possibly overloaded). If two iterators test as equal, then dereferencing one should produce the same value as dereferencing the second. That is, if

iter1 == iter2

is true, then the following is also true:

*iter1 == *iter2

Of course, these properties hold true for built-in operators and pointers, so these requirements are guides for what you must do when overloading these operators for an iterator class. Now let’s look at other iterator properties.

Input Iterators

The term input is used from the viewpoint of a program. That is, information going from the container to the program is considered input, just as information from a keyboard to the program is considered input. So an input iterator is one that a program can use to read values from a container. In particular, dereferencing an input iterator must allow a program to read a value from a container, but it needn’t allow a program to alter that value. So algorithms that require an input iterator are algorithms that don’t change values held in a container.

An input iterator has to allow you to access all the values in a container. It does so by supporting the ++ operator, both in prefix and suffix form. If you set an input operator to the first element in a container and increment it until it reaches past-the-end, it will point to every container item once en route. Incidentally, there is no guarantee that traversing a container a second time with an input iterator will move through the values in the same order. Also after an input iterator has been incremented, there is no guarantee that its prior value can still be dereferenced. Any algorithm based on an input iterator, then, should be a single-pass algorithm that doesn’t rely on iterator values from a previous pass or on earlier iterator values from the same pass.

Note that an input iterator is a one-way iterator; it can increment, but it can’t back up.

Output Iterators

In STL usage, the term output indicates that the iterator is used for transferring information from a program to a container. (Thus the output for the program is input for the container.) An output iterator is similar to an input iterator, except that dereferencing is guaranteed to allow a program to alter a container value but not to read it. If the ability to write without reading seems strange, keep in mind that this property also applies to output sent to your display; cout can modify the stream of characters sent to the display, but it can’t read what’s onscreen. The STL is general enough that its containers can represent output devices, so you can run into the same situation with containers. Also if an algorithm modifies the contents of a container (for example, by generating new values to be stored) without reading the contents, there’s no reason to require that it use an iterator that can read the contents.

In short, you can use an input iterator for single-pass, read-only algorithms and an output operator for single-pass, write-only algorithms.

Forward Iterators

Like input and output iterators, forward iterators use only the ++ operators for navigating through a container. So a forward iterator can only go forward through a container one element at a time. However, unlike input and output iterators, it necessarily goes through a sequence of values in the same order each time you use it. Also after you increment a forward iterator, you can still dereference the prior iterator value, if you’ve saved it, and get the same value. These properties make multiple-pass algorithms possible.

A forward iterator can allow you to both read and modify data, or it can allow you just to read it:

int * pirw;       // read-write iterator
const int * pir;  // read-only iterator

Bidirectional Iterators

Suppose you have an algorithm that needs to be able to traverse a container in both directions. For example, a reverse function could swap the first and last elements, increment the pointer to the first element, decrement the pointer to a second element, and repeat the process. A bidirectional iterator has all the features of a forward iterator and adds support for the two decrement operators (prefix and postfix).

Random Access Iterators

Some algorithms, such as standard sort and binary search, require the ability to jump directly to an arbitrary element of a container. This is termed random access, and it requires a random access iterator. This type of iterator has all the features of a bidirectional iterator, plus it adds operations (such as pointer addition) that support random access and relational operators for ordering the elements. Table 16.3 lists the operations a random access iterator has beyond those of a bidirectional iterator. In this table, X represents a random iterator type, T represents the type pointed to, a and b are iterator values, n is an integer, and r is a random iterator variable or reference.

Table 16.3. Random Access Iterator Operations


Expressions such as a + n are valid only if both a and a + n lie within the range of the container (including past-the-end).

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