Iterator Hierarchy

You have probably noticed that the iterator kinds form a hierarchy. A forward iterator has all the capabilities of an input iterator and of an output iterator, plus its own capabilities. A bidirectional iterator has all the capabilities of a forward iterator, plus its own capabilities. And a random access iterator has all the capabilities of a forward iterator, plus its own capabilities. Table 16.4 summarizes the main iterator capabilities. In it, i is an iterator, and n is an integer.

Table 16.4. Iterator Capabilities


An algorithm written in terms of a particular kind of iterator can use that kind of iterator or any other iterator that has the required capabilities. So a container with, say, a random access iterator can use an algorithm written for an input iterator.

Why all these different kinds of iterators? The idea is to write an algorithm using the iterator with the fewest requirements possible, allowing it to be used with the largest range of containers. Thus, the find() function, by using a lowly input iterator, can be used with any container that contains readable values. The sort() function, however, by requiring a random access iterator, can be used just with containers that support that kind of iterator.

Note that the various iterator kinds are not defined types; rather, they are conceptual characterizations. As mentioned earlier, each container class defines a class scope typedef name called iterator. So the vector<int> class has iterators of type vector<int>::iterator. But the documentation for this class would tell you that vector iterators are random access iterators. That, in turn, allows you to use algorithms based on any iterator type because a random access iterator has all the iterator capabilities. Similarly, a list<int> class has iterators of type list<int>::iterator. The STL implements a doubly linked list, so it uses a bidirectional iterator. Thus, it can’t use algorithms based on random access iterators, but it can use algorithms based on less demanding iterators.

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